Lediga jobb som Forskningsingenjör, elkraft i Västerås

Se lediga jobb som Forskningsingenjör, elkraft i Västerås. Genom att välja en specifik arbetsgivare kan du även välja att se alla jobb i Västerås som finns hos arbetsgivaren.

R&D Senior Engineer – Power Quality

Join Hitachi Energy – Powering a Sustainable Future! At Hitachi Energy, we advance a sustainable energy future for all. We power homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us to work with fantastic people on impactful projects that benefit our communities and society. We are growing our global team focused on STATCOM solutions design, including our latest energy storage innovations. If you enjoy being part of developing new solutions and a work environ... Visa mer
Join Hitachi Energy – Powering a Sustainable Future!
At Hitachi Energy, we advance a sustainable energy future for all. We power homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us to work with fantastic people on impactful projects that benefit our communities and society.
We are growing our global team focused on STATCOM solutions design, including our latest energy storage innovations. If you enjoy being part of developing new solutions and a work environment where you find yourself both in detailed technical analysis as well as hands-on work in the lab – this is an opportunity for you!
Your responsibilities
Leverage your expertise in electrical engineering, testing, energy storage, and power electronics to innovate and improve our STATCOM solutions.
Stay updated on energy storage technologies and testing methods, as well as applicable standards.
Design, select and test product components, ensuring functionality and safety.
Support the organization with technical understanding of our design and system.
Develop safe and high-quality procedures for maintenance, installation, and commissioning.
Manage risks in R&D projects and across the organization.
Lead and coach, possibly as an EPIC Owner, Product Owner, or workstream leader in Agile teams.
Contribute to strategic technology plans and roadmaps.
Act with integrity and foster collaboration within and outside the company.
Live Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity.

Your background abilities
You hold a master’s degree in electrical engineering with several years of experience with medium or low voltage products or systems. Experience with FACTS solutions is a plus!
You have energy storage expertise from design and testing of energy storage systems and circuits, with knowledge of related standards.
Laboratory and Safety Proficiency, familiar with laboratory work and electrical safety processes
You are familiar with structured design methods with experience in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.
Your background involves some understanding of converter control and converter system dimensioning
Proficiency with tools like Matlab, PSCAD and PLC control
You are a systematic thinker who approaches work methodically and proposes solutions based on structured analysis
Some leadership experience in project management and leadership roles, capable of coordinating group efforts
Excellent Communication Skills, fluent in English, both written and spoken

What we offer
Collective agreement
Flexible working time
Health care and wellness allowance
Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally
Mentor to support you throughout onboard phase
Various trainings and education supporting employee development?
Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden
Supplementary compensation for parental leave
Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks
More benefits could be connected to this specific role

Ready to make an impact? Apply now and join our team at Hitachi Energy!
More about us
If you recognize yourself in the description above, you are warmly welcome to join our great team in Grid and Power Quality Solutions!. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Recruiting Manager Richard Mannerbro, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Nawzad Rashid , +46 107-38 91 48; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 107-38 51 42; Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 107-38 70 43. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Renee Lundgren, [email protected]. Visa mindre

Master Thesis Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flow Dynamics

NKT designs, manufactures and installs low-, medium- and high-voltage power cable solutions enabling sustainable energy transmission. NKT is headquartered in Denmark and employs 5.000 people. NKT is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen and realised a revenue of EUR 2.6 billion in 2023. We connect a greener world. www.nkt.com Driven by society’s need to tackle climate change, renewable energy generation continues to grow. To reach out for new natural resources, s... Visa mer
NKT designs, manufactures and installs low-, medium- and high-voltage power cable solutions enabling sustainable energy transmission. NKT is headquartered in Denmark and employs 5.000 people.
NKT is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen and realised a revenue of EUR 2.6 billion in 2023.
We connect a greener world. www.nkt.com

Driven by society’s need to tackle climate change, renewable energy generation continues to grow. To reach out for new natural resources, such as wind, wind farms are now more often being installed offshore at sea, further off the coast. In such places, winds blow with much greater force and more frequently than on land. High voltage (HV) cables are essential elements in the power collection and transmission from offshore wind farms to the shore, thus playing a central role in the green energy transition, aiming to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy. They offer the most efficient means of transmitting a large amount of power over long distances, which helps connect green power to the grid. 

An HV cable comprises of different components, i.e. conductor, insulation, sheath, armour wires, etc. The quality of the insulation is largely determined during the extrusion process, where different separate layers of molten polymer are applied in a single operation onto the conductor. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the extrusion process, specifically the behaviour of polymer flow, is essential for improving production efficiency, insulation quality and minimizing material wastage, leading to a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing process. 

Thesis description 
The objective of this thesis is to develop an advanced CFD simulation model to enhance the understanding of the extrusion process. The main activities are outlined as follows:
* Literature Review: Perform a thorough survey of existing research on polymer flow simulation specific to cable extrusion applications to establish a fundamental understanding.
* Data Evaluation: Analyse relevant experimental data from scientific literature and NKT to uncover the underlying physics and mechanisms of the extrusion process.
* Model Development: Create a numerical model to simulate polymer flow within the cross-head of the extrusion line.
* Model Comparison: Validate the simulation model by comparing its results with available experimental data.
* Report Writing: Compile and document the findings, methodologies, and results in a final report.

Contact and application
NKT is committed to fostering a diverse organization and a culture where people from different backgrounds can thrive and are inspired to perform at their best. We believe that a diverse organization enables sustainable performance and that an inclusive and welcoming culture creates a better workplace.   

Apply with CV, personal letter and transcript of grades via the link below, at the latest November 30.
Tests can occur in our recruitment processes. 

If you have any questions regarding the position, you are very welcome to contact Scientist Boshen Bian, [email protected] or +46 70 637 42 43. In case you have any inquiries about the recruitment process please reach out to HR Business Partner, Anna Lundell, [email protected] or +46 70 279 68 61.

Please note that due to the GDPR regulations we cannot accept any applications via e-mail.

Union representatives
Sveriges ingenjörer – Zohreh Keshavarz, [email protected] and Edo Kolic, [email protected].

Welcome with your application!

Qualifications and requirements 
The required qualifications are:
* Master student in Mechanical Engineering / Computational Mechanics, Material Science or any related field. 
* Good knowledge of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and numerical simulation.
* Good knowledge of non-Newtonian flow is considered as a merit.
* Good experience in using relevant commercial software, e.g. Ansys Fluent and Polyflow.
* Excellent understanding of spoken and written English. Visa mindre

Anläggningsanalytiker HVDC och Regionnät

Företagsbeskrivning Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 20?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt och vi driver på övergången till ett... Visa mer

Vattenfall är en av Europas största producenter och återförsäljare av el och värme. Våra huvudmarknader är Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Danmark och Storbritannien. Inom Vattenfallkoncernen finns cirka 20?000 anställda. Vi har elektrifierat industrier, levererat energi till bostäder och förvandlat tillvaron genom innovation i över hundra års tid. Vi vill nu göra det möjligt att leva fossilfritt och vi driver på övergången till ett hållbart energisystem.
Vattenfall Eldistribution AB är ett av Sveriges största elnätsföretag och levererar el till 900 000 privat- och företagskunder. Läs mer om oss på: www.vattenfalleldistribution.se

Om rollen

Vill du ha en spännande vardag och jobba för en fossilfri framtid samt göra en verklig skillnad för att Sverige ska lyckas med energiomställningen? Hos oss får du vara med och påverka morgondagens klimatsmarta samhälle och skapa framtidens elnät.
Vattenfall Eldistribution befinner sig i början av en digital transformationsresa, där vi går från ett reaktivt till ett faktabaserat och prediktivt underhåll. Gruppen Anläggningsprestanda är en nyckelfunktion i denna utveckling och består idag av cirka 16 medarbetare. Vi övervakar status och riskexponering för våra anläggningar i elnätet och utvärderar avvikelser från förväntad leverans och prestanda.
Som Anläggningsanalytiker kommer du att ha ett övergripande ansvar för att analysera och utvärdera våra HVDC- och regionnätsanläggningar. Ditt arbete kommer att vara avgörande för att omvandla tekniska och ekonomiska insikter till handlingsbara beslutsunderlag. Du kommer att:
utföra analyser baserade på teknisk status, riskbedömningar och ekonomiska överväganden på både HVDC men även övriga regionnätsanläggningar
fungera som samordnare och representant för ägaren i förvaltningsfrågor relaterade till HVDC
sammanställa och presentera relevanta underlag för att driva effektiva beslutsprocesser till bland annat VF Eldistributions ledningsgrupp


Vi söker dig som har:
Civil- eller högskoleingenjörsexamen inom elkraft, energiteknik eller liknande, alternativt motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet inom regionnät (>26 kV).
erfarenhet av kvantitativa och kvalitativa analyser, såsom livscykelanalys (Life Cycle Cost, FMEA)
erfarenhet av strategiska frågor kopplat till förvaltning
flytande i svenska och engelska, både skriftligt och muntligt

Det är meriterande om du har:
erfarenhet inom eldistribution, underhåll, eller förvaltning av regionnät och/eller HVDC
erfarenhet av liknande roll

Vi söker dig som har en stark analytisk förmåga och ett strategiskt tänkande, samt god förmåga att förstå vilka underlag som behövs för att fatta välgrundade beslut. Du har ett initiativtagande och självständigt förhållningssätt och motiveras av att lösa komplexa tekniska samt ekonomiska problem. Förmågan att pedagogiskt kommunicera och presentera dina resultat är avgörande för rollen.
Mycket god samarbetsförmåga krävs då du kommer att arbeta med ett brett nätverk med olika intressenter samt viss samordnande funktion i en informell ledarroll. Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper.

Ytterligare information

Förutom att du får vara med och forma framtidens smarta energisamhälle kommer du ha en central roll i vår vision att möjliggöra ett klimatsmart liv inom en generation. Hos oss får du möjlighet att arbeta i en företagskultur där vi strävar efter att vara öppna, aktiva och positiva med arbetsuppgifter som utvecklar och utmanar dig. Våra medarbetares och samarbetspartners hälsa och välbefinnande är viktig för oss. En god arbetsmiljö är grundläggande i allt vi gör och säkerheten står alltid i centrum. För oss är det viktigt att dina personliga värderingar stämmer överens med vår kultur som präglas av att göra varandra bättre, ligga steget före samt att hålla vad vi lovar.
Vi har även en hel del andra personalförmåner som exempelvis arbetstidsförkortning, förmånliga tjänstepensionsavtal, föräldraledighetstillägg med mera. Läs mer om våra förmåner här.
Mer information
Vill du veta mer om tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Alexandra Donners Muhammed , tfn 072 520 44 04. För mer information kring själva rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta rekryterare Johanna Kollander, tfn 070 220 92 88. Fackliga representanter för denna tjänst är Christian Ericsson, Ledarna, Anne-Marie Sjöbohm , Akademikerna, Asim Nokic, Unionen, Ulf Tengman, SEKO. Alla kontaktpersoner nås via Vattenfalls växel 08-739 50 00.
Befattning: Anläggningsanalytiker
Placeringsort: Föredragna orter är Solna eller Umeå men övriga orter som Trollhättan eller Luleå, Västerås, Jokkmokk, Gotland, Göteborg, Linköping samt Uppsala är också möjliga.
Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 13 oktober.
Tester kommer eventuellt att användas i urvalsarbetet.
Vi är övertygade om att mångfald bidrar till att bygga ett mer lönsamt och tilltalande företag och strävar efter att vara goda förebilder när det gäller mångfald. Vattenfall arbetar aktivt för att alla medarbetare ska ha samma möjligheter och rättigheter oavsett ålder, etnisk eller kulturell bakgrund, könstillhörighet, religion/tro, sexuell läggning eller funktionsförutsättning. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar med?mångfald och inkludering här.

Vattenfall är en del av Sveriges kritiska infrastruktur, därmed är många av våra tjänster säkerhetsklassade. Är denna tjänst säkerhetsklassad kommer säkerhetsprövning genomföras innan anställning, i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen. Utöver säkerhetsprövning genomför vi även drogtest.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan! Visa mindre

Master Thesis Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flow Dynamics

NKT designs, manufactures and installs low-, medium- and high-voltage power cable solutions enabling sustainable energy transmission. NKT is headquartered in Denmark and employs 5.000 people. NKT is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen and realised a revenue of EUR 2.6 billion in 2023. We connect a greener world. www.nkt.com Driven by society’s need to tackle climate change, renewable energy generation continues to grow. To reach out for new natural resources, s... Visa mer
NKT designs, manufactures and installs low-, medium- and high-voltage power cable solutions enabling sustainable energy transmission. NKT is headquartered in Denmark and employs 5.000 people.
NKT is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen and realised a revenue of EUR 2.6 billion in 2023.
We connect a greener world. www.nkt.com

Driven by society’s need to tackle climate change, renewable energy generation continues to grow. To reach out for new natural resources, such as wind, wind farms are now more often being installed offshore at sea, further off the coast. In such places, winds blow with much greater force and more frequently than on land. High voltage (HV) cables are essential elements in the power collection and transmission from offshore wind farms to the shore, thus playing a central role in the green energy transition, aiming to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy. They offer the most efficient means of transmitting a large amount of power over long distances, which helps connect green power to the grid. 

An HV cable comprises of different components, i.e. conductor, insulation, sheath, armour wires, etc. The quality of the insulation is largely determined during the extrusion process, where different separate layers of molten polymer are applied in a single operation onto the conductor. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the extrusion process, specifically the behaviour of polymer flow, is essential for improving production efficiency, insulation quality and minimizing material wastage, leading to a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing process. 

