Lediga jobb Alstom Transport AB i Västerås

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Senior Cost Engineer - 474871

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Senior Cost Engin... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Senior Cost Engineer in Vasteras, SE we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your meticulous financial management expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll work alongside dedicated, collaborative, and insightful teammates. You'll contribute significantly to the execution of our projects, ensuring their financial health and success. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (including Project Management, Engineering, and Procurement), provide reliable financial analysis to assist in decision-making, and much more.

We’ll look to you for:
Implementing the global financial strategy set at the execution phase,
Monitoring compliance with all governance and reporting rules & regulations in project,
Preparing timely forecasts for sales, costs, margin and cash,
Permanently looking for liquidity flows and working capital optimization and promote cash culture in the project,
Ensuring, managing and monitoring foreign exchange exposures and Contract Price Adjustment (CPA) indexes evolution (help to define indexes to be used),
Supporting the finance teams in the monthly closing process and reporting Project financials in a suitable manner,
Reconciling project data and General Ledger on regular basis,
Communicating effectively with Project Stakeholders and providing reliable financial analysis to assist in the decision-making (Explain, justify and keep record in detail)

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Degree in Finance, Business Administration, or a related field,
Experience or understanding of project management in a financial context,
Knowledge of financial analysis and reporting,
Proficiency in financial forecasting and budgeting,
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues,
Work with detailed financial strategies and compliance measures to optimize project execution,
Progress towards advanced financial analysis and strategic decision-making skills,
Utilise our dynamic working environment,
Contribute to innovative projects,
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning,
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Documentation Engineer - 474978

Ansök    Dec 23    Alstom Transport AB    Teknikinformatör
Req ID:474978 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bi... Visa mer
Req ID:474978

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya Informationsdesigner, Informatör eller Teknisk skribent i Västerås?

Oavsett vad du kallar dig - är det viktigast att du är en person som har ett gediget tekniskt intresse och stor teknisk förståelse.

Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till Piotr Okeli ( Documentation Manager ). I rollen ingår att samla in teknisk information och leverera teknisk dokumentation för underhålls- och driftmanualer. Du kommer även samla in information, granska och säkerställa korrekt innehåll före leverans och driva utvecklingen framåt inom det tilldelade tekniska området.
Du kommer att ingå i ett mångsidigt team med en mångfald av kompetenser och bakgrunder.
Vi värdesätter teknisk kunskap och bred helhetsförståelse för system.

Vad kommer du att göra?
Kommunicera med berörda parter; koordinatorer, utbildare, systemingenjörer m.m.
Delta i kundmöten för att säkerställa att kraven uppfylls och även i interna möten för feedback och rapportering
Samarbeta med systemingenjörer för förtydligande eller saknad information och följ upp framstegen
Delta i workshops och även på våra depåer för att undersöka systemen fysiskt
Bearbeta och uppdatera dokument
Ta fram teknisk dokumentation i XML, såsom tekniska beskrivningar, underhållsinstruktioner, felsökningsinstruktioner, förarmanualer etc.
Granska, uppdatera och översätta teknisk dokumentation
Skapa och uppdatera illustrationer
Administrera och uppdatera revisioner

Vem är du?
Då vi är en stor organisation med många projekt söker vi både dig med erfarenhet men även du som är i början av din karriär. Hos oss kan du utvecklas och utmanas på plats oavsett om du har många år i branschen eller precis ska börja.
För att lyckas i rollen behöver du vara strukturerad och arbeta enligt en tydlig process du slutför det du påbörjat och håller deadlines. Vi tror även att du tar aktivt initiativ i sociala sammanhang, kliver fram och har lätt för att skapa nya relationer. Som person behöver du också vara bra på att kommunicera på ett tydligt sätt. Säkerställer att budskap når fram och att förväntningarna är klara för alla berörda parter.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Relevant utbildning inom teknisk dokumentation, informationsdesign, ingenjörsvetenskap eller motsvarande område. Alternativt motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet som bedöms likvärdig tex underhållstekniker
Erfarenhet från tekniskt arbete från automationsindustrin, flyg, tåg eller likande. Eller erfarenhet som informationsdesigner, informatör eller teknisk skribent.
Goda kunskaper i både engelska och svenska då dokumentation är på båda språken

Praktisk erfarenhet av underhåll och felsökning
Erfarenhet om järnvägsfordon
Erfarenhet inom Arbortext XML, dokumenthanteringssystem (CMS) och script
Erfarenhet av produktutvecklingsdatabas (PDM-system) och reservdelshantering

Vi kommer kalla till löpande intervjuer under januari, så skicka in din ansökan redan idag.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Tågtekniker - 462984

Req ID:473946 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bil... Visa mer
Req ID:473946

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya Tågtekniker i Västerås?

Har du en teknisk bakgrund gärna erfarenhet inom el och vill bli del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Har du viljan att utvecklas, uppskattar lagarbete och gillar att lösa tekniska utmaningar? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!

Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till Production Manager och arbetar tillsammans i en grupp med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt

Du kommer arbeta med transformatorbyten och strömriktare på X2000 tåg. I rollen ingår även att utföra underhåll av fordonen och bedöma det trafiksäkerhetsmässiga tillståndet. Du ska kunna följa instruktioner och genomföra underhåll och driftsättning enligt dem.

I tjänsten ingår även att:

Utföra underhåll, felavhjälpning?samt modifieringar på fordon.
Arbetet utförs enligt instruktioner i befintliga system.
Registrera och dokumentera information i våra aktuella system gällande t.ex. åtgärdstext, åtgånget material etc.
Med stöd av felsökare emellanåt felsöka och genomföra korrektion av elektriska fel på fordonen.
Säkerställa efterlevnad enligt kraven i policyn för miljö, hälsa, säkerhet och kvalitet.
Arbeta enligt ISO 9001, ISO 14001 och Alstom Railway Safety Policy.