Thesis description 
The objective of this thesis is to develop an advanced CFD simulation model to enhance the understanding of the extrusion process. The main activities are outlined as follows:
* Literature Review: Perform a thorough survey of existing research on polymer flow simulation specific to cable extrusion applications to establish a fundamental understanding.
* Data Evaluation: Analyse relevant experimental data from scientific literature and NKT to uncover the underlying physics and mechanisms of the extrusion process.
* Model Development: Create a numerical model to simulate polymer flow within the cross-head of the extrusion line.
* Model Comparison: Validate the simulation model by comparing its results with available experimental data.
* Report Writing: Compile and document the findings, methodologies, and results in a final report.

Contact and application
NKT is committed to fostering a diverse organization and a culture where people from different backgrounds can thrive and are inspired to perform at their best. We believe that a diverse organization enables sustainable performance and that an inclusive and welcoming culture creates a better workplace.   

Apply with CV, personal letter and transcript of grades via the link below, at the latest November 30.
Tests can occur in our recruitment processes. 

If you have any questions regarding the position, you are very welcome to contact Scientist Boshen Bian, [email protected] or +46 70 637 42 43. In case you have any inquiries about the recruitment process please reach out to HR Business Partner, Anna Lundell, [email protected] or +46 70 279 68 61.

Please note that due to the GDPR regulations we cannot accept any applications via e-mail.

Union representatives
Sveriges ingenjörer – Zohreh Keshavarz, [email protected] and Edo Kolic, [email protected].

Welcome with your application!

Qualifications and requirements 
The required qualifications are:
* Master student in Mechanical Engineering / Computational Mechanics, Material Science or any related field. 
* Good knowledge of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and numerical simulation.
* Good knowledge of non-Newtonian flow is considered as a merit.
* Good experience in using relevant commercial software, e.g. Ansys Fluent and Polyflow.
* Excellent understanding of spoken and written English. Visa mindre

Scientist in high-voltage insulation materials

We are looking for a new scientist to join our High-Voltage (HV) Physics team at our research site in Västerås, Sweden, to work on electrical insulation materials (solid, liquid, and gas insulation). You will collaborate with us to develop next-generation HV systems and products, having access to cutting-edge simulation tools and lab equipment. We look forward to receiving your application if you possess both drive and passion in addition to your scientifi... Visa mer
We are looking for a new scientist to join our High-Voltage (HV) Physics team at our research site in Västerås, Sweden, to work on electrical insulation materials (solid, liquid, and gas insulation). You will collaborate with us to develop next-generation HV systems and products, having access to cutting-edge simulation tools and lab equipment.
We look forward to receiving your application if you possess both drive and passion in addition to your scientific or technical expertise. You will become part of a wide community through your research and development initiatives, which will help you build and develop your career as a technical or managerial leader!
Your responsibility
Support the development of HV insulation technologies for the next and next-next generation of HV devices and systems so that they can be integrated into the green power systems of the future.
Work with the analysis of new environmental friendly insulation materials and understand their long-term behavior and critical properties, effectively communicate with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other external partners when needed.
Lead R&D projects with participants from throughout our global research community along with that you will participate in experimental work or planning in the electrical insulation laboratories and carry out advanced data analysis.
Connect expertise in material science with HV physics and other technical areas and work in cross competence teams to solve research challenges for future energy systems.
Involve in creating ideas and proposals for new R&D projects together with your colleagues, document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, IP etc.
Living Hitachi Energy's core values of safety and integrity means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring about your colleagues and the business.

Your background
You have a background in physical chemistry, material science or similar and hold a PhD. Or you hold an MSc combined with relevant working experience.
You have the ability and interest to work as a technical project leader coordinating the activities of colleagues globally.
You are a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve great results.
It is a bonus if you also have working experience with electrical insulation materials and/or high voltage apparatus or equipment.
You have good communication skills and are fluent in English, both written and spoken.

What we offer
Collective agreement
Flexible working time
Health care and wellness allowance
Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally
A mentor to support you throughout the onboarding phase
Various trainings and education supporting employee development
Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden
Supplementary compensation for parental leave
Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks
More benefits could be connected to this specific role

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Does the above description sound like you? Welcome to apply before 25th of September. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today!
Recruiting Manager Andrew Maxwell, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 107-38 51 42; Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 107-38 70 43. All other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Renee Lundgren, [email protected] Visa mindre

R&D Senior Scientist in Power Systems

For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior research scientist in the area of power systems dynamics and control. You will work in a world-class dynamic and creative team, with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. Your responsibilities Propose, contribute to and lead industrial research projects in the domain of power systems dynamics and control for next-generation sustaina... Visa mer
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior research scientist in the area of power systems dynamics and control. You will work in a world-class dynamic and creative team, with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Propose, contribute to and lead industrial research projects in the domain of power systems dynamics and control for next-generation sustainable energy systems.
Serve as an expert on power systems dynamics and control in interdisciplinary teams including power electronics, mathematical optimization, data science, AI, and software experts.
Create new approaches to handle complex power systems problems, turn them into prototypes and verify them.
Build your network in the company and actively distribute your knowledge and expertise.
Disseminate your results in technical reports, patent applications, and scientific publications.
Collaborate with our global team of researchers in Hitachi Energy Research, our business units, universities, and industrial partners.
Contribute to shaping Hitachi Energy’s technology strategy in the area via multi-disciplinary interactions inside and outside the company.

Your background
PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Control or Automation Engineering, Computer Science, or any related field, and relevant industrial or academic work experience.
In-depth knowledge of power systems dynamics and stability, with a focus on challenges and solutions related to the progressive introduction of renewable energy sources and grid-connected power electronics converters.
In-depth knowledge of power systems control, with a focus on system-level control of grid-connected power electronics converters.
Proficiency in power systems and control system simulations combining different software tools and methodologies (e.g. EMT and RMS simulations).
Interest and experience in mathematical optimization and/or AI/ML is beneficial.
Excellent leadership and communication skills, team player attitude, initiative, and creativity.
Written and spoken fluency in English.

What we offer
Collective agreement
Flexible working time
Health care and wellness allowance
Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally
Mentor to support you throughout onboard phase
Various trainings and education supporting employee development?
Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden
Supplementary compensation for parental leave
Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks
More benefits could be connected to this specific role

More about us
Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? We are exciting to hear from you! At Hitachi Energy we value you as a person and believe in personal development. Please apply today, even if you do not meet all the criteria above. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply no later than 12th of September.
Recruiting Manager Md-Tanbhir Hoq ,[email protected], will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Mikael Hjort, +46?107-38 29 86; Unionen: Fredrik Holmgren, +46 107-38 21 85; Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 107-38 70 43. All other questions should be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, [email protected]. Visa mindre

Senior Research Scientist for Power Electronics

Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement. For our research center in Swed... Visa mer
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience
Experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as (not limited to) energy storage, machine-learning
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

What we offer
Collective agreement
Flexible working time
Health care and wellness allowance
Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally
Mentor to support you throughout onboard phase
Various trainings and education supporting employee development?
Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden
Supplementary compensation for parental leave
Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks
More benefits could be connected to this specific role

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by August 11, 2024.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 10 7387048. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Håkan Kempel, [email protected] Visa mindre

Laboratory R&D Operations Specialist in High Voltage

Right now, a big transformation of electric power grids is occurring around the globe. This is due to decarbonization of generation, and electrification of transportation and industry. It has resulted in a big increase in demand for power grid infrastructure and the need for R&D work on high-voltage products and systems where we are challenging the boundaries of possibility for the next generation of offerings. For our research center in Västerås, Sweden w... Visa mer
Right now, a big transformation of electric power grids is occurring around the globe. This is due to decarbonization of generation, and electrification of transportation and industry. It has resulted in a big increase in demand for power grid infrastructure and the need for R&D work on high-voltage products and systems where we are challenging the boundaries of possibility for the next generation of offerings.
For our research center in Västerås, Sweden we are now looking for a new R&D Operations Specialist to work in our High-Voltage (HV) Physics team with the focus being the execution of experimental work.
You will join our team to develop future generations of HV products and systems, with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. We utilize state of the art measuring technologies and data analysis to test the behavior of gas/liquid and solid dielectrics and interfaces under high voltage. We use these experiments together with Multiphysics modelling to achieve fundamental understanding of these systems and how they interact in new and existing products.
If you have practical experience of laboratory work and an interest in becoming a technical expert HV testing/experiments, as well as drive and passion, then we are looking forward to your application. Through the research projects you work in, you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into an expert in the field.
Your responsibilities:
Plan, design and build advanced experimental setups, conduct tests, and carry out data analysis to develop and validate HV insulation technologies for the next generation of HV devices and systems so that they can be integrated into the power systems of the future.
Work actively with electrical safety, being able to direct and lead safety activities, risk assessment etc.
Improves safety and lab processes actively and drive further development of safety aspects in Hitachi Energy Research locally and globally
Effectively communicate with colleagues, custo mers, suppliers, and other external partners when needed.
Document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, etc.
Take overall responsibility for one of our laboratories at Hitachi Energy Research, working with planning of experimental work, maintenance of equipment and planning investments.
As a further development in your career, you will later be expected to lead work packages and local projects where several colleagues will be working.

Your Background:
You have an interest in experimental/testing work in the field electrotechnology. You may have previous experience or even be a new graduate.
You either hold a degree in electrical engineering or a related field or have acquired equivalent knowledge from working experience.
You are a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve good results.
You have good communication skills and are fluent in English, both written and spoken.
It is a bonus if you have practical experience in designing, planning, conducting, and analyzing experiments as well as knowledge of high voltage apparatus/equipment and their function and integration in electrical transmission and distribution networks. Certification as an electrician or previous safety roles would also be a bonus.

What we offer
Collective agreement
Flexible working time
Health care and wellness allowance
Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally
Mentor to support you throughout onboard phase
Various trainings and education supporting employee development?
Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden
Supplementary compensation for parental leave
Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks
More benefits could be connected to this specific role

More about us?
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Does the above description sound like you? Welcome to apply by August 15! Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today.
Recruiting Manager Andrew Maxwell, [email protected] will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Jan Skogeby, +46?107-38 16 42, Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46730-70 01 20, Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 10 7387048. ?Any other?questions can be directed to?Talent Acquisition Partner Renee Lundgren +46 107-38 54 75. Visa mindre

Research Scientist - Mechatronics

Ansök    Jul 8    ABB AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions. That's our story. Make it your story. This position reports to R&D Team Lead. Your role and responsibilities You will be part of ABB Research in Västerås Sweden. In our role as ABB Resea... Visa mer
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions.
That's our story. Make it your story.
This position reports to R&D Team Lead.
Your role and responsibilities
You will be part of ABB Research in Västerås Sweden. In our role as ABB Research, we ensure ABB's technology competitiveness now and in future.
In ABB Research we focus on mechatronics concepts, design and machine intelligence in both industrial and service segments. We work closely with ABB's business units to ensure our research will bring unique value for ABB future business. At the same time, we have close collaboration with academic world to bridge the academic and industrial research.
In this position, your major focus is to develop mechatronics technologies and concepts. This includes electrical system architect design, power train key components dimensioning, electrical/embedded system development, communication configuration/development, motion control and system testing. A typical example can be described as following. Based on stackholders' requirements, you need to first scouting the state-of-art for target technologies. Based on findings, you will come up with new mechatronics system concepts, then to further develop the concepts as technology demonstrators or prototypes. In the meantime you need to follow up development and testing at component /subsystem / system levels, and necessary verification / validation both internally and externally. Finally you need to document the results as different technical reports.
In the context of the work, you are required to independently explore the whole chain as stated in above example, while you also need to collaborate closely within / across teams both inside the research organization, and with stackholders, result receivers in ABB business side. You also need to closely work with suppliers and selected customers for pilot cases.
Qualifications for the role
Have a MS or PhD degree of education in electrical engineering or mechatronics or embedded system or equivalent.
Have solid knowledge on mechatronics system development including, design and usage of mechanical transmission and machine elements, actuation and control, control software, communication system design and implementation, power management, etc.
Hands on experience on mechatronics system development.
Experienced with robot controlling system development and servo motor control development will be an merit.
Familar with ABB robot products and robot applications will be an advantage.
Experience for both product and technology development will be a plus.
Driving specific activities to successful conclusion while following a visionary continuity in your work.
Be capable of working both independently and in a team.
Have good communication skills in the English language

More about us
At Corporate Research we lead innovation within ABB and are committed to solving societal challenges by supporting the green energy transition and creating a better world for future generations. We work in close collaboration with otherresearch centers, universities and our four business areas (Electrification, Process Automation, Motion and Robotics & Discrete Automation).
Recruiting Manager Linus Thrybom +4673 080 99 06, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Mikael Blomqvist, +46 768 06 00 11; Ledarna: Lenny Larsson, +46 706 32 85 47; Unionen: Ing-Marie B Lindgren-Turpeinen, +46 703 30 75 40. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner LindaLundstedt, +46 722 05 65 54.
We kindly decline direct contact with staffing and recruitment agencies as well as sellers ofadditional job advertisements.
Welcome to apply the latest by August 1, 2024.
We look forward to receiving your application (documents submitted in PDF are appreciated
Please note that to be eligible for employment at ABB Sweden, you will need to pass our pre-employment screening steps. This includes a reference check, a drug test, and could also include an extended background check.
We value people from different backgrounds. Could this be your story? Apply today or visit www.abb.com to read more about us and learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe. #MyABBStory Visa mindre

Senior Research Scientist for Power Electronics

Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement. For our research center in Swed... Visa mer
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience
Experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as (not limited to) energy storage, machine-learning
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by May 21, 2024.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Håkan Kempel, [email protected] Visa mindre

R&D Scientist in Power Electronics at ABB Corporate Research

Ansök    Maj 14    ABB AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. Y... Visa mer
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future.
At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.
You will be part of Powertrain & Digitalization team at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås, Sweden. At Corporate Research we lead the innovation within ABB and our task is to ensure ABB's technology competitiveness now and in the future.
We work in close collaboration with other research centers, our business areas: Motion, Process Automation, Robotics & Discrete Automation and Electrification, as well academic and industrial partners. In our creative and highly skilled team we develop, design, build and test new concepts and prototypes of physical and digital powertrains consisting of electric energy source, electric motor, electric drive, and a selected application.
Your responsibilities
Powertrain optimization in the applications covering general purpose, electric transportation, renewable generation, robotics.
Development, integration, and control of power electronics applied in low-voltage and medium-voltage motors.
Electric system design and optimization for onboard transport solutions.
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of electric motors and drives.