Vem är du?
För att lyckas som tågtekniker behöver du ha en stark teknisk kompetens och ett öga för detaljer.
Du behöver vara strukturerad och tycka om att arbeta efter tydliga processer. Vi tror även att du tycker om att jobba mot deadlines för att få ut tågen i tid. Du är bra på att organisera och planera ditt arbete väl.
Vi tror också du är analytisk och tycker om att utföra tekniska felsökningar och hitta lösningar på problem. Vidare är det viktigt du är noggrann och har en hög ansvarskänsla, eftersom arbete som tågtekniker har en direkt påverkan för alla passagerares säkerhet och hälsa. God kommunikationsförmåga och samarbetsförmåga är också viktigt eftersom du arbetar tillsammans med andra tekniker och annan personal på vår depå.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Utbildning/erfarenhet eller en stor passion för el, teknik och felsökning
Erfarenhet eller förståelse för tekniskt arbete inom flyg-, industri- eller fordonbranschen eller likande där reparation och felsökning av mekaniska, elektriska, pneumatiska samt digitala styrsystem tillhört din vardag
Vi ser gärna att du är van att montera elektriska och mekaniska komponenter efter ritningar och instruktioner.
Har du goda kunskaper inom el så är det ett stort plus.
Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Kännedom av tågbranschen
Kunskap av felsökning och förmåga att lösa komplexa problem
Utbildning UH-1 (M1)
Utbildning UH-1 (M3)

Då arbetsuppgifterna är av betydelse för trafiksäkerheten krävs godkänd medicinsk hälsoundersökning innan eventuell anställning kan påbörjas, detta ombesörjer Alstom
Arbetet innebär dagtid. Välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag. Vi kommer kalla till intervjuer under januari.

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Visa mindre

Tågtekniker - 462984

Req ID:473946 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bil... Visa mer
Req ID:473946

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya Tågtekniker i Västerås?

Har du en teknisk bakgrund gärna erfarenhet inom el och vill bli del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Har du viljan att utvecklas, uppskattar lagarbete och gillar att lösa tekniska utmaningar? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!

Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till Production Manager och arbetar tillsammans i en grupp med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt

Du kommer arbeta med transformatorbyten och strömriktare på X2000 tåg. I rollen ingår även att utföra underhåll av fordonen och bedöma det trafiksäkerhetsmässiga tillståndet. Du ska kunna följa instruktioner och genomföra underhåll och driftsättning enligt dem.

I tjänsten ingår även att:

Utföra underhåll, felavhjälpning?samt modifieringar på fordon.
Arbetet utförs enligt instruktioner i befintliga system.
Registrera och dokumentera information i våra aktuella system gällande t.ex. åtgärdstext, åtgånget material etc.
Med stöd av felsökare emellanåt felsöka och genomföra korrektion av elektriska fel på fordonen.
Säkerställa efterlevnad enligt kraven i policyn för miljö, hälsa, säkerhet och kvalitet.
Arbeta enligt ISO 9001, ISO 14001 och Alstom Railway Safety Policy.

Vem är du?
För att lyckas som tågtekniker behöver du ha en stark teknisk kompetens och ett öga för detaljer.
Du behöver vara strukturerad och tycka om att arbeta efter tydliga processer. Vi tror även att du tycker om att jobba mot deadlines för att få ut tågen i tid. Du är bra på att organisera och planera ditt arbete väl.
Vi tror också du är analytisk och tycker om att utföra tekniska felsökningar och hitta lösningar på problem. Vidare är det viktigt du är noggrann och har en hög ansvarskänsla, eftersom arbete som tågtekniker har en direkt påverkan för alla passagerares säkerhet och hälsa. God kommunikationsförmåga och samarbetsförmåga är också viktigt eftersom du arbetar tillsammans med andra tekniker och annan personal på vår depå.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Utbildning/erfarenhet eller en stor passion för el, teknik och felsökning
Erfarenhet eller förståelse för tekniskt arbete inom flyg-, industri- eller fordonbranschen eller likande där reparation och felsökning av mekaniska, elektriska, pneumatiska samt digitala styrsystem tillhört din vardag
Vi ser gärna att du är van att montera elektriska och mekaniska komponenter efter ritningar och instruktioner.
Har du goda kunskaper inom el så är det ett stort plus.
Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Kännedom av tågbranschen
Kunskap av felsökning och förmåga att lösa komplexa problem
Utbildning UH-1 (M1)
Utbildning UH-1 (M3)

Då arbetsuppgifterna är av betydelse för trafiksäkerheten krävs godkänd medicinsk hälsoundersökning innan eventuell anställning kan påbörjas, detta ombesörjer Alstom
Arbetet innebär dagtid. Välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag. Vi kommer kalla till intervjuer under januari.

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Visa mindre

Documentation Engineering Lead - 469366

Ansök    Dec 23    Alstom Transport AB    Teknikinformatör
Req ID: 469366 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bi... Visa mer
Req ID: 469366

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du redo att leda vårt dokumentationsteam som Documentation Engineering Lead i Västerås?

Din framtida roll:
Vi söker en driven och strukturerad person som vill ta ansvar för att samordna leveranser av teknisk dokumentation, både från interna och externa leverantörer, och säkerställa att vi levererar enligt projektplan och kundkrav. Du rapporterar till Piotr Okeli (Documentation manager)

Du kommer att arbeta med olika typer av projekt och ha ansvar för granskning av dokumentation på både svenska och engelska. Det är viktigt att du har kunskap om underhållsdokumentation, systembeskrivningar, felsökningsinstruktioner och förarmanuell. Du behöver också kunna läsa ritningar och reservdelsinformation.

I tjänsten ingår att:

Skapa en plan för resurser, fördela arbetsuppgifter inom teamet och följa upp kostnader.
Samla teknisk information från systemutveckling, underleverantörer, kunder, fältingenjörer och support.
Bearbeta och organisera den tekniska informationen så att den blir tydlig.
Planera och se till att vi producerar avancerad teknisk användarinformation, samt följa upp hur det går.
Arbeta för att göra underhållsinformationen bättre genom ett samarbete mellan olika avdelningar för att förbättra användarupplevelsen.
Anpassa dokumentationen utifrån feedback, så att den blir mer användbar för slutanvändaren.
Följa upp tidsplaner och hantera förändringar som kan påverka användarinformationen.
Följa våra granskningsprocesser, inklusive intern kontroll och teknisk granskning.
Leda projekt inom fordonsutveckling eller ombyggnad och se till att dokumentationen levereras i tid.

Som person är du van att vara spindel i nätet med god förmåga att samarbeta och kommunicera inom teamet och med externa parter.
Du skapar tydliga planer och organiserar resurser för att säkerställa att dokumentationen levereras enligt tidsramar och krav. Genom att samarbeta effektivt med olika avdelningar och externa partner driver du projekten framåt. Ditt engagemang som ledare inspirerar teamet och skapar en positiv arbetsmiljö där alla känner sig delaktiga och motiverade att nå gemensamma mål.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Relevant utbildning inom teknisk dokumentation, informationsdesign, ingenjörsvetenskap eller motsvarande område. Alternativt motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet som bedöms likvärdig.
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med teknisk dokumentation, projektledning eller relaterade roller, helst inom ingenjörs- eller fordonsindustrin.
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att leda projekt, särskilt i samband med dokumentationsprocesser eller utvecklingsprojekt.
Kännedom om att arbeta med modulariserad information och Content Management System (CMS).
Flytande kunskaper i både svenska och engelska, både skriftligt och muntligt för att kunna granska och anpassa dokumentation.

Vi kommer kalla till intervjuer under januari, så skicka in din ansökan redan idag.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Utvecklas inom företaget
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Har vi väckt ditt intresse för att jobba hos oss? Då vill vi höra från dig!
Varmt välkommen med din ansökan redan idag, urval sker löpande och vi kommer kalla till intervjuer under januari 2025.
Vi vill inte ha något personligt brev till den här rekryteringen. Utan du kommer få svara på några urvalsfrågor och bifoga ditt CV.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.
Apply now Visa mindre

Produktionsledare - 471599

Req ID: 471599 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bila... Visa mer
Req ID: 471599
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.
Du behöver inte vara tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss.

Är det dags för ett nytt steg i karriären? Har du erfarenhet av en ledande befattning? Då har du chansen att söka till dig oss som produktionsledare.

Din framtida roll
Anta en ny utmaning och tillämpa din ledarskapsexpertis i på Alstoms servicecenter i Västerås.
Där är vi specialiserade på tungt underhåll, renovering och modernisering av järnvägsfordon och komponenter.
Du rapporterar till Agneta Hallerström (Production Manager, Västerås) och arbeta tillsammans med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt.

I den här spännande rollen som produktionsledare kommer du få möjligheten att tillsammans med dina medarbetare och Teamleaders - leda och säkerställa kontinuerlig utveckling av produktion utifrån företagets övergripande mål. Du kommer att ha personalansvar över ett 20- tal personer som arbetar dagtid och där ditt coachande ledarskap bidrar till att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare.

I rollen kommer du även:

Styra och följa upp det dagliga arbetet samt ansvara över att arbetet utförs enligt gällande säkerhetskrav
Arbeta med målsättning och resultatuppföljning och vi förväntar oss att du aktiv arbetar för att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare.
Löpande arbeta med ständiga förbättringar och effektivisering av våra processer och vi ser gärna att du tar initiativ till den utvecklingen vi befinner oss i.
Utföra personalplanering för produktionsområdet i samråd med Projektledare och Produktionsplanerare
Tillsammans med projektledare/produktionschef ta operativa beslut som främjar leverans av fordon på utsatt tid
Ansvara för hälsa, miljö och säkerhetsarbetet

Allt om dig
Vi värderar passion och attityd över erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har varje enskild färdighet.
Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer att hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Dokumenterad erfarenhet av ledande befattning
Du är van att jobba med hälsa, miljö och säkerhet
Erfarenhet av verksamhetsutveckling/förändringsledning
Vi ser gärna att du har erfarenhet från produktion/tillverkning
Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
Flytande i engelska och svenska

Dina personliga egenskaper:

För att lyckas i rollen behöver du vara trygg i ditt ledarskap. Samarbetet med många olika funktioner, både inom bolaget och med våra kunder stället krav på din kommunikationsförmåga och tydlighet och att du trivs med att samverka med andra. Du är en stabil person som behåller lugnet och fokus i stunder när det är högt tempo.
Vidare ser vi att du är nyfiken, gillar och har förmågan att förändra saker till det bättre och att tänka nytt
Du ansvarar för din och gruppens prestation och driver självständigt dina arbetsuppgifter i mål på ett effektivt sätt. Som ledare är du tillitsfull och ger dina medarbetare frihet till självständigt arbete. Du är en coachande ledare, van att få med dig andra genom ditt engagemang och delaktighet och du tycker om att se andra växa.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär. Du kommer också att:
Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med vårt mångsidiga team
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Styr din karriär i vilken riktning du än väljer i olika funktioner och länder
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Är du rätt person att anta denna utmaning och vill vara med att bidra till vår fortsatta utveckling?

Då är du varmt välkommen med din ansökan snarast möjligt. Vi tar enbart emot ansökningar via vår hemsida. Intervjuer sker löpande.