Your background
PhD degree or M.Sc. degree with several years of relevant work experience in the field of Power Electronics.
Theoretical and practical understanding of power electronics.
Design, simulation, and optimization procedures in the field of Power Electronics.
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of electric motors and drives.
Practical experience in designing and implementing test setups and conducting experiments. Considering safety aspects in every step is a natural aspect of your work.
Good collaboration capabilities in a research & development team and laboratory environment.
Strong team spirit and individual leadership to deliver expected results on time, on budget and with high quality.

More about us
More information: Recruiting Manager Dmitry Svechkarenko, +46 705 20 10 07, will answer your questions. Union representatives - Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers: Mikael Blomqvist, +46 768 06 00 11; Leaders: Lenny Larsson, +46 706 32 85 47; Unionen: Ing-Marie B Lindgren-Turpeinen, +46 703 30 75 40. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Linda Lundstedt, +46 722 05 65 54. We kindly decline direct contact with staffing and recruitment agencies as well as sellers of additional job advertisements.
Please note that, to be eligible for employment at ABB, you will need to pass our pre-employment screening steps. This includes a reference check, a drug test, and could also include an extended background check.
Please apply latest by the 27th of May 2024. We look forward to receiving your application (PDF documents submitted in English are appreciated). If you want to discover more about ABB, take another look at our website www.abb.com. Visa mindre

Application engineer network control

Ansök    Apr 26    A Hub AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
We are now looking for the next talent to join our clients team that works with application network control in Västerås! They provide solutions within generation, transmission, distribution and electricity.Our client is a global world leading company within sustainable energy and electrical power contributing to the green transition world wide. What will you do? The core solution is called Network Manager, built on a SCADA platform with complex and advance... Visa mer
We are now looking for the next talent to join our clients team that works with application network control in Västerås! They provide solutions within generation, transmission, distribution and electricity.Our client is a global world leading company within sustainable energy and electrical power contributing to the green transition world wide.
What will you do?
The core solution is called Network Manager, built on a SCADA platform with complex and advanced applications.
You will work with the Generation Management System (GMS) or the Energy Management System (EMS)and you will play a pivotal role in optimizing power generation operations worldwide. Your expertise will ensure safe, secure, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective power plant operations
The main responsibility of engineers is to deliver solutions to customers. The process involves understanding project requirements, conducting workshops with customers, gathering data, configuring and customizing the solution, performing pre-FAT, inviting the customer for FAT, and finally commissioning, pre-SAT, site acceptance testing, and cut-over. Training for customers is also a part of their responsibilities.
Act as an application expert for system deliveries to customers in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania.
Collaborate with customers' GMS/EMS experts to configure our applications based on customer requirements.
Work closely with customers to develop efficient workflow integrations between SCADA/GMS systems and other IT/OT systems, utilizing state-of-the-art interface and integration technologies.
Create and execute test plans and procedures with customers to ensure contractual requirements are met.
Provide training to customers on operating GMS functions within the system.
Coordinate and efficiently resolve technical problems reported by customers in collaboration with our technical team.
Provide expert support to the proposals and tendering team, ensuring high-quality bids.

PhD in energy systems, electrical power/electrical engineering
Previous experience in the SCADA/GMS systems business is meritorious..
Solid understanding of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is meritorious.
Profound understanding of electric power generation.
Proficiency in programming languages such as C or FORTRAN.
Willingness to travel and work at customer locations.
Strong analytical and communication skills, with an eagerness to thrive in a dynamic and multicultural environment.
Fluent in English, both written and spoken, to effectively engage with a diverse range of stakeholders.

Who are you?
You have a genuine interest in electrical power and programming.
You are a reliable person that sees your future within this field.
You are willing to travel up to 30% of your working hours.
You are humble, communicative, a teamplayer, and not afraid to ask for help.

If you find the advertisement interesting but don't entirely meet requirements, don't hesitate to submit your application anyway!
We value all applicants and will gladly review your application regardless of your experience and qualifications.
Other information:Location: Västerås.Availability: Start date as soon as possible with an understanding of the notice period.
Employment type: You will work as a consultant for 12 months before you have the opportunity to transition to employment with our client. Visa mindre

R&D Scientist in Power Systems Protection and Automation

For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Systems Protection and Automation. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. Your responsibilities Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy Develop and provide solutions... Visa mer
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Systems Protection and Automation. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Validate new concepts via software simulations or laboratory tests and optimize the solutions to meet the technical requirements
Manage R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of power systems protection
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering, Communications Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields
Knowledge and research experience within the power systems protection domain
Knowledge of the power systems automation field, including commonly used protocols (e.g. IEC 61850)
Multidisciplinary knowledge in related fields (e.g. digital signal processing, software engineering, communication networks, machine learning, etc.) is beneficial
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? We are exciting to hear from you! At Hitachi Energy we value you as a person and believe in personal development. Please apply today, even if you do not meet all the criteria above. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply no later than 8th of May.
Recruiting Manager Tanbhir Hoq, [email protected], will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer; Stefan Andersson, +46 107 38 08 21; Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, + 46 107-38 29 12; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20 or Ingrid Rinaldo, +46 107-38 58 19. All other questions should be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, [email protected]. Visa mindre

Senior R&D Scientist

Join Our Team as an R&D Electrical Engineer in Västerås! Are you ready to be at the forefront of High Voltage Technology development, making a tangible impact on both our internal and external customers? As a key contributor to Technology Consulting team, you'll address technical barriers head-on, accelerating innovation and delivering solutions that add substantial value.. Analytical problem solver ready to shape the future of cable system In this role... Visa mer
Join Our Team as an R&D Electrical Engineer in Västerås!
Are you ready to be at the forefront of High Voltage Technology development, making a tangible impact on both our internal and external customers? As a key contributor to Technology Consulting team, you'll address technical barriers head-on, accelerating innovation and delivering solutions that add substantial value..

Analytical problem solver ready to shape the future of cable system
In this role you be a part of R&D projects developing future cable systems and here’s the answer to your question , “what’s in it for me” :
* Opportunity to be a technical leader, spearheading projects where your expertise is crucial
* Understand and address customer needs, actively improving operations and boosting satisfaction
* Utilize your unique electrical and high voltage technology skills to predict electromagnetic phenomena and build advanced electrical test circuits
* Play a crucial role in power system analysis, shaping future technical developments
* Showcase your communication skills, translating technical results for various stakeholders

Responsibilities & Primary Tasks:
* Spearhead projects and understand customer requirements, implementing initiatives for operational improvement.
* Define and predict electromagnetic phenomena in electrical components under various stresses.
* Conduct electrical experiments and build test circuits, contributing to product monitoring system development.
* Communicate technical findings effectively to diverse stakeholders.
* Model and simulate electrical phenomena for future High Voltage products.
* Conduct experiments to enhance understanding of insulation systems.
* Troubleshoot electrical breakdowns and suggest improvements.
* Provide consulting services to internal and external customers.
* Mitigate risks in R&D and consulting projects.

Additionally, your CV should show:
* 3+ years in R&D or similar roles and familiarity with various electrical insulation characterizations is advantageous.
* Solid background in Electrical Engineering and HV technology, with capabilities in power system analysis.
* Ability to create value for the business and customers through technical contributions.
* Commendations on project achievements from both coworkers and patrons.
* Creative, innovative, with structured and systematic thinking.
* Fluent in English, both verbal and written
* Proficient in simulation tools like COMSOL Multiphysics, MATLAB, Labview, PSpice, etc.

Contribute, Challenge and Grow
Join a diverse and international team of experts developing the power cable technology of the future, focusing on deeper seas, lower losses and higher performance. The technology department leads the company's research and development programme, including materials development, and operates some of the most advanced high-voltage testing centres in the industry. NKT also operates a technology consulting centre in Sweden, where technical experts and scientists support the industry worldwide with cross-disciplinary R&D projects and technical investigations.
Sounds interesting? Then we would like to speak to you. Even if you do not tick all the boxes – If you are motivated, have potential, and want to contribute to our growth, even if you do not meet all the requirements, we encourage you to apply.
We will review applications continuously, but we recommend you apply no later than 15th May 2024. Be aware that personality and cognitive tests might be included in the recruitment process.

If you have any questions regarding the position, you may contact Claire Pitois at: [email protected] . In case you have any inquiries about the recruitment process please reach out to the HR Business Partner, Sanjana Tripathy, at: [email protected].
Please note that due to the GDPR regulations we cannot accept any applications via e-mail.

Be a Connector of the green tomorrow!
Union Representatives
Sveriges Ingenjörer - Zohreh Keshavarz & Edo Kolic Visa mindre

R&D Senior Scientist in Power Systems

For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior research scientist in the area of power systems dynamics and control. You will work in a world-class dynamic and creative team, with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. Your responsibilities Propose, contribute to and lead industrial research projects in the domain of power systems dynamics and control for next-generation sustaina... Visa mer
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior research scientist in the area of power systems dynamics and control. You will work in a world-class dynamic and creative team, with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Propose, contribute to and lead industrial research projects in the domain of power systems dynamics and control for next-generation sustainable energy systems.
Serve as an expert on power systems dynamics and control in interdisciplinary teams including power electronics, mathematical optimization, data science, AI, and software experts.
Create new approaches to handle complex power systems problems, turn them into prototypes and verify them.
Build your network in the company and actively distribute your knowledge and expertise.
Disseminate your results in technical reports, patent applications, and scientific publications.
Collaborate with our global team of researchers in Hitachi Energy Research, our business units, universities, and industrial partners.
Contribute to shaping Hitachi Energy’s technology strategy in the area via multi-disciplinary interactions inside and outside the company.

Your background
PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Control or Automation Engineering, Computer Science, or any related field, and relevant industrial or academic work experience.
In-depth knowledge of power systems dynamics and stability, with a focus on challenges and solutions related to the progressive introduction of renewable energy sources and grid-connected power electronics converters.
In-depth knowledge of power systems control, with a focus on system-level control of grid-connected power electronics converters.
Proficiency in power systems and control system simulations combining different software tools and methodologies (e.g. EMT and RMS simulations).
Interest and experience in mathematical optimization and/or AI/ML is beneficial.
Excellent leadership and communication skills, team player attitude, initiative, and creativity.
Written and spoken fluency in English.

Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? We are exciting to hear from you! At Hitachi Energy we value you as a person and believe in personal development. Please apply today, even if you do not meet all the criteria above. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply no later than 7th of May.
Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, [email protected], will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer; Stefan Andersson, +4610 7380821; Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, + 46 107-38 29 12; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 107-38 51 42 or Ingrid Rinaldo, +46 107-38 58 19. All other questions should be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, [email protected]. Visa mindre

R&D Senior Scientist in Power Systems

For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior research scientist in the area of power systems dynamics and control. You will work in a world-class dynamic and creative team, with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. Your responsibilities Propose, contribute to and lead industrial research projects in the domain of power systems dynamics and control for next-generation sustaina... Visa mer
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior research scientist in the area of power systems dynamics and control. You will work in a world-class dynamic and creative team, with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Propose, contribute to and lead industrial research projects in the domain of power systems dynamics and control for next-generation sustainable energy systems.
Serve as an expert on power systems dynamics and control in interdisciplinary teams including power electronics, mathematical optimization, data science, AI, and software experts.
Create new approaches to handle complex power systems problems, turn them into prototypes and verify them.
Build your network in the company and actively distribute your knowledge and expertise.
Disseminate your results in technical reports, patent applications, and scientific publications.
Collaborate with our global team of researchers in Hitachi Energy Research, our business units, universities, and industrial partners.
Contribute to shaping Hitachi Energy’s technology strategy in the area via multi-disciplinary interactions inside and outside the company.

Your background
PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Control or Automation Engineering, Computer Science, or any related field, and relevant industrial or academic work experience.
In-depth knowledge of power systems dynamics and stability, with a focus on challenges and solutions related to the progressive introduction of renewable energy sources and grid-connected power electronics converters.
In-depth knowledge of power systems control, with a focus on system-level control of grid-connected power electronics converters.
Proficiency in power systems and control system simulations combining different software tools and methodologies (e.g. EMT and RMS simulations).
Interest and experience in mathematical optimization and/or AI/ML is beneficial.
Excellent leadership and communication skills, team player attitude, initiative, and creativity.
Written and spoken fluency in English.

Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? We are exciting to hear from you! At Hitachi Energy we value you as a person and believe in personal development. Please apply today, even if you do not meet all the criteria above. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply no later than April 3rd.
Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, [email protected], will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives – Sveriges?Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46?107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46?730-70 01 20, Ledarna:?Christer Fridlund,?+46?107-38 29 12.?All other questions should be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, [email protected] Visa mindre

R&D Scientist in Power Systems Protection and Automation

For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Systems Protection and Automation. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. Your responsibilities Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy Develop and provide solutions... Visa mer
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Systems Protection and Automation. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Validate new concepts via software simulations or laboratory tests and optimize the solutions to meet the technical requirements
Manage R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of power systems protection
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering, Communications Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields
Knowledge and research experience within the power systems protection domain
Knowledge of the power systems automation field, including commonly used protocols (e.g. IEC 61850)
Multidisciplinary knowledge in related fields (e.g. digital signal processing, software engineering, communication networks, machine learning, etc.) is beneficial
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? We are exciting to hear from you! At Hitachi Energy we value you as a person and believe in personal development. Please apply today, even if you do not meet all the criteria above. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply no later than April 3rd.
Recruiting Manager Tanbhir Hoq, [email protected], will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer; Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04; Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, + 46 107-38 29 12; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20. All other questions should be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, [email protected] Visa mindre

Research Scientist for Power Electronics

Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement. For our research center in Sweden... Visa mer
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience.
Experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as (not limited to) energy storage, machine-learning
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude.
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by March 31, 2024.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Hakan Kempel, [email protected]. Visa mindre

Senior Research Scientist for Power Electronics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the heart... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience
Experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as (not limited to) energy storage, machine-learning
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by Feb 01, 2024.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Håkan Kempel, [email protected] Visa mindre

Scientist in High-Voltage Physics and Insulation Technology

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Right now, a big transfo... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Right now, a big transformation of electric power grids is occurring around the globe. This is due to decarbonization of generation, and electrification of transportation and industry. It has resulted in a big increase in demand for power grid infrastructure and the need for R&D work on high-voltage products and systems where we are challenging the boundaries of possibility for the next generation of offerings.
For our Research Center in Västerås, Sweden we are now looking for a new scientist to work with electrical insulation technology in our High-Voltage (HV) Physics team. You will join our team to develop future generations of HV products and systems, with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities and simulation software.
We are looking for a scientist with interest in Physical modelling of high-voltage insulation systems who is also interested in leading R&D projects with several colleagues involved. If you have scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion, then we are looking forward to your application. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader!
Your responsibilities:
Develop and validate HV insulation technologies for the next generation of HV devices and systems so that they can be integrated into the power systems of the future
Lead R&D projects with participants from throughout our global research community, with structured and target-oriented working styles
Develop physical understanding and carry out modelling of insulation systems using e.g. finite-element, electromagnetic or advanced multi-physics simulations
Participate in experimental work or planning in the high-voltage laboratory and carry out advanced data analysis
Connect expertise in HV Physics with other technical areas and work in cross-competence teams, to solve research questions for future energy systems
Create ideas and proposals for new R&D projects together with your colleagues
Effectively communicate with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other external partners when needed
Document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, IP etc.

Your Background:
Background in physics and/or electrotechnology. You hold a PhD. Or you hold an MSc combined with relevant working experience.
The ability and interest to work as a technical project leader coordinating the activities of colleagues globally
Sound analytical skills and have experience of electromagnetic or multi-physics simulations from your Ph.D or previous employment
A team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve great results
Good communication skills and fluent in English, both written and spoken
It is a bonus if you also have working experience of laboratory work and/or design of high voltage apparatus/equipment and their function and integration in electrical transmission and distribution networks.

Additional Information
Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? Welcome to apply until March 25th. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today!
Recruiting manager Andrew Maxwell, [email protected] will answer questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Philip Bengtsson, +46 107-38 25 17; Unionen: Yvonne Norgren, +46 107-38 36 94; Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Laboratory R&D Operations Specialist in High Voltage

Right now, a big transformation of electric power grids is occurring around the globe. This is due to decarbonization of generation, and electrification of transportation and industry. It has resulted in a big increase in demand for power grid infrastructure and the need for R&D work on high-voltage products and systems where we are challenging the boundaries of possibility for the next generation of offerings. For our research center in Västerås, Sweden w... Visa mer
Right now, a big transformation of electric power grids is occurring around the globe. This is due to decarbonization of generation, and electrification of transportation and industry. It has resulted in a big increase in demand for power grid infrastructure and the need for R&D work on high-voltage products and systems where we are challenging the boundaries of possibility for the next generation of offerings.
For our research center in Västerås, Sweden we are now looking for a new R&D Operations Specialist to work in our High-Voltage (HV) Physics team with the focus being the execution of experimental work.
You will join our team to develop future generations of HV products and systems, with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. We utilize state of the art measuring technologies and data analysis to test the behavior of gas/liquid and solid dielectrics and interfaces under high voltage. We use these experiments together with Multiphysics modelling to achieve fundamental understanding of these systems and how they interact in new and existing products.
If you have practical experience of laboratory work and an interest in becoming a technical expert HV testing/experiments, as well as drive and passion, then we are looking forward to your application. Through the research projects you work in, you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into an expert in the field.
Your responsibilities:
Plan, design and build advanced experimental setups, conduct tests, and carry out data analysis to develop and validate HV insulation technologies for the next generation of HV devices and systems so that they can be integrated into the power systems of the future.
Work actively with electrical safety, being able to direct and lead safety activities, risk assessment etc.
Improves safety and lab processes actively and drive further development of safety aspects in Hitachi Energy Research locally and globally
Effectively communicate with colleagues, custo mers, suppliers, and other external partners when needed.
Document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, etc.
Take overall responsibility for one of our laboratories at Hitachi Energy Research, working with planning of experimental work, maintenance of equipment and planning investments.
As a further development in your career, you will later be expected to lead work packages and local projects where several colleagues will be working.

Your Background:
You have an interest in experimental/testing work in the field electrotechnology. You may have previous experience or even be a new graduate.
You either hold a degree in electrical engineering or a related field or have acquired equivalent knowledge from working experience.
You are a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve good results.
You have good communication skills and are fluent in English, both written and spoken.
It is a bonus if you have practical experience in designing, planning, conducting, and analyzing experiments as well as knowledge of high voltage apparatus/equipment and their function and integration in electrical transmission and distribution networks. Certification as an electrician or previous safety roles would also be a bonus.

More about us?
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Does the above description sound like you? Welcome to apply by February 8! Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today.
Recruiting Manager Andrew Maxwell, [email protected] will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Jan Skogeby, +46?107-38 16 42, Unionen: Yvonne Norgren, +46?107-38 36 94, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund +46?107-38 29 12. ?Any other?questions can be directed to?Talent Acquisition Partner Renee Lundgren +46 107-38 54 75. Visa mindre

Senior R&D Scientist

Are you a PhD High Voltage Physics or Theoretical Physical Chemistry or Electrical Engineering? Do you have experience of working in an R&D environment?  Welcome onboard an exciting journey at NKT, a world leading company in high-quality power cable technology - designing, manufacturing, and installing low-, medium- and high-voltage power cable solutions and accessories that support the green transition. Be a Technical Leader at the Technology Consultin... Visa mer
Are you a PhD High Voltage Physics or Theoretical Physical Chemistry or Electrical Engineering? Do you have experience of working in an R&D environment? 
Welcome onboard an exciting journey at NKT, a world leading company in high-quality power cable technology - designing, manufacturing, and installing low-, medium- and high-voltage power cable solutions and accessories that support the green transition.

Be a Technical Leader at the Technology Consulting Department
We offer you a broad and outgoing role as a Senior Scientist where you will be a key contributor to R&D Technology and Product development within the High Voltage Technology area, helping overcome technical barriers leading to an increased value for our internal and external customers.  
* Be a Technical & project leader where your competences are essential to propose/implement innovative solution for R&D projects
* Understand our internal and external customer needs and requirements as well as their business drivers. Actively seeks and implements initiative to improve operations and increase customer satisfaction. 
* Use of your unique High Voltage physics, theoretical material physic, thermodynamics, and/or electrical experimental analysis competence, as well as modeling/simulation knowledge to define and predict material and component behavior under specific external electrical and thermal stresses. 
* Being capable of power system analysis is a plus to investigate customer needs and foresee future technical development. 
* Support strategic corporate technology direction by using in-depth technical expertise in own research area(s) to drive and initiate research work and ensure innovative solutions with customer value.  

The position is permanent, full-time, and located in Västerås, Sweden. 
The Technology Consulting team has provided cross-disciplinary investigations and solutions, both in long-term assignments and in time-critical investigations, for 100+ years. Our unique combination of laboratories and competences within mechanics, electrical testing, chemistry and materials, together with unmatched experience from working closely with industry partners from various sectors, makes us the partner of choice in solving technical challenges. We are a diverse team of 30+ people with 14 different nationalities but with one passion: We are all Connectors of a green tomorrow! 
Innovative & collaborative R&D Engineer 
To succeed in this role, it will be advantageous to have strong technical background either in HV physics, theoretical physical chemistry and/or Electrical engineering. Knowledge of power system analysis is a plus.
Additional qualities for this rewarding position are the ability to generate significant value for the business and customers through your technical contributions, excellent communication skills to effectively convey information and a self-motivated, collaborative, innovative, and methodical mindset that promotes structured and systematic thinking. 
Further important qualifications are: 
* Ph.D. degree in either High Voltage Physics, High Voltage Engineering, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Chemistry, or Electrical Engineering 
* 3 years or more of relevant experience as an R&D scientist or similar role. 
* Successful track record demonstrated on electrical, thermal, and/or mass- & charge transport simulations in material e.g., using Finite Element Method (FEM), Density Functional Theory (DFT) and/or Molecular Dynamics (MD) 
* Excellent skills and extensive experience with commercial numerical software, i.e., ANSYS Fluent and/or COMSOL Multiphysics, MATLAB etc. 
* Fluency in English, verbal and written 

Contribute, Challenge and Grow 
NKT is committed to fostering a diverse organization and a culture where people from diverse backgrounds can thrive and are inspired to perform at their best. We believe that a diverse organization enables sustainable performance, and that an inclusive and welcoming culture makes for a better place to work.   
Sounds interesting? Then we would like to speak to you. Even if you do not tick all the boxes – If you are motivated, have potential, and want to contribute to our success, even if you do not meet all the requirements, we encourage you to apply. 
We will review applications continuously, but we recommend you apply no later than 16th July 2023. Be aware that personality and cognitive tests might be included in the recruitment process. 
If you have any questions regarding the position, you may contact Claire Pitois at: [email protected] . In case you have any inquiries about the recruitment process please reach out to the HR Business Partner, Sanjana Tripathy, at: [email protected]

Please note that due to the GDPR regulations we cannot accept any applications via e-mail. 

Be a Connector of the green tomorrow! 

Union Representatives 
Sveriges Ingenjörer - Zohreh Keshavarz & Edo Kolic Visa mindre

Laboratory R&D Operations Specialist till teknikbolag i Västerås

Är du intresserad av att delta i den spännande omvandlingen av elnät över hela världen? Vi letar just nu efter en entusiastisk R&D Operations Specialist till vår kunds labb med teknisk kompetens inom högspänning. Här får du möjlighet att vara en del av framtidens kraftnätslösningar där forskningsprojekten hjälper dig att utvecklas till en expert inom ditt område och främjar din karriär! OM TJÄNSTEN Som R&D Operations Specialist kommer du att tillhöra te... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av att delta i den spännande omvandlingen av elnät över hela världen? Vi letar just nu efter en entusiastisk R&D Operations Specialist till vår kunds labb med teknisk kompetens inom högspänning. Här får du möjlighet att vara en del av framtidens kraftnätslösningar där forskningsprojekten hjälper dig att utvecklas till en expert inom ditt område och främjar din karriär!


Som R&D Operations Specialist kommer du att tillhöra teamet inom högspänningsteknik, som består av 14 medarbetare. Ditt huvudsakliga fokus kommer att vara att stödja praktiskt experimentell forskning med målet att forma framtidens kraftsystem. Du kommer att ha tillgång till toppmoderna laboratorieanläggningar där du kommer att använda avancerad mätteknik och dataanalys för att testa egenskaperna hos isolationsmaterial, gaser och vätskor under högspänning. Dina experiment kommer att integreras med multifysikmodellering för att skapa en djupgående förståelse för systemen och deras integration i både nya och befintliga produkter.

Du erbjuds
- Ett långsiktigt konsultuppdrag på heltid med möjlighet till anställning direkt hos vår kund
- Ett värdefullt kompetensutbyte från dina seniora kollegor i teamet
- En gedigen onboarding med inledande säkerhetsutbildningar
- Möjlighet att utvecklas långsiktigt och bli en expert inom laboratorieverksamhet i högspänning



* Planera, designa och skapa avancerade experiment inom högspänningsteknik
* Genomföra tester och dataanalyser för att utveckla och validera teknologier inom högspänningsisolation
* Dokumentera resultat genom att skapa tekniska rapporter
* Underhåll av laboratoriets utrustning och arbete med elsäkerhet

- Är examinerad elkraftsingenjör och/eller högskoleingenjör inom energiteknik
- Har relevant erfarenhet av praktiskt arbete
- Har ett genuint intresse för experimentellt arbete inom elektroteknik
- Talar och skriver obehindrat på svenska och engelska då både språken förekommer i det dagliga arbetet

Det är meriterande om du
- Är behörig elektriker
- Har arbetslivserfarenhet från ett högspänningslabb eller någon annan typ av labb med koppling mot elkraftbranschen

För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper:
- Innovativ
- Samarbetsinriktad
- Självgående

Vi ser också att du är en person som tycker om att arbeta praktiskt.

Vår rekryteringsprocess

Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work.

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och annonsen kan därmed komma att tas ned innan sista ansökningsdag om det är så att vi har gått vidare till urvals- och intervjufas. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess.

Om du går vidare i processen kommer du att få mer information om företaget. Visa mindre

Research Scientist for Power Electronics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the heart... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience
Experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as (not limited to) energy storage, electrical vehicle solution, reliability analysis, machine-learning
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by Aug 25, 2023!
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Christian Falevik, [email protected] Visa mindre

Sr. Scientist

NKT, a world-leading supplier of cables for the energy sector, is investing to reach further success in innovation and R&D. From the site in Västerås, technical experts and scientists have worked with industries worldwide in cross-disciplinary R&D projects and technical investigations, for more than one hundred years. Technology Consulting is a dynamic workplace with an atmosphere characterized by development and learning. Facilities include modern laborat... Visa mer
NKT, a world-leading supplier of cables for the energy sector, is investing to reach further success in innovation and R&D. From the site in Västerås, technical experts and scientists have worked with industries worldwide in cross-disciplinary R&D projects and technical investigations, for more than one hundred years.
Technology Consulting is a dynamic workplace with an atmosphere characterized by development and learning. Facilities include modern laboratories and a state-of-the-art private cloud for high performance computing. You will be working with colleagues who are experts in the fields of mechanics, electrical testing, chemistry and materials. Through the range of different R&D projects and consulting assignments, there will be great opportunities to build a global network of technical partners and business units.