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig! Visa mindre

Site Quality Director - 470779

Ansök    Dec 12    Alstom Transport AB    Kvalitetschef
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Site Quality Dire... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Site Quality Director in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?

Your future role

Get on board and apply your production expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You will directly report to Jan Åkerman (Head of Quality RSC Nordics) and you will be managing the Site Quality Teams in order to ensure the deliveries from the Site are at the right quality level. You will cascade & implement the Site objectives within the Quality organization and implements quality policy & tools at Site level.

We’ll look to you for:

Quality action plan:
develop Quality Culture & Right First Time Approach.
ensure consistency of QCD objectives and the contractual/regulatory obligations applicable to the projects.
drives continuous improvement plans to analyze and reduce the CONQ, NCR, Safety issues and Demerit

Quality embedded in operations:
deploy Quality Policy within the management committee of the site,
responsible for Quality and Safety assessment of the products & services delivered, according to the contractual quality requirements.
increase customer satisfaction through periodic meetings, customers surveys, product delivery controls,
manage and escalate top issues impacting safety and customer
ensure that Development For Quality gate reviews are done on time

Quality Resources Management:
lead, manage and develop quality teams, using quality school, expertise, and APSYS.
deploy standard tools and indicators, and contribute to their improvement

QMS and Process Management:
ensure process governance, risk and opportunity management with site interested parties.
evaluate by internal audits the quality performance in each process.
ensure the right update about the quality (QMS) reference documents, using REX process.
ensure site QMS conformance against ALSTOM standards, customer standards and ISO9001/IRIS requirements

All about you

We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Master's degree in Engineering, General Management, or Quality Management.
Extensive experience in quality, project, and operations management.
Proficiency in managing quality tools and problem-solving methodologies.
Fluency in written and spoken English is mandatory; Swedish is a huge plus.
Knowledge of the railway industry, including norms and certifications, is an asset.
Senior management experience, preferably with a broad understanding of various product types.
Ability to manage teams in cross-functional and multicultural environments.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with new security standards for rail signalling
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Buyer - 473104

Ansök    Dec 12    Alstom Transport AB    Inköpare
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time onsite Buyer in Vas... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time onsite Buyer in Vasteras, SE we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your well-honed procurement and negotiation expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll work alongside sociable, flexible, and results-driven teammates. You'll manage a critical portfolio of requisitions and make a significant impact by securing the best negotiated offers from the right suppliers. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (Sales, Customer Service Leaders, Project Procurement Managers), drive negotiations and secure rapid proposals, and much more.
We’ll look to you for:
Management of procurement activities for the Parts and Overhaul Business,

Running RFQs (Request for Quotations) and driving negotiations to secure the best offers swiftly,

Monitoring and following up on Purchase Request backlog in SAP,

Setting up Price Information Records in SAP based on negotiations,

Monitoring day-to-day supplier performances and resolving initial issues before escalation,

Organizing Business award/Go-RFQ launch meetings with key stakeholders,

Understanding and applying the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) principles

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Degree in purchasing, engineering, project management, finance, or business administration. A master's degree is desirable.,

Experience or understanding of procurement and/or project management.,

Knowledge of total cost of ownership (TCO) principles.,

Familiarity with SAP and procurement processes.,

Fluent in English; proficiency in Swedish is also preferred.,

Strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively as part of a team.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues,

Work with a diverse range of suppliers to secure the most advantageous deals,

Progress towards becoming a strategic player in procurement and sourcing excellence,

Utilise our dynamic working environment,

Contribute to innovative projects,

Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries,

Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning,

Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Technical Trainer / Teknisk Instruktör

Req: 472674 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar. ... Visa mer
Req: 472674
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya Technical Trainer / Teknisk Instruktör ?

Vill du jobba på ett världsledande företag i järnvägsbranschen?
Alstom Sverige söker en Technical Trainer med erfarenhet av järnvägsreglering, arbete i fordonsdepå med både underhåll och felsökning.
Du rapporterar till Service Technical Training Manager Nordics .

Du kommer att arbeta på en dynamisk avdelning vars ansvarsområden sträcker sig över hela Sverige,
samt till viss del i Norge och Danmark.
Ditt dagliga arbete kommer bestå av att utföra utbildningar på de fordonsflottor som finns inom Alstoms verksamhet och produktionstekniska utbildningar som hör verksamheten till.
Du kommer att delta i planeringen och strategi kring utförande av dessa utbildningar samt utveckla vägen framåt för djupare teknisk kompetens inom Alstoms verkstäder för järnvägsfordon.
Du kommer resa till Alstoms depåer för att utbilda och där träffa våra erfarna medarbetare för att utöka ditt nätverk.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden
Att utföra utbildning för fordonsteknik och produktionsteknik inom järnvägen
Tillsammans med chef och kollegor - planera utbildningar för olika depåer / site:er inom Alstom
Att skapa utbildningsmaterial för de olika fordonsflottor som finns inom Alstoms verksamhet
Att utveckla utbildningsmaterialet löpande efter förändringar i underhållsdokumentation, lagändringar, modifieringar på fordon och/eller lämplig feedback.
Att verka som ett tekniskt stöd för depåer / site:er och andra funktioner inom Alstoms verksamhet
Att följa Alstoms EHS, skydds- och säkerhetsinstruktioner samt lokala föreskrifter.
Att verka som ett föredöme i dagliga arbetet och under utbildning.

Erfarenhet och utbildning
Utbildning: servicetekniker, tågtekniker, felsökare eller liknande erfarenhet.
God kännedom om järnvägslagstiftningen.
Diagnostisk kunskap inom fordonsflottor.
Hög fordonskunskap inom området för de tilltänkta utbildningsområdena
Språk: Flytande svenska och grundläggande kunskaper i engelska.
IT-vana – kunna hantera Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel och Word.

Personliga egenskaper
Beslutsam, ihärdig: sätter upp prioriteringar och reagerar omedelbart när problem dyker upp.
God förmåga till att planera sitt arbete i samråd med övriga intressenter.
Möjlighet att resa i tjänsten.

Tjänsten är placerad på någon av våra depåer i Sverige. Då arbetsuppgifterna är av betydelse för trafiksäkerheten krävs godkänd medicinsk hälsoundersökning innan eventuell anställning kan påbörjas, detta ombesörjer Alstom.

Sånt du kommer gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

Att jobba för Alstom betyder att du blir en del av ett internationellt team med hög kompetens och
att du kommer att få jobba med ett av de mest eftertraktade projekten inom järnvägssektorn i Sverige.
Vår arbetsmiljö är dynamisk och positiv och vår svenska organisation växer snabbt.
Vi erbjuder en innovationsdriven kultur med bra internationella karriärmöjligheter.
Du kommer att få marknadsmässiga anställningsvillkor, pension och försäkringar.

En agil, inkluderande och ansvarsfull kultur är grunden för vårt företag där alla erbjuds möjlighet att växa, lära och bygga en karriär. Vi tror på att uppmuntra våra anställda att nå sin fulla potential alltmedan vi värderar och respekterar dem som individer.

Har du den erfarenhet vi letar efter och vill du bidra till att utveckla en redan spännande arbetsplats? Ansök gärna så snart som möjligt då intervjuer sker löpande.

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig! Visa mindre

Electronics Hardware Design Engineer - 465904

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be our full-time Electroni... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be our full-time Electronics Hardware Design Engineer for our location in Västerås, Sweden?

Your future role
The NordicsTechnology Centre organization is the Alstom internal supplier of control system products for railway vehicle control. The organization is global with sites in Sweden, Germany and Poland and close collaboration with teams in India. The team in Västerås is responsible for computers, input and output products, and human machine interface products. We are now investing in new products with increased performance, cyber security protection and increased functionality.

You will work in projects developing new electronic products. These projects are normally led by a project manager, supported by a HW Lead Engineer coordinating the hardware related activities. You will be engaged in all phases of the project such as requirements management, architecture documentation, HW design as well as verification and testing of the design.
In addition to analogue and digital HW design, the role also includes knowledge about FPGA FW design i.e. VHDL programming.
Supporting the organisation in problem solving of the trains in operation as well as being a part of the management responsibility of our current firmware and electronics products are also important tasks in this role.

We'll look to you for:
• Develop new and maintain existing electronic HW designs
• Develop and work with electronic HW architecture solutions
• Take part in developing and improving on processes (methods and instructions) and tools used within HW development
• Interaction with support functions and stakeholders of the Control & Communication Platform

All about you:
• Relevant academic background, e.g. Master’s Degree in Electronics
• Strong experience with analogue and digital HW design
• Knowledge about FPGA FW design (VHDL) and HW design tools (e.g. Altium)
• Knowledge and experience of railway and safety standards, e.g. EN50155, EN50121-3-2 and 50657/50129
• Experience of working with industrial electronic HW design for embedded systems
• Knowledge about testing, both in production and during development
• Fluent in speaking and writing in English is required. Swedish is desired.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our hybrid working environment
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

International Welding Specialist - 469426

Ansök    Nov 26    Alstom Transport AB    Svetsingenjör
Req: 469426 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som får människor i rörelse. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätt... Visa mer
Req: 469426
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som får människor i rörelse. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar

International Welding Specialist till Västerås

Din framtida roll
Anta en ny utmaning och använd din sakkunnighet inom svets i ett nytt banbrytande område.
Du rapporterar till Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager ALM) och arbeta tillsammans med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt.
Du kommer vara svetsansvarig och har befogenhet att stoppa samtliga svetsaktiviteter som inte uppfyller ställda krav avseende kompetens, arbetsunderlag, utförande, provning av svets eller dokumentation.
Du kommer att vara inblandad i Alstoms Crash och Repair verksamhet för att driva och utveckla industrialiseringsarbetet med att effektivisera och standardisera.

I rollen kommer du även:

Vid teknisk genomgång inför varje nytt projekt granska relevanta underlag i samråd med IWE.
Ha fortlöpande uppföljning och revidering av kvalitetsstyrande rutiner enligt SS-EN ISO 3834-2 samt EN 15085-2
Utvärdera behov och planering av utbildning för svets och kontrollpersonal
Aktivt delta i arbetet med målstyrning och ständiga förbättringar
Upprätthålla förteckning över kvalificerade svetsprocedurer
Beslut om vilka tillsatsmaterial som ska lagerhållas
Granska förfrågningar och order avseende svetsning
Att vid teknisk genomgång inför varje nytt projekt granska relevanta underlag i samråd med IWE.
Utvärdera svetsande underleverantörer
Upprätthålla register över svetsarprövningsintyg
Utarbeta anvisningar för svetsarprövning
Övervaka svetsarprövning, utfärda intyg med hjälp av 3:e part
Vara sakkunnig vid införskaffande av utrustning och material
Ha ansvar för behandling av avvikande produkter (korrigerande och förebyggande åtgärder) i samband med svetsning.
Vara kontaktperson med kontrakterad IWE
Genomföra utredningar inom ansvarsområdet
Vara behjälplig vid genomförande av riskbedömningar-/analyser
Ha övergripande ansvar och kontroll i samband med svetsning

Allt om dig
Vi värderar passion och attityd över erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har varje enskild färdighet.
Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer att hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Diplom IWS
Relevant erfarenhet och expertis inom svetsfrågor, helst inom Alstom eller en verksamhet med liknande inriktning.
Erfarenhet av framtagning av certifikat och procedurer enligt SS-EN ISO 3834-2 samt EN 15085-2 och framtagning av WPS, arbetsinstruktioner för svetsning, skisser över svetsföljder
Flytande i engelska och svenska
Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
Van att bedöma krockskador eller jobbat med bids är meriterande.