Key role in the innovation and development of world class high and medium voltage products
As the demand for advanced mechanical investigations is growing, we are now looking for an R&D simulation engineer to strengthen the Applied Mechanics Department. The core competence in our department spans different fields in applied mechanics, mechanical testing, advanced modelling and simulations, including computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis and Multiphysics simulations. 
The department  portfolio covers a wide range of high and medium voltage cutting edge products with emphasis on high-voltage cables, supporting the global community in the quest for a green energy transformation.     
 As an R&D simulation engineer you will have the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment with a keen interest in innovation. You will provide technical support to NKT and to other industries worldwide in overcoming complex mechanical challenges interlinked with all sorts of physics across different products and in all stages of the product development cycle.
Your main tasks will be to:
* Perform finite element analysis for different cutting edge product applications to solve complex problems that arise in various areas of applied mechanics for medium and high voltage application
* Understand our internal and external customer needs as well as their business drivers and implement creative solutions that requires highly advanced computational models and complex simulation analyses
* Lead and conduct various type of consulting and R&D projects end-to-end, from initial client discussion to execution and reporting. You will contribute with your modelling and simulation expertise to the future development of world class high and medium voltage products.

Analytical, goal-oriented with excellent communication skills
To succeed in this role you have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, including the ability to effectively communicate with internal and external customers with different background. It is also advantageous if you have experience from building as well as maintaining close customer relations. You enjoy working independently as much as in multi-disciplinary team. Beyond the formal requirements, you will approach problem in an analytical manner – systematically identifying our customers’ needs – and creatively finding potential solutions.
Apart from this you do also have:
* Technical Ph.D. or a M.Sc. with two years of industrial experience in mechanical simulation or structural dynamics modeling
* Knowledge of  finite element method and numerical modeling.
* Excellent skills and extensive experiences with commercial software, i.e. ABAQUS
* Knowledge and experience on ANSYS, COMSOL and mechanics of high-voltage cables are merit.

Keen on joining a world-leading technology center?
NKT is committed to fostering a diverse organization and a culture where people from different backgrounds can thrive and are inspired to perform at their best. We believe that a diverse organization enables sustainable performance, and that an inclusive and welcoming culture makes for a better place to work.  
Please apply at our website at latest 23rd of April. Personality tests may occur in our recruitment process. If you have any questions regarding the position, you are very welcome to contact Recruiting Manager Giampaolo Martufi, [email protected]. In case you have any inquiries about the recruitment process please reach out to HR Business Partner Alice Jerlmark, [email protected]. Please note that due to the GDPR regulations we cannot accept any applications via e-mail.

Union Representatives
Sveriges Ingenjörer - Zohreh Keshavarz, +46 72 451 80 18

Welcome with your application! Visa mindre

Senior R&D Researcher in Green Hydrogen Technology

At Hitachi Energy, our purpose is to advance a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power from renewables to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people while learning and developing yourself on projects that impact our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation For our research cen... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy, our purpose is to advance a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power from renewables to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people while learning and developing yourself on projects that impact our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior researcher in green Hydrogen, which is a cornerstone in the global energy transition, to join a world-class R&D team within sustainable energy systems design. You will work in a dynamic, motivated, and creative team with a wide range of experience and competence and access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Develop and lead local and global R&D projects to improve Hitachi Energy’s offering in the Hydrogen area by securing new technology with analytical analysis, models, system-level simulations, laboratory tests, and technology demonstrators.
Develop and lead internal R&D projects and consortium projects related to Hydrogen together with academic and industrial partners utilizing internal and third-party funding.
Lead a global multi-disciplinary community to develop and maintain a research strategy on Green Hydrogen by connecting your expertise with other relevant disciplines, such as power systems, power electronics, materials, and multi-physics.
Deliver results in the form of technical reports, patent applications, measurements on laboratory mockups, and R&D demonstrators, together with other unique publications and presentations.

Your background
PhD degree in Applied Physics (or a related field) with a focus on energy system applications, coupled with relevant work experience.
Hands-on experience and a strong understanding of hydrogen production processes, storage, and distribution technologies.
Track record of developing and managing R&D projects or complex work packages with reporting to multiple stakeholders.
System-oriented research profile, with demonstrated ability to design, analyze, simulate, and evaluate complex systems.
You have a curious mindset and can quickly adapt to new challenges.
You have excellent communication skills and a team player attitude.
Fluency in English, both written and spoken.

More about us
Welcome with your application by the 3rd of May. This role could be filled before the advertisement has expired, so don’t wait until the last day to send in your application.
Recruiting Manager Nina Shulumba, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer:? Bo Westman, +46 107 38 38 04; Unionen:?Karin Ulvemark, +46 730 70 01 20; Ledarna:?Christer Fridlund, +46?107-38?29?12.? All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Mikael Blomberg, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

R&D Product Engineer

Ansök    Apr 12    ABB AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. A... Visa mer
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future.
At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.
ABB Smart Power is a global technology leader, with products and solutions that make power supplies smart, connected and protected. Its intelligent products and solutions make power more competitive by improving the energy efficiency, productivity, and reliability of almost any operation.
Reporting to the R&D Team Manager, you will become part of Motor Starting & Safety in Västerås. The unit is part of the Electrification/Smart Power division and has as its business concept to develop, manufacture, market and sell the low voltage products for which we have world responsibility within ABB. These include large contactors, softstarters and safety product.
We have the market's widest range of energy efficient low voltage appliances and installation products and turn to customers in all industries such as OEM, industry, distribution, wholesalers, and consult-ants worldwide.
You are welcome to apply!
Your responsibilities
As a member of Integrated Production Unit (IPU) you will work in a collaborative and multifunctional team supporting operations during all the life cycle phase of the product.
Lead and manage projects and activities during the life cycle of the products after the release for sales.
Coordinate work of multi-location and cross-functional project team/s. Motivate and monitor internal and/or external resources to accomplish all tasks and milestones.
Ensure understanding of customer value in the projects and act to ensure customer satisfaction and manage expectations. Take into consideration requirements and demands coming from customers and from internally within ABB.
Ensure transparency around change requests, unforeseen results/events and identified risks and ensures that they are properly managed and communicated. Ensure that all opportunities are captured and acted upon.
Manage all product changes and requested customization according to the ABB gate model from the request to the release for sales. Work closely with product manager, operation, quality, development teams, providing the best solution to fulfil the business case and customer satisfaction in terms of response and delivery time, quality level and product performance.
Transfer new products from R&D development team to Operation with all the set of documentation (Electrical Schematics, BoM, Working Instruction, Spare parts list, Product Manual.
Support P&L in managing the different supplier and take full responsibility of the external tool as-signed (development of new tools and maintenance of the actual).

Your background
Bachelors´ or Masters’ Degree in Mechanical, Electrical or Electronic Engineering.
Knowledge of manufacturing technologies and tool management is a plus.
A very good knowledge of MS Office, 2D/3D CAD systems are further requirements.
Good knowledge of Production Part Approval Process (PPAP).
Basics of Electronics is a plus.
Very good knowledge of English language.
Positive spirit, Proactivity, team working, speediness and problem-solving orientation; commitment to deliver results by taking responsibility to execute assigned tasks and projects.

More about us
Bring your very own sense of pride and purpose as you help us drive forward the Fourth Industrial Revolution – creating a sustainable future for our planet, and your career. Join ABB and harness the power of our diverse global network, as you collaborate with and learn from our world-class teams. Above all, challenge yourself every day. Let’s write the future, together.
Recruiting Manager Krister Linnarud, +4621-32 02 92, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Senad Huijc +4621 32 03 02; Ledarna: Lenny Larsson +4621-32 85 47; Unionen: Johan Lundström +4621 32 03 64. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Ludvig Ahlqvist, +4672 464 43 70 39.
We look forward to receiving your application. If you want to discover more about ABB, take another look at our website www.abb.com. Visa mindre

R&D Scientist in Monitoring and Diagnostics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the hear... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy, and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist in monitoring and diagnostics of power devices and systems. You will work in a world-class dynamic and creative team, with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Identify technical challenges and propose innovative solutions to improve Hitachi Energy portfolio of condition monitoring and asset management solutions
Prototype and optimize solutions via simulations, laboratory tests, and field installations
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Contribute to shaping Hitachi Energy’s technology strategy in the area via multi-disciplinary interactions inside and outside the company

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering, Computer Science, Experimental or Theoretical Physics, or a comparable degree
Extensive knowledge in mathematical modelling and signal processing
Experience with high-voltage experiments, including test design and data acquisition, is beneficial
Experience with agile software development, including programming languages, software architectures and DevOps frameworks, is beneficial
Experience with embedded software/hardware is beneficial
Track record of innovation in research projects with different technology readiness levels
Written and spoken fluency in English

More about us
We welcome your application till 31st January 2023. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don`t delay, apply today!
More information: Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04; Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20; Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. All other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Renee Lundgren, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible, and secure whilst balancing social, environmental, and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Research Scientist for Power Electronics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the heart... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience
Experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as (not limited to) energy storage, electrical vehicle solution, reliability analysis, machine-learning
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by April 30, 2023.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Sofia Lindblom, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Senior R&D Scientist in Green Hydrogen Technology

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the hear... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy, and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a senior research scientist in the area of green hydrogen, to join a world-class R&D team within sustainable energy systems design. You will work in a dynamic, motivated, and creative team with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Lead R&D projects aimed at developing technology prototypes, including analytical models, system-level simulations, and laboratory tests to improve Hitachi Energy’s offering in the Hydrogen area
Deliver results in the form of measurements, technical reports, patent applications and other unique publications and presentations
Lead internal R&D projects and consortium projects related to Hydrogen, steering discussions with internal and external stakeholders
Explore opportunities for third-party funding in the Hydrogen area, possibly driving consortium project proposals together with academic and industrial partners
Lead a global multi-disciplinary community tasked with developing and maintaining a research strategy on Green Hydrogen, connecting your expertise with other relevant disciplines, such as power systems, materials, multi-physics, etc.

Your background
PhD degree in applied physics (or similar) with a focus on energy system applications, coupled with relevant work experience
Track record of managing R&D projects or complex work packages with reporting to multiple stakeholders
System-oriented research profile, with demonstrated ability to design, analyze, simulate, and evaluate complex systems
Ability to develop multi-disciplinary analytical and simulation models of different complexity (electromagnetic, thermal, chemical, …), including techno-economic analysis
Research experience with Hydrogen applications is beneficial
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken
If you have an inspiring and responsible personality, combining strong leadership drive with technical strength, and want to contribute to creating greener, stronger and smarter future sustainable energy systems, then join us! We very much look forward to your application.

More about us
Welcome with your application by the 15th of December. This role could be filled before the advertisement has expired, so don’t wait until the last day to send in your application.
Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, [email protected], +46 724-52 32 91 will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer:? Bo Westman, +46 107 38 38 04; Unionen:?Karin Ulvemark, +46 730 70 01 20; Ledarna:?Christer Fridlund, +46?107-38?29?12.? All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Mikael Blomberg, +46 72 464 38 10
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Experimental Scientist in Vibro-Acoustics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation As experimental scien... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
As experimental scientist in vibro-acoustics, you will be working in mechanical R&D prototypes and to lead roles in R&D projects and assignments with a reporting responsibility to company global stakeholders.
Your responsibilities
You will develop acoustics and mechanical R&D prototypes, conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the technical solutions and experimental procedures
Delivering results in the form of measurements, technical reports, patent applications and other unique publications and presentations
Develop a state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure
Coordination to develop innovative solutions for sustainable product design
You assume leading roles in R&D projects and assignments with a reporting responsibility to company global stakeholders
Establish and sustain the internal and external contacts required for creating efficient lab procedures

Your background
You hold a master or PhD degree in acoustics/ mechanical engineering field
Required demonstrating skills in performing precision grade scientific experiments
Experience in advanced instrumentation, data acquisition and processing
Expertise in developing a scientific laboratory which complies with the relevant international standards
Experience in laboratory prototyping of mechanical systems
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? Welcome to apply?before?6th of December! Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today!
Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, [email protected], +46 724-52 32 91 will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer:? Bo Westman, +46 107 38 38 04; Unionen:?Karin Ulvemark, +46 730 70 01 20; Ledarna:?Christer Fridlund, +46?107-38?29?12.? All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Mikael Blomberg, +46 72 464 38 10.
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible, and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Scientists in Electrical Insulation Technology

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Right now, a big transf... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Right now, a big transformation of electric power grids is occurring around the globe. This is due to decarbonization of generation, and electrification of transportation and industry. It has resulted in a big increase in demand for power grid infrastructure and the need for R&D work on high-voltage products and systems where we are challenging the boundaries of possibility for the next generation of offerings.
For our research center in Västerås, Sweden we are now looking for new research scientists to work with electrical insulation technology in our High-Voltage (HV) Physics team. You will join our team to develop future generations of HV products and systems, with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities and simulation software. As a step in advancing your career further you will also have the opportunity to lead projects with colleagues with a wide range of experience and competence from our global organisation of research centres.
If you have scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion, then we are looking forward to your application. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader!
Your responsibilities
Develop and validate HV insulation technologies for the next generation of HV devices and systems so that they can be integrated into the power systems of the future
Lead R&D projects with participants from throughout our global research community, with structured and target-oriented working styles
Connect HV insulation expertise with other technical areas and work in cross-disciplinary teams, to solve research problems relevant for future electric power systems
Build experimental setups, conduct tests and carry out advanced data analysis
Carry out modelling of insulation systems using e.g. finite-element, electromagnetic or multi-physics simulations
Create ideas and proposals for new R&D projects
Effectively communicate with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other external partners when needed
Document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, IP etc.