Är du rätt person att anta denna utmaning och vill vara med att bidra till vår fortsatta utveckling?

Då är du varmt välkommen med din ansökan snarast möjligt. Vi tar enbart emot ansökningar via vår hemsida. Intervjuer sker löpande.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär. Du kommer också att:
Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med vårt mångsidiga team
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Styr din karriär i vilken riktning du än väljer i olika funktioner och länder
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig! Visa mindre

Project Planning Manager - 470363

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signaling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Project Planning M... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signaling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Project Planning Manager based in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role

Get onboard and apply your Planning expertise within R&D Projects in the engineering area, and strengthen Alstom Product Development! You’ll report to Johannes Jonsson (Site Global Planning Director), and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates.

We’ll look to you for:

As Project Planning Manager you will
Manage project schedules, i.e. maintain schedules or assigned parts of schedules according to project needs and company's procedures
Collect time related progress information from stakeholders
Monitor progress and report status and potential delay to the core project team, and support dialogue on mitigation actions
Lead/participate in periodic project schedule review sessions
Prepare standard schedule and progress reports
Update progress reports and standard KPIs in a timely manner
Be part of the project core team

All about you
We value passion and attitude, as well as experience. To be successful in this role, you rely on several of below attributes:

Experienced in project scheduling and project planning
Communication skills and proactive approach
Engineering or Business degree Desirable
Practical skills in scheduling software tool
Practical skills in MS Office software tools (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
Fundamental knowledge of the engineering or construction industries
Fluency in English; good working knowledge in Swedish
Comfortable in international environment
Ability to adapt message and key takeaways to audience

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
• Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
• Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
• Contribute to innovative projects
• Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
• Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
• Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)
You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Elsäkerhetsledare - 446169

Ansök    Nov 1    Alstom Transport AB    Fordonselektriker
Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80.000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetslevera... Visa mer
Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80.000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetsleverantör bidra till stora samordningsvinster genom att kunden får en enda leverantör med kontroll över alla delar i kedjan.

Är du vår nya Elsäkerhetsledare för Sverige? Arbetsplatsen är flexibel (Västerås/Stockholm)

Din framtida roll

Anta en ny utmaning och tillämpa din expertis på Alstoms arbetsplatser i Sverige. Du kommer att rapportera direkt till Björn Alm och Teresa Öberg och arbetar tillsammans med tvärfunktionella team med drivna kollegor.

I tjänsten ingår:

· Säkerställa efterlevnad av tillämpliga lagar och förordningar inom området för elsäkerhet, elinstallationsarbete och elektriska system.
· Upprätta skriftlig delegeringar/auktorisation till personal som utför uppgifter inom elsäkerhet och elinstallationsarbete.
· Vara företagets registrerade elektriker för regelefterlevnad hos svenska myndigheter.
· Säkerställa att design, installation, drift och underhåll av elektriska system och utrustning kan utföras säkert och riskfritt.
· Ge teknisk rådgivning om elektriska frågor till interna och externa intressenter.
· Ge utbildningar enligt EN 50110, EN 50191, elinstallationsarbete och Alstoms specifika elsäkerhetsramverk.
· Uppdatera, årligen granska och följa upp elsäkerhetsprogrammet (egenkontrollprogram) och instruktioner för de olika Alstom-verksamheterna i Sverige.
· Ge stöd vid CE-märkning av testutrustning och högspänningstestutrustning.
· Utföra inspektioner/granskningar och verifiering av testplatser och laboratorier enligt svenska och europeiska standarder.
· Stödja vid utredning av elolyckor eller incidenter och rotorsaksanalyser (RCA).

Vem är du?

Vi söker dig som är en trygg ledare med förmåga att coacha, engagera och skapa förutsättningar för dina medarbetare. Som person är du kommunikativ och har lätt för att samarbeta Du har ett mycket starkt driv. Du är genuint intresserad av att interagera med team och förstå deras behov för att framgångsrikt nå verksamhetsmål.

För att lyckas i rollen:

Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

· Examen inom relevant ingenjörsområde
· Full auktorisation AL
· Ledarskap och strategiskt tänkande
· 5 års relevant erfarenhet
· Strukturerat tänkesätt
· Kommunikativ
· Flytande i svenska och engelska

Har vi väckt ditt intresse för att jobba hos oss? Då vill vi höra från dig!

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan.Urval och intervjuer kommer att ske löpande vilket innebär att tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag. Så sök redan idag!

Sånt du kommer att gilla

Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

· Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
· Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
· Bidra till innovativa projekt
· Utvecklas inom företaget
· Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!

Alstom strävar efter mångfald där våra medarbetares bakgrund, erfarenheter, kunskaper och personligheter berikar verksamheten. Visa mindre

Hardware Design Engineer - 470632

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be our full-time Electroni... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be our full-time Electronics Hardware Design Engineer for our location in Västerås, Sweden?

Your future role
The NordicsTechnology Centre organization is the Alstom internal supplier of control system products for railway vehicle control. The organization is global with sites in Sweden, Germany and Poland and close collaboration with teams in India. The team in Västerås is responsible for computers, input and output products, and human machine interface products. We are now investing in new products with increased performance, cyber security protection and increased functionality.

You will work in projects developing new electronic products. These projects are normally led by a project manager, supported by a HW Lead Engineer coordinating the hardware related activities. You will be engaged in all phases of the project such as requirements management, architecture documentation, HW design as well as verification and testing of the design.
In addition to analogue and digital HW design, the role also includes knowledge about FPGA FW design i.e. VHDL programming.
Supporting the organisation in problem solving of the trains in operation as well as being a part of the management responsibility of our current firmware and electronics products are also important tasks in this role.

We'll look to you for:
• Develop new and maintain existing electronic HW designs
• Develop and work with electronic HW architecture solutions
• Take part in developing and improving on processes (methods and instructions) and tools used within HW development
• Interaction with support functions and stakeholders of the Control & Communication Platform

All about you:
• Relevant academic background, e.g. Master’s Degree in Electronics
• Strong experience with analogue and digital HW design
• Knowledge about FPGA FW design (VHDL) and HW design tools (e.g. Altium)
• Knowledge and experience of railway and safety standards, e.g. EN50155, EN50121-3-2 and 50657/50129
• Experience of working with industrial electronic HW design for embedded systems
• Knowledge about testing, both in production and during development
• Fluent in speaking and writing in English is required. Swedish is desired.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our hybrid working environment
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Svetskoordinator (IWE)

Ansök    Okt 27    Alstom Transport AB    Svetsingenjör
Req ID: 456503 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bila... Visa mer
Req ID: 456503
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya svetskoordinator (IWE) i Västerås som vi söker?
Din framtida roll
Ta dig an en ny utmaning och tillämpa din IWE-expertis inom ett nytt, banbrytande område. Du kommer att rapportera till Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, Västerås) och arbeta tillsammans med kunniga kollegor. ALM står för Asset Life Management, vilket kortfattat innebär livsförlängning av tågfordon. Livsförlängningen kan avse tekniska egenskaper där tekniska system uppgraderas eller byts ut, men kan också innefatta kundupplevelser, där interiören i tågfordonet moderniseras.
Du kommer att bidra genom att koordinera svetsarbetet inom vårt affärsområde krasch-reparationer på de flesta typer av tågfordon som körs i Norden. I ditt dagliga arbete kommer du att samarbeta nära med team inom hela verksamheten (från anbudshantering till produktion och verifiering av reparerade tågfordon), tekniska undersökningar och mycket mer.
Du kommer specifikt att ansvara för svetskoordineringen i krasch-reparationer av tågfordon och inom mekanisk design, men också växa inom områden som intresserar dig och passar företagets behov.
I tjänsten ingår att:
Granskar de nödvändiga kraven i svetsprojekt, såsom att kontrollera produktstandarden som ska användas, tillsammans med eventuella komplementära krav.
Utför tekniska granskningar baserade på material specifikationer, svetsfogsegenskaper och placering; definiera kvalitet och acceptanskriterier för svetsar, analysera tillgänglighet av svetsfogar och sekvenser för inspektion och icke-förstörande provning.
Kontrollerar lämpligheten, identifieringen, säkerheten, hanteringen, verifieringen, valideringen och underhållet av svets- och relaterad utrustning.
Kontrollerar kompatibiliteten, leveransvillkoren, komplementära krav, lagring och hantering av svetsmaterial.
Inspekterar giltigheten av svetsare och svetsoperatörers kvalifikationer, lämplighet av svetsprocedurspecifikationer, identitet av grundmaterialet och svetsmaterial, fogförberedelser och lämplighet av arbetsförhållanden innan svetsning.
Inspekterar de väsentliga svetsparametrarna, förvärmning/interpass-temperatur, korrekt användning av svetsmaterial, kontroll av deformation och utför mellanliggande inspektioner.
Kontrollerar giltigheten av svetsare och svetsoperatörers kvalifikationer, lämplighet av svetsprocedurspecifikationer, identitet av grundmaterialet och svetsmaterial, fogförberedelser och lämplighet av arbetsförhållanden innan svetsning.
Utför visuell inspektion, användning av icke-förstörande och destruktiva tester, inspektera form, formgivning, toleranser och dimensioner av konstruktionen samt resultaten av efteroperationer.
Utför mekanisk design i vårt verktyg Catia V5.

Allt om dig
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Därför förväntar vi oss inte att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer att hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i denna roll:
Examen som International Welding Engineer (IWE).
Gedigen erfarenhet av 3D CAD-design (Solidworks, Catia V5 eller motsvarande).
Strukturerat tänkesätt.
Både teoretisk kunskap och praktisk erfarenhet av svetsning av tågfordon eller andra fordon.
Kunskap om gällande europeiska och svenska normer, standarder och lagstiftning för tågfordon och järnväg.
Flytande tal och skrift på engelska och svenska (vi arbetar nära med svenska kunder).

Intervjuer sker löpande så skicka in din ansökan redan idag

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Utvecklas inom företaget
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Visa mindre

Electrical Compliance Officer - 446169

Ansök    Okt 31    Alstom Transport AB    Fordonselektriker
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Electrical Complian... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Electrical Compliance Officer we’re looking for? We are flexible with respect to location (Västerås or Stockholm).

Your future role
Get onboard and apply your Electrical Compliance Officer expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You will report directly to Björn Alm and doted line to Teresa Öberg, and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.