Your background
You have a background in physics and/or electrotechnology. You hold a PhD. Or you hold an MSc combined with relevant working experience.
You have the ability and interest to work as a technical project leader coordinating the activities of colleagues globally
You have sound analytical skills and have experience in designing, planning, conducting, and analyzing experiments and/or experience of electromagnetic or multi-physics simulations from your Ph.D or previous employment.
You are a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve great results.
You have good communication skills and are fluent in English, both written and spoken.
It is a bonus if you also have working experience of high voltage apparatus/equipment and their function and integration in electrical transmission and distribution networks.

More about us
Welcome to apply by November 18!
Recruiting Manager Andrew Maxwell, [email protected], will answer your questions about the position.?Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.?Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Kirsi Lehto, [email protected].
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Scientists in High Voltage Physics to Hitachi Energy Research

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Right now, a big transf... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Right now, a big transformation of the electric power grids is occurring across the globe. This is due to decarbonization of generation, and electrification of transportation and industry. It has resulted in a big increase in demand for power grid infrastructure and the need for R&D work on high-voltage products and systems where we are challenging the boundaries of possibility for the next generation of offerings.
For our research center in Västerås, Sweden we are now looking for new research scientists to work in the area of High-Voltage (HV) Physics. You will join our team to develop future generations of HV products and systems. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative projects with colleagues with a wide range of experience and competence, and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
If you have scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion, then we are looking forward to your application. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader!
Your responsibilities
Develop and validate HV insulation technologies for the next generation of HV devices and systems so that they can be integrated into the power systems of the future
Connect HV insulation expertise with other technical areas and work in cross-disciplinary teams, to solve research problems relevant for future electric power systems
Build experimental set-ups, conduct tests and analyze test results
Carry out modelling of insulation systems using e.g. finite-element, electromagnetic or multi-physics simulations
Lead R&D projects, with structured and target-oriented working styles
Create ideas and proposals for new R&D projects
Effectively communicate with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other external partners when needed
Document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, IP etc.

Your background
You have a background in physics and/or electrotechnology. You hold a PhD. Or you hold an MSc combined with relevant working experience.
You have sound analytical skills and have experience in designing, planning, conducting, and analyzing experiments and/or experience of electromagnetic or multi-physics simulations from your Ph.D or previous employment.
You have the ability and interest to also work in other technical areas, as for example: sensor and soft sensing technology, energy storage systems.
You are a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve great results. Preferably you also have experience in, or ability to develop, project management and technical leadership skills
You have good communication skills and are fluent in English, both written and spoken.
It is a bonus if you also have working experience of high voltage apparatus/equipment and their function and integration in electrical transmission and distribution networks.

More about us
Welcome to apply by November 14!
Recruiting Manager Andrew Maxwell, [email protected], will answer your questions about the position.?Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.?Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Kirsi Lehto, [email protected].
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

R&D Scientist in Power Systems Protection and Automation

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools,?hospitals,?and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the hear... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools,?hospitals,?and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of?Hitachi Energy?and our research?centers?are the backbone.?Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide?community that?will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader.
Hitachi Energy Research is an R&D unit within Hitachi Energy with 200 scientists in 5 Research centers develops commercially viable solutions for challanging technical needs posed to us by Busines Unit R&D and our customers.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a Research Scientist with expertise in the area of Power Systems Protection and Automation. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Validate new concepts via software simulations or laboratory tests and optimize the solutions to meet the technical requirements
Manage R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of power systems protection
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering, Communications Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields
Knowledge and research experience within the power systems protection domain
Knowledge of the power systems automation field, including commonly used protocols (e.g. IEC 61850)
Multidisciplinary knowledge in related fields (e.g. digital signal processing, software engineering, communication networks, machine learning, etc.) is beneficial
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken is required

More about us?
We are interested to learn more about you and what you can contribute with so don’t hesitate to apply even though you don’t meet all requirements. A team with great cooperation and with diverse backgrounds is waiting for you to join!
Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, [email protected], will answer your questions about the position.?Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Ulvemark, +46 730-70 01 20, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.?Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Renée Lundgren, +46 72-730 00 72, [email protected].
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Scientist Acoustics Mechanics Experimentalist

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the heart... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of acoustics and mechanics. You will work in a dynamic, motivated, and creative team with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Conduct magneto-acoustics and mechanics laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the technical solutions and experimental procedures
Deliver results in the form of measurements, technical reports, patent applications and other unique publications and presentations
Develop a state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure with budgeting, investment planning, and safety responsibilities
Assume leading roles in R&D projects and assignments with a reporting responsibility to company global stakeholders
Establish and sustain the internal and external contacts required for creating efficient lab procedures

Your background
Master or PhD degree in acoustics/ mechanical engineering field
Demonstrated skills in performing precision grade scientific experiments
Excellent knowledge in advanced instrumentation, data acquisition and processing
Experience in developing a scientific laboratory which complies with the relevant international standards
Experience in mechanical designs of systems and prototyping
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude

More about us
We are interested to learn more about you and what you can contribute with so don’t hesitate to apply even though you don’t meet all requirements. A team with great cooperation and with diverse backgrounds is waiting for you to join!
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by May 22.
Recruiting Manager Pradhan Manoj Kumar, +46 107-38 66 23, [email protected], will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Hanna Kontsu, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Research Scientist for Power Electronics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the heart... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience
Experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as (not limited to) energy storage, electrical vehicle solution, reliability analysis, machine-learning,
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by May 6, 2022.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Sofia Lindblom, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Research Scientist in High-Voltage Physics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation For our research center ... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
For our research center in Västerås, Sweden we are now looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of High-Voltage Physics and ability to work with cross-competence topics. You will join our High Voltage (HV) Physics team to develop insulation systems for future generations of HV power systems. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence, and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Join us if you have scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader!
Your Responsibilities
Develop and validate HV insulation technologies for various HV devices in R&D projects
Combine insulation expertise with product knowledge, to design experiments that experimentally verifies innovative HV product development
Connect solid insulation expertise with other technical areas and work in cross-competence teams, to solve research questions for future energy systems
Build experimental set-ups, conduct tests and analyze test results, possibly including physical modelling
Lead R&D project or work-package, with structured and target-oriented working style
Create ideas and proposals for new R&D projects
Effectively communicate with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other external partners
Document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, IP etc.

Your Background
You have a background in dielectrics, HV physics and/or electrotechnology. PhD, or hold an MSc combined with work-life experience
You have sound analytical skills and have experience in designing, planning, conducting, and analyzing experiments
You have the ability to also work in other technical areas, as for example: sensor and soft sensing technology, energy storage systems, multiphysics integration
You are a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve great results. Preferably you also have experience in, or ability to develop, project management and technical leadership skills
You have good communication skills and are fluent in English, both written and spoken.
Bonus if you also have working experience of high voltage apparatus/equipment and its function in electrical transmission and distribution networks.

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to?apply by?Feb 21.
We are interested to learn more about you and what you can contribute with so don’t hesitate to apply even though you don’t meet all requirements. A team with great cooperation and with diverse backgrounds is waiting for you to join!
Recruiting Manager Birgitta Källstrand, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position.?Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.?Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, Sofia Lindblom, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Laboratory Engineer

Ansök    Apr 11    ABB AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. W... Visa mer
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future.
At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.
We are now searching for a Lab Engineer to join our experienced and skilled team in Västerås. In this role, you will be working in ABB´s new high-power laboratory for low-voltage products. Beyond taking part of varying and challenging test assignments, you will have a strong voice in the laboratory evolution when it comes to its future capacity and operation along with developing your personal profession within our global company.
This role reports to the Laboratory Manager at ABB’s Low Voltage Laboratory in Västerås, Sweden.

Your responsibilities
You will be part of an experienced team and perform high power electrical testing, mainly on contactors and softstarters.
You will be responsible for recurrent test assignments including planning of the test, safety responsibilities, perform load calculation and circuit calibration, execution of the tests and reporting.
You will work closely with local R&D engineers, product managers and quality department as well as with colleagues with similar roles from other countries.
This job includes testing of products currently in use and on the market as well as new products and new technologies. You will perform both experimental testing as part of product development and type testing for product certification.
Together with the laboratory manager you will be involved in the laboratory operation, both from a safety and functional perspective.

Your background
You minimum hold a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or similar.
You have some years of work experience in electrical testing / laboratory work, preferably high power.
You have a natural way of finding ways to increase efficiency and improve methods.
You approach problems in an analytical manner and creatively find potential solutions.
You enjoy working independently as much as in team.
You contribute to the business development and have a high integrity when it comes to health and safety.
You naturally feel strong commitment to safe work practices and dedication in following all relevant workplace safety guidelines.
Competence within IEC- and UL certification schemes and procedure as well as laboratory accreditation are meritorious.
Good communication skills in English, written and spoken alike, is a requirement. Knowledge in Swedish is a bonus.

More about us
ABB’s Electrification Business Area is a global leader in electrical products and solutions, operating in more than 100 countries, with over 200 manufacturing sites. Our 50,000+ employees are dedicated to transforming how people live, connect and work by delivering safe, smart and sustainable electrification solutions. We are shaping the future trends of electrification, differentiating through technological and digital innovation while delivering an outstanding experience through operational excellence for our customers across utilities, industry, buildings, infrastructure and mobility.
Recruiting Manager Espen Mathisen, +4621-32 14 02, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives: Sveriges Ingenjörer: Senad Huijc, +4621-32 03 02; Ledarna: Urban Mylläri, +4621-32 01 86; Unionen: Johan Lundström, +4621-32 03 64. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Linda Lundstedt, +4621-32 51 94.
Apply today and help us change together the course of an entire industry. Please note that interviews will be held on an ongoing basis. Last day to apply is April 30, 2022.
We look forward to receiving your application (documents submitted in English are appreciated). If you want to discover more about ABB, take another look at our website www.abb.com. Visa mindre

Research Scientist for Power System Protection

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the hear... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Systems Protection. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Validate new concepts via software simulations or laboratory tests and optimize the solutions to meet the technical requirements
Manage R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of power systems protection
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering with specialization in power systems or power system protection
Deep knowledge of the power system protection domain with preferred experience in designing, using, or testing protection relays and applications
Experience with power system simulation tools (e.g. PSCAD) and programming tools (e.g. Matlab or Python) is beneficial
Knowledge in digital signal processing is beneficial
Multidisciplinary knowledge in other fields (e.g. HW/SW development, power electronics, communication networks, machine learning, etc.) is beneficial
It is an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English is required, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by April 8.
Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, +46 107-38 61 27, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Renée Lundgren, +46 107-38 54 75, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Scientist Thermal Mechanical Experimentalist

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools,?hospitals,?and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation? Innovation is the hea... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools,?hospitals,?and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation?
Innovation is the heart of?Hitachi Energy?and our research?centers?are the backbone.?Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide?community that?will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader.
Hitachi Energy Research is an R&D unit within Hitachi energy with 200 scientists in 5 Research centers develops commercially viable solutions for challanging technical needs posed to us by Busines Unit R&D and our customers.
For our research?center?in?Sweden,?we are looking for a scientist to join our dynamic,?motivated,?and creative team with a wide range of experience and competence?and?with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities?
Identify technical requirements, propose and develop commercially viable solutions solutionin R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the solutions
Lead R&D projects with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Deliver results in the form of experimental measurements, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Maintain laboratory infrastructure and create safe working environment for yourself and other users
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities

Your background?
Master or PhD degree in Thermal/ Mechanical engineering field
Demonstrated skills in performing high quality scientific experiments
Excellent knowledge in advanced instrumentation, data acquisition and processing
Experience in mechanical designs of systems and prototyping
Background in 2-phase cooling and experimental heat transfer
Experience in structural dynamics is an added advantage

More about us??
We are interested to learn more about you and what you can contribute with so don’t hesitate to apply even though you don’t meet all requirements. A team with great cooperation and with diverse backgrounds is waiting for you to join!
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to?apply by?Feb 7th.?
Recruiting Manager Manoj Pradhan, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position.?Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.?Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Hanna Kontsu, +46 107-38 53 25, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Laboratory Engineer

Ansök    Dec 22    ABB AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. ... Visa mer
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future.
At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.
We are now searching for a Lab Engineer to join our experienced and skilled team in Västerås. In this role, you will be working in ABB´s new high-power laboratory for low-voltage products. Beyond taking part of varying and challenging test assignments, you will have a strong voice in the laboratory evolution when it comes to its future capacity and operation along with developing your personal profession within our global company.
This role reports to the Laboratory Manager at ABB’s Low Voltage Laboratory in Västerås, Sweden.

Your responsibilities
You will be part of an experienced team and perform high power electrical testing, mainly on contactors and softstarters.
You will be responsible for recurrent test assignments including planning of the test, safety responsibilities, perform load calculation and circuit calibration, execution of the tests and reporting.
You will work closely with local R&D engineers, product managers and quality department as well as with colleagues with similar roles from other countries.
This job includes testing of products currently in use and on the market as well as new products and new technologies.
You will perform both experimental testing as part of product development and type testing for product certification.
Together with the laboratory manager you will be involved in the laboratory operation, both from a safety and functional perspective.

Your background
You minimum hold a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering or similar.
You have some years of work experience in electrical testing / laboratory work, preferably high power.
You have a natural way of finding ways to increase efficiency and improve methods.
You approach problems in an analytical manner and creatively find potential solutions.
You enjoy working independently as much as in team.
You contribute to the business development and have a high integrity when it comes to health and safety.
You naturally feel strong commitment to safe work practices and dedication in following all relevant workplace safety guidelines.
Competence within IEC- and UL certification schemes and procedure as well as laboratory accreditation are meritorious.
Good communication skills in English, written and spoken alike, is a requirement. Knowledge in Swedish is a bonus.

More about us
ABB’s Electrification Business Area is a global leader in electrical products and solutions, operating in more than 100 countries, with over 200 manufacturing sites. Our 50,000+ employees are dedicated to transforming how people live, connect and work by delivering safe, smart and sustainable electrification solutions. We are shaping the future trends of electrification, differentiating through technological and digital innovation while delivering an outstanding experience through operational excellence for our customers across utilities, industry, buildings, infrastructure and mobility.
Recruiting Manager, +4621-32 14 02, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives: Sveriges Ingenjörer: Senad Huijc, +4621-32 03 02; Ledarna: Urban Mylläri, +4621-32 01 86; Unionen: Johan Lundström, +4621-32 03 64. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner, +4621-32 51 94.
Apply today and help us change together the course of an entire industry. Please note that interviews will be held on an ongoing basis. Last day to apply is January 23, 2022.
We look forward to receiving your application (documents submitted in English are appreciated). If you want to discover more about ABB, take another look at our website www.abb.com. Visa mindre

Hitachi Energy – Research Team Manager High Voltage Physics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation For our research center... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable? energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
For our research center in Västeras/Sweden we are looking for a Research Team Manager to lead the High voltage physics research team.
The team performs interdisciplinary research in a wide range of topics related to Materials/Dielectrics physics and insulation technologies for power devices, including electrical field simulation design and advance measurement/experiments.
Your responsibilities
Line management for a multidisciplinary research team
Coaching project leaders for scientific excellence and professional execution of R&D projects.
Coaching team members to support their professional development and recruit new employees.
Fostering the creation of high-value research project proposals.
Contributing to technical work in research projects and pre-studies.
Maintaining and developing excellent collaboration across the organization, relevant business units and leading universities.
Positioning your team and its expertise in a landscape of evolving trends and research needs
Contributing to an innovative and motivating work environment within our research center and globally within Hitachi Energy Research.

Your background
You hold a masters or PhD in Physics, Materials, Electrical Engineering or have equivalent professional experience.
Strong leadership and communication skills, and ability to manage expectations and complex interdependencies.
Previous experience in an industrial research environment.
Good knowledge in power grids technologies and products, and interest in new fields of research and technology.
Experience, that demonstrates your team-oriented, innovative, and strategic working styles
Fluency in English, both written and spoken.

If you have an inspiring and responsible personality, combining strong leadership drive with technical strength, and want to contribute to creating greener, stronger and smarter future sustainable energy systems, then join us! We very much look forward to your application.
More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Does the above description sound like you? You are welcome to apply before January 30. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today!
Recruiting Manager Alireza Nami, +46 107-38 62 65, will answer your questions about the position.?Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.?Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Hanna Kontsu, +46 107-38 53 25, [email protected].
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Forskningsingenjör till forskningsinriktningen Framtiden energi

På Mälardalens högskola möts människor som vill utveckla sig själva och framtiden. Våra 19 900 studenter läser kurser och program inom ekonomi, hälsa, teknik och utbildning på våra campus i Eskilstuna och Västerås eller på distans. Vi bedriver forskning inom alla utbildningsområden och har internationellt framstående forskning inom framtidens energi och inbyggda system. Vårt nära samarbete med näringsliv och offentlig sektor gör att vi på MDH bidrar till a... Visa mer
På Mälardalens högskola möts människor som vill utveckla sig själva och framtiden. Våra 19 900 studenter läser kurser och program inom ekonomi, hälsa, teknik och utbildning på våra campus i Eskilstuna och Västerås eller på distans. Vi bedriver forskning inom alla utbildningsområden och har internationellt framstående forskning inom framtidens energi och inbyggda system. Vårt nära samarbete med näringsliv och offentlig sektor gör att vi på MDH bidrar till att människor mår bättre och jorden håller längre. För att stärka Sverige som utbildnings- och forskningsland vill regeringen göra Mälardalens högskola till Mälardalens universitet från 1 januari 2022.

På akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik läser våra studenter till bland annat högskole- och civilingenjörer, statsvetare och ekonomer. Hos oss finns forskningsinriktningarna industriell ekonomi och organisation och framtidens energi. Vårt arbete sker i samverkan och i strategiska avtal med företag, organisationer och myndigheter i regionen.

Anställningsform: Tillsvidareanställning med eventuell provanställning
Omfattning: Heltid
Sista ansökningsdag: 2021-12-20
Stationeringsort: Västerås
Akademi/enhet/sektion: Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik (EST)

Som forskningsingenjör kommer du att jobba tillsammans med våra doktorander, forskare och studenter. Detta innebär att du blir delaktig i försöks-planering, förberedelser och genomförande av vår laborativa forskning. Exempel på laborativa moment är biogasförsök, pyrolys, förbränning, bränslekarakterisering, vattenanalyser, algodling, spektrala mätningar med NIR och FT-IR, gaskromatografi, försöksuppställning, provberedning, värmeöverföring, strömningsteknik, pannanläggning för värme och el, och energilagring mm. I tjänsten ingår också att vara behjälplig med installation av mätutrustning hos våra industriella partners i samband med experimentella studier. Du kommer också att vara ansvarig för inköp och underhåll av utrustning och material samt organisation och ordning inne på våra laboratorier. Vidare kommer du att vara ansvarig för framtagande av risk- och konsekvensanalyser och delaktig i framtagande av rutiner och liknande.

Du ska ha en examen inom teknik eller naturvetenskap med inriktning mot energiteknik, miljöteknik, analytisk kemi, byggnadsteknik eller annan inriktning som arbetsgivaren bedömer som likvärdig. Du bör ha dokumenterad erfarenhet av laboratoriearbete samt kunskap om underhåll och skötsel av vanligt förekommande laborativ utrustning. Du ska också ha kunskap om kemikaliehantering från inköp till destruktion och avfallshantering. Vidare bör du ha kunskap om genomförande av risk- och konsekvensanalyser och god kännedom om lagar och förordningar som reglerar arbetet i ett laboratorium. Goda kunskaper i engelska och svenska i tal och skrift är ett krav. 

Stor vikt läggs vid personliga egenskaper såsom planerings- och organisationsförmåga, ansvarstagande och noggrannhet.

Avgörande vikt läggs vid personlig lämplighet. Vi värdesätter de kvaliteter som en jämn ålders- och könsfördelning samt etnisk och kulturell mångfald tillför.

Meriterande är: 

• Erfarenhet av arbete i forskningsprojekt inom områdena energi-, bygg- och miljöteknik.
• Erfarenhet av arbete i experimentella studier inom områden relaterade till forskningen inom Framtidens Energi.
• Erfarenhet av arbete i projekt i samverkan mellan olika typer av aktörer som t.ex. akademi och industri
• Erfarenhet av praktiskt arbete med till exempel montering, svarvning, elinstallation eller liknande 

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Research Scientist for Power System Protection

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the hear... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Systems Protection. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Validate new concepts via software simulations or laboratory tests and optimize the solutions to meet the technical requirements
Manage R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of power systems protection
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering with specialization in power systems or power system protection
Deep knowledge of the power system protection domain with preferred experience in designing, using, or testing protection relays and applications
Experience with power system simulation tools (e.g. PSCAD) and programming tools (e.g. Matlab or Python) is beneficial
Knowledge in digital signal processing is beneficial
Multidisciplinary knowledge in other fields (e.g. HW/SW development, power electronics, communication networks, machine learning, etc.) is beneficial
It is an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English is required, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by January 12.
Recruiting Manager Michele Luvisotto, +46 107-38 61 27, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Renée Lundgren, +46 107-38 54 75, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

Research Scientist for Power Electronics

At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innovation is the heart... Visa mer
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi Energy and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and drive innovation within the area of future sustainable energy
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize to demonstrate feasibility of new concepts
Manage R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy, and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D projects within the domain of energy systems aligned with digital transformation of the industry
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
You have a PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable master’s degree combined working experience
Significant experience of PE converter/controller design, and hardware implementation
It is beneficial if you have knowledge and experience using multiple technical disciplines in specialized areas such as energy storage, machine-learning, reliability analysis
We consider it to be an advantage if you have previous experience of leading R&D projects
You have a curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges. You have excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by Jan. 30 2022.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. Other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner, [email protected]
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD. www.hitachienergy.com Visa mindre

R&D Scientist in Power Electronics & Electric Drive Control

Ansök    Sep 6    ABB AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. Y... Visa mer
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.
You will be part of Powertrain & Digitalization team at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås, Sweden. At Corporate Research we lead the innovation within ABB and our task is to ensure ABB's technology competitiveness now and in the future.
We work in close collaboration with other research centers, our business areas: Motion, Process Automation, Robotics & Discrete Automation and Electrification, as well academic and industrial partners. In our creative and highly skilled team we develop, design, build and test new concepts and prototypes of physical and digital powertrains consisting of electric energy source, electrical motor, electric drive, and a selected application. The position is reporting to Research Team Manager.
Your responsibilities
Theoretical investigation and experimental validation of the next generation of control strategies applied in electric drives.
Development of advanced modulation and control techniques for low-voltage and medium-voltage drive topologies.
Powertrain optimization in the applications covering general purpose, electric transportation, renewable generation, robotics.
Development, integration, and control of power electronics applied in low-voltage and medium-voltage motors.
Electric system design and optimization for onboard transport solutions.
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of electric motors and drives.

Your background
PhD degree or MSc degree with several years of relevant work experience in the field of Electric Drive Control or Power Electronics.
Theoretical understanding of electric drive control theory and application of power electronics.
Solid background in modulation methods, control and parameter estimation algorithms for electric machines and drives, as well as simulation, verification, and optimization procedures in the field of Electric Drive Control.
Experienced in design, simulation, and optimization procedures in the field of Power Electronics.
Familiar with condition monitoring and diagnostics of electric motors and drives.
Practical experience in designing and implementing test setups and conducting experiments.
Good collaboration capabilities in a Research & Development team and laboratory environment.
Strong team spirit, individual and structured leadership to deliver expected results on time, on budget and with high quality.

More about us
Recruiting Manager Dmitry Svechkarenko, +46 21 34 51 73 will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Mikael Blomqvist, +46 21 34 21 48, Ledarna: Lenny Larsson, +46 21 32 85 47; Unionen: Ing-Marie B Lindgren-Turpeinen, +46 21 32 95 83. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Anna Nordlund, +46 761 42 01 39.
You are welcome to apply the latest by October 1. Please note that selection will be done on an ongoing basis and the position may be filled before last day of application.
We look forward to receiving your application (preferably in English). If you want to discover more about ABB, take another look at our website www.abb.com. Visa mindre

Research Scientist in Power Electronics Converter Development

Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innov... Visa mer
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi ABB Power Grids and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and propose solution ideas in R&D projects
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the solutions
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D project sponsors & customers
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable Master with working experience
Experience of PE converter optimization, knowledge including topology, modulation, component selection etc., design targeting for reliability, compactness, loss and cost
PE converter design and testing experience, with knowledge of component dimensioning, failure protection, cooling, insulation and electromagnetics
It is beneficial to have energy storage system R&D experience
It is beneficial to have R&D project leading experience.
Curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
Excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by Sep.1.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a global technology leader with a combined heritage of almost 250 years, employing around 36,000 people in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the business serves utility, industry and infrastructure customers across the value chain, and emerging areas like sustainable mobility, smart cities, energy storage and data centres. With a proven track record, global footprint and unparalleled installed base, Hitachi ABB Power Grids balances social, environmental and economic values, and is committed to powering good for a sustainable energy future, with pioneering and digital technologies, as the partner of choice for enabling a stronger, smarter and greener grid.
www.hitachiabb-powergrids.com Visa mindre

Electrical R&D Engineer

Ansök    Okt 7    ABB AB    Forskningsingenjör, elkraft
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. ... Visa mer
Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future.
At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.
In this position you will contribute ideas for innovative technology developments and solutions, working to solve industrial problems. The Swedish R&D hub has a strong focus on the rail and eMobility sectors. Reporting to the R&D Hub manager in Sweden, you will contribute creative ideas to R&D projects, as well as propose follow-up projects and activities based on new ideas.
Your responsibilities
Making judgments and contributing to results through an understanding of the key business drivers for ABB.
Ensuring alignment with targets and coordinating activities.
Monitoring technology developments and ABB products and technologies, and identifying technical drivers for R&D projects.
Working to improve operations and increase customer satisfaction according to incoming requests, and providing consulting services to business operations and customers.
Participating in working teams, disseminating technical/scientific knowledge in projects, and assisting colleagues in applying processes and tools.
Participating in networks to expand knowledge of the targeted area of expertise.
Contributing to discussions of intellectual property and developing project clearance reports.
Identifying risks in R&D projects.

Your background
A university degree in Engineering, specializing in electric power conversion or electrical design and analysis
A minimum of three years of experience in vehicle industry, working as design or development engineer with rotating machines, power converters or drivelines
Good knowledge of electrical design and numerical analysis
Good knowledge of motor and converter interaction
Knowledge of thermal design and modeling both analytical and numerical
Fluent in English, written and spoken alike, whereas knowledge of Swedish is preferred
High level of cooperation skills with different people and cultures
Strong team spirit, individual and structured leadership to deliver expected results on time, on budget and with high quality

More about us
The IEC LV Motors Division is a global market leader focused on helping industries, cities, infrastructure and transportation increase energy efficiency.
The division offers a full range of energy efficient low voltage motors, including SynRM (synchronous reluctance) motors to help customers reduce power bills and cut emissions. With rugged designs, a global footprint and application expertise, IEC LV motor solutions have a well-earned reputation of improving reliability and productivity in the most demanding applications.
Recruiting Manager Ola Aglen, +4621 32 95 18, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Håkan Sjöberg, +4621-32 91 69; Ledarna: Lenny Larsson, +4621-32 85 47; Unionen: Ing-Marie B Lindgren-Turpeinen, +4621-32 95 83. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Anna Nordlund, +46 761 42 01 39.
We look forward to receiving your application (documents submitted in English are appreciated). If you want to discover more about ABB, take another look at our website www.abb.com. Visa mindre

R&D Scientist in Power Electronics

Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innov... Visa mer
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi ABB Power Grids and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and propose solution ideas in R&D projects
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the solutions
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D project sponsors & customers
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable Master with working experience
Experience of PE converter optimization, knowledge including topology, modulation, component selection etc., design targeting for reliability, compactness, loss and cost
It is beneficial to have PE converter testing experience, with knowledge of component dimensioning, failure protection, cooling, insulation and electromagnetics
It is beneficial to have R&D project leading experience
Curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
Excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by June 21.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a global technology leader with a combined heritage of almost 250 years, employing around 36,000 people in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the business serves utility, industry and infrastructure customers across the value chain, and emerging areas like sustainable mobility, smart cities, energy storage and data centres. With a proven track record, global footprint and unparalleled installed base, Hitachi ABB Power Grids balances social, environmental and economic values, and is committed to powering good for a sustainable energy future, with pioneering and digital technologies, as the partner of choice for enabling a stronger, smarter and greener grid. www.hitachiabb-powergrids.com Visa mindre

Research Scientist in Power Electronics

Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Innov... Visa mer
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi ABB Power Grids and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and propose solution ideas in R&D projects
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the solutions
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D project sponsors & customers
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable Master with relevant working experience
Experience of PE converter design, knowledge including topology, modulation, component selection etc.
It is beneficial to have PE converter testing experience, with knowledge of component dimensioning, failure protection, cooling, and electromagnetics
R&D project leading experience and background knowledge on power grid applications are beneficial
Curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
Excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Welcome to apply by March 31. This recruitment process will be started in April.
General questions can be directed to Lead Recruiter Sofia Lindblom, +4672-704 06 11. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12.
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a global technology leader with a combined heritage of almost 250 years, employing around 36,000 people in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the business serves utility, industry and infrastructure customers across the value chain, and emerging areas like sustainable mobility, smart cities, energy storage and data centres. With a proven track record, global footprint and unparalleled installed base, Hitachi ABB Power Grids balances social, environmental and economic values, and is committed to powering good for a sustainable energy future, with pioneering and digital technologies, as the partner of choice for enabling a stronger, smarter and greener grid. www.hitachiabb-powergrids.com Visa mindre

Research Scientist in High-Voltage Physics

Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation Inno... Visa mer
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. We help to power your home, keep the factories running, and our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi ABB Power Grids and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Västerås, Sweden we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of High-Voltage Physics and ability to work with cross-competence topics. You will join our HV Insulation team to develop insulation systems for future generations of HV power systems.
You will work in dynamic, motivated, and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence, and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Develop and validate HV insulation technologies for various HV devices in R&D projects
Connect solid insulation expertise with other technical areas and work in cross-competence teams, to solve research questions for future energy systems
Combine insulation expertise with product knowledge to propose innovative technical solutions that are possible to productize
Build experimental set-ups, conduct tests, and analyze test results, possibly including physical modelling
Lead R&D project or work-package, with structured and target-oriented working style
Create ideas and proposals for new R&D projects
Effectively communicate with colleagues, customers, suppliers and other external partners
Document results in the form of technical reports, presentations, IP etc.

Your Background
Background in dielectrics, HV physics and/or electrotechnology, PhD or MSc combined with work-life experience
Sound analytical skills and experience with planning, conducting and analysis of experiments
Ability to also work in other technical areas, as for example: sensor and soft sensing technology, thermal management, energy storage systems, multiphysics integration
Good communication skills (oral and written) and team worker
Fluency in English, both written and spoken
Experience in, or ability to develop, project management and technical leadership skills
Bonus if you also have working experience of modelling and characterization of HV capacitors and/or other HV devices with solid insulation

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until 2021.04.05, so don’t delay – apply today!
Recruiting Manager, Birgitta Källstrand +46-107381207, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. All other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Sofia Lindblom, +46 727-04 06 11
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a global technology leader with a combined heritage of almost 250 years, employing around 36,000 people in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the business serves utility, industry and infrastructure customers across the value chain, and emerging areas like sustainable mobility, smart cities, energy storage and data centres. With a proven track record, global footprint and unparalleled installed base, Hitachi ABB Power Grids balances social, environmental and economic values, and is committed to powering good for a sustainable energy future, with pioneering and digital technologies, as the partner of choice for enabling a stronger, smarter and greener grid. www.hitachiabb-powergrids.com Visa mindre

R&D scientist in Transformer Electromagnetics

Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help keep your lights on, the factories running, our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Innovation Do you want to appl... Visa mer
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help keep your lights on, the factories running, our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Innovation
Do you want to apply your advanced degree in science or engineering to make a real difference for the everyday quality of life for hundreds of millions of people worldwide?
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi ABB Power Grids and our research centers the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader.
For our research center in Västerås, Sweden, we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Transformer Electromagnetics. You will work in dynamic, motivated and creative teams with a wide range of experiences and competences with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities. Our teams are often multicultural, and we encourage job rotation as a way to develop personal competence and to learn how to work in different cultures
Your responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and propose solution ideas in R&D projects
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the solutions
Lead R&D projects with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D project sponsors & customers
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your background
PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power transformer, or a comparable Master with relevant working experience
Experience of electromagnetic design of complex equipment and systems
Demonstrated skills in using scientific tools e.g. COMSOL, MagNet and CST simulation studio
Demonstrated high theoretical understanding in the area of electromagnetic and field theory
Curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges and learn adjacent scientific areas
Excellent communication skills, team player and ability to take diverse inputs to solve complex problem
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

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Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until 2021.01.17, so don’t delay – apply today!
Recruiting Manager Manoj Pradhan, +46107386623, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. All other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Sofia Lindblom, +46 727-04 06 11
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a global technology leader with a combined heritage of almost 250 years, employing around 36,000 people in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the business serves utility, industry and infrastructure customers across the value chain, and emerging areas like sustainable mobility, smart cities, energy storage and data centers. With a proven track record, global footprint and unparalleled installed base, Hitachi ABB Power Grids balances social, environmental and economic values, and is committed to powering good for a sustainable energy future, with pioneering and digital technologies, as the partner of choice for enabling a stronger, smarter and greener grid. www.hitachiabb-powergrids.com Visa mindre

Research Scientist in Power Electronics

Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help keep your lights on, the factories running, our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Innovation Innovation is the h... Visa mer
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a pioneering technology leader that is helping to increase access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. We help keep your lights on, the factories running, our hospitals and schools open. Come as you are and prepare to get better as you learn from others. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and plug into a team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Innovation
Innovation is the heart of Hitachi ABB Power Grids and our research centers are the backbone. Join us if you have outstanding scientific or technical expertise as well as drive and passion. Through your research projects you will become part of company-wide community that will shape and help you to develop your career into a technical or managerial leader. Prior knowledge about power systems is welcome, but it is not a requirement.
For our research center in Sweden we are looking for a research scientist with expertise in the area of Power Electronics. You will work in dynamic, motivated and creative teams with a wide range of experience and competence and with access to highly advanced laboratory facilities.
Your Responsibilities
Identify technical requirements and propose solution ideas in R&D projects
Develop and provide solutions for technical challenges in R&D projects
Conduct laboratory tests, analyze data, and improve/optimize the solutions
Lead R&D projects or work-packages with a structured working style, target-oriented strategy and effective leadership
Create ideas and proposals for R&D project sponsors & customers
Interact and actively communicate with team members, customers, suppliers, as well as Collaborators in partner companies and universities
Deliver results in the form of software, hardware, technical reports, patent applications, scientific papers, and presentations
Build a network in the company and actively share your knowledge and expertise

Your Requirements
PhD in Electrical Engineering specializing in power electronics, or a comparable Master with relevant working experience
Experience of PE converter design, knowledge including topology, modulation, component selection etc.
It is beneficial to have PE converter testing experience, with knowledge of component dimensioning, failure protection, cooling, and electromagnetics
R&D project leading experience and background knowledge on power grid applications are beneficial.
Curious mindset and can easily adapt to new challenges
Excellent communication skills and team player attitude
Fluency in English, both written and spoken

More about us
Are you ready for a new exciting challenge? Welcome to apply by November 11.
Recruiting Manager Nan Chen, +4610-7386849 will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Bo Westman, +46 107-38 38 04, Unionen: Karin Boholm, +46 107-38 65 85, Ledarna: Christer Fridlund, +46 107-38 29 12. All other questions can be directed to Lead Recruiter Sofia Lindblom, +4672-704 06 11.
Hitachi ABB Power Grids is a global technology leader with a combined heritage of almost 250 years, employing around 36,000 people in 90 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the business serves utility, industry and infrastructure customers across the value chain, and emerging areas like sustainable mobility, smart cities, energy storage and data centers. With a proven track record, global footprint and unparalleled installed base, Hitachi ABB Power Grids balances social, environmental and economic values, and is committed to powering good for a sustainable energy future, with pioneering and digital technologies, as the partner of choice for enabling a stronger, smarter and greener grid. www.hitachiabb-powergrids.com Visa mindre

R & D Engineer System Test Lead

You will be part of Grid Automation Products in Västerås. Grid Automation Products is a business unit within ABB’s Power Grids division that is responsible for the development, marketing and sale and manufacturing of products for protection and control for generation, trunk networks and regional network applications. The unit's product offer consists of IEDs in the Relion® 670/650 series. The unit also offers services such as training to ensure customers g... Visa mer
You will be part of Grid Automation Products in Västerås. Grid Automation Products is a business unit within ABB’s Power Grids division that is responsible for the development, marketing and sale and manufacturing of products for protection and control for generation, trunk networks and regional network applications. The unit's product offer consists of IEDs in the Relion® 670/650 series. The unit also offers services such as training to ensure customers get the maximum return on their investment in ABB protection and control solutions. Tasks:We are looking for a person who wants to be the System Test Lead for the base technology development for our future generation of products & solutions within Grid Automation. The role includes:- Leading the test team locally and globally- Leading the overall test strategy development- Responsibility for system test planning- Leading short & long-term improvements for testingYou will be part of a global Scaled Agile Framework where you will collaborate with product owners, scrum masters, testers, software & hardware developers, test leads, project- and product managers. Occasional travelling may occur time to time.Requirements:We believe that you hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or from an equivalent area. You have about five years’ work experience, preferably within testing, test methodology and test automation. Fluency in English is mandatory, written and spoken alike, whereas skills in Swedish are qualifying.To succeed in this role, you need a creative, proactive and focus-oriented mindset. Furthermore, you are open minded, accurate and systematic. You are a team player with strong collaboration and interpersonal skills that can engage others. Essentially, you enjoy working in a high-paced environment and you are able to grasp the bigger picture without losing track of the details.Additional info:Welcome to apply no later than June 4th 2019. Please note that a complete application must contain your resume and a cover letter. Applications may be reviewed on an ongoing basis.Recruiting Manager Johan Svensson, +4621 32 13 93, will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Lennart Molin, +4621 32 41 91 Unionen: Ingrid Nilsson, +4621 32 14 66, Ledarna: Lenny Larsson, +4621 32 85 47. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, +4621 32 54 75.  Job ID SE67437891 ABB strives to have a diverse and inclusive work environment and we welcome female candidates to apply.ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a pioneering technology leader with a comprehensive offering for digital industries. With a history of innovation spanning more than 130 years, ABB is today a leader in digital industries with four customer-focused, globally leading businesses: Electrification, Industrial Automation, Motion, and Robotics & Discrete Automation, supported by its common ABB Ability™ digital platform. ABB’s market leading Power Grids business will be divested to Hitachi in 2020. ABB operates in more than 100 countries with about 147,000 employees. www.abb.com Visa mindre

R & D Engineer System Test Lead

You will be part of Grid Automation Products in Västerås. Grid Automation Products is a business unit within ABB’s Power Grids division that is responsible for the development, marketing and sale and manufacturing of products for protection and control for generation, trunk networks and regional network applications. The unit's product offer consists of IEDs in the Relion® 670/650 series. The unit also offers services such as training to ensure customers g... Visa mer
You will be part of Grid Automation Products in Västerås. Grid Automation Products is a business unit within ABB’s Power Grids division that is responsible for the development, marketing and sale and manufacturing of products for protection and control for generation, trunk networks and regional network applications. The unit's product offer consists of IEDs in the Relion® 670/650 series. The unit also offers services such as training to ensure customers get the maximum return on their investment in ABB protection and control solutions.

We are looking for a person who wants to be the System Test Lead for the base technology development for our future generation of products & solutions within Grid Automation. The role includes:

- Leading the test team locally and globally
- Leading the overall test strategy development
- Responsibility for system test planning
- Leading short & long-term improvements for testing

You will be part of a global Scaled Agile Framework where you will collaborate with product owners, scrum masters, testers, software & hardware developers, test leads, project- and product managers. Occasional travelling may occur time to time.

We believe that you hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or from an equivalent area. You have about five years’ work experience, preferably within testing, test methodology and test automation. Fluency in English is mandatory, written and spoken alike, whereas skills in Swedish are qualifying.

To succeed in this role, you need a creative, proactive and focus-oriented mindset. Furthermore, you are open minded, accurate and systematic. You are a team player with strong collaboration and interpersonal skills that can engage others. Essentially, you enjoy working in a high-paced environment and you are able to grasp the bigger picture without losing track of the details.

Additional info:
Welcome to apply no later than April the 14th 2019. Please note that a complete application must contain your resume and a cover letter. Applications may be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Recruiting Manager Johan Svensson, +4621 32 13 93, will answer your questions about the position.
Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Lennart Molin, +4621 32 41 91 Unionen: Ingrid Nilsson, +4621 32 14 66, Ledarna: Lenny Larsson, +4621 32 85 47. All other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Renée Lundgren, +4621 32 54 75.
Job ID SE67437891

ABB strives to have a diverse and inclusive work environment and we welcome female candidates to apply. Visa mindre