We will look to you:
To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations within scope of Electrical Safety, Electrical installation work and Electrical systems/site.
To establish written delegation/authorization to personnel performing tasks within electrical safety and electrical installation work.
Being the company´s registered compliance lead electrician at Swedish authorities for electrical installation companies.
To ensure the design, installation, operation and maintenance of site electrical systems and equipment can be carried out safely and without danger.
To provide technical advice on electrical matters to internal and external stakeholders.
To provide trainings acc. to EN 50110, EN 50191, electrical installation work and Alstoms specific electrical safety framework.
To update, yearly review and follow-up the electrical control program (self-audit scheme) and instructions for the several Alstom Sweden businesses.
To provide support when CE-marking of test equipment and high voltage test equipment is needed.
To conduct inspections/audits and verification of test-places and labs according to Swedish and European standards.
To support in electrical accidents or incidents investigation & root causes analysis (RCA)

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in relevant engineering field
Full authorization AL
Exemplary leadership and strategical mindset
5 years relevant experience
Structured mindset
Fluent in Swedish and English

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

International Welding Specialist

Ansök    Nov 1    Alstom Transport AB    Svetsingenjör
Req: 469426 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som får människor i rörelse. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätt... Visa mer
Req: 469426
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som får människor i rörelse. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar

International Welding Specialist till Västerås

Din framtida roll
Anta en ny utmaning och använd din sakkunnighet inom svets i ett nytt banbrytande område.
Du rapporterar till Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager ALM) och arbeta tillsammans med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt.
Du kommer vara svetsansvarig och har befogenhet att stoppa samtliga svetsaktiviteter som inte uppfyller ställda krav avseende kompetens, arbetsunderlag, utförande, provning av svets eller dokumentation.
Du kommer att vara inblandad i Alstoms Crash och Repair verksamhet för att driva och utveckla industrialiseringsarbetet med att effektivisera och standardisera.

I rollen kommer du även:

Vid teknisk genomgång inför varje nytt projekt granska relevanta underlag i samråd med IWE.
Ha fortlöpande uppföljning och revidering av kvalitetsstyrande rutiner enligt SS-EN ISO 3834-2 samt EN 15085-2
Utvärdera behov och planering av utbildning för svets och kontrollpersonal
Aktivt delta i arbetet med målstyrning och ständiga förbättringar
Upprätthålla förteckning över kvalificerade svetsprocedurer
Beslut om vilka tillsatsmaterial som ska lagerhållas
Granska förfrågningar och order avseende svetsning
Att vid teknisk genomgång inför varje nytt projekt granska relevanta underlag i samråd med IWE.
Utvärdera svetsande underleverantörer
Upprätthålla register över svetsarprövningsintyg
Utarbeta anvisningar för svetsarprövning
Övervaka svetsarprövning, utfärda intyg med hjälp av 3:e part
Vara sakkunnig vid införskaffande av utrustning och material
Ha ansvar för behandling av avvikande produkter (korrigerande och förebyggande åtgärder) i samband med svetsning.
Vara kontaktperson med kontrakterad IWE
Genomföra utredningar inom ansvarsområdet
Vara behjälplig vid genomförande av riskbedömningar-/analyser
Ha övergripande ansvar och kontroll i samband med svetsning

Allt om dig
Vi värderar passion och attityd över erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har varje enskild färdighet.
Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer att hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Diplom IWS
Relevant erfarenhet och expertis inom svetsfrågor, helst inom Alstom eller en verksamhet med liknande inriktning.
Erfarenhet av framtagning av certifikat och procedurer enligt SS-EN ISO 3834-2 samt EN 15085-2 och framtagning av WPS, arbetsinstruktioner för svetsning, skisser över svetsföljder
Flytande i engelska och svenska
Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
Van att bedöma krockskador eller jobbat med bids är meriterande.

Är du rätt person att anta denna utmaning och vill vara med att bidra till vår fortsatta utveckling?

Då är du varmt välkommen med din ansökan snarast möjligt. Vi tar enbart emot ansökningar via vår hemsida. Intervjuer sker löpande.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär. Du kommer också att:
Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med vårt mångsidiga team
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Styr din karriär i vilken riktning du än väljer i olika funktioner och länder
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!
Apply now Visa mindre

Manager Drives Electrical and Mechanical Design - 459735

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Manager Drives ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Manager Drives Electrical and Mechanical Design based in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Marko PIKKARAINEN (Manager Drives System Västerås), and work alongside collaborative teammates.

We’ll look to you to:

Being the direct line manager of approx. 9 persons at site, including engineering experts.
Leading and driving the team to ensure all the activities are done efficiently, with quality and on time.
Develop on-site engineering staff including succession planning and competence matrix deployment

Accountable for:
Engineering tender commitment and project/R&D engineering QCD
People and resource management incl. Management of site engineering workload and workforce
Supervision of key technical decisions and safety critical issues
Monitoring of engineering actions in projects
Supporting and promoting innovations

Responsible for:
Management and organization of design engineering department
Manage interfaces with other stakeholders for co-engineering specially with CDS, Traction Engineering, process engineering and co-development with sourcing/supplier
Contribute to site Engineering strategy

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Master Degree in a relevant Engineering Field
Strong Leadership and people management experience
Technical decision making incl. value analyses methodologies
Engineering strategy and vision definition
Knowledge & Experience : Project management incl. work package, risk and opportunity management
> 5 years’ experience

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
• Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
• Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
• Contribute to innovative projects
• Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
• Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
• Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)
You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Supplier Quality Serial - 456542

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Supplier Qualit... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Supplier Quality Serial in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?

Your future role

Take on a new challenge and apply your production expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You will directly report to Peter Andersson (Site Quality Director) you will apply and deploy Serial Supplier Quality Assurance policy in collaboration with Procurement and manage Quality performance of assigned Suppliers.

We’ll look to you for:

Responsible for Non-Conformity Report management and Supplier performance for a precise scope of suppliers/projects, after the product validation, the First Article Inspection (FAI) + 3 deliveries.
Perform inspections for low-critical parts
Manage Incoming Inspection activities when appointed SQ inspection leader for the given site
Responsible for Non-Conformity day-to day management, insuring reactivity to inform supplier of Non-Conformity Report (NCR), to replace defective parts and to implement securization.
Animate Non-Conformities Report treatment by setting-up relevant actions plan to reach Non-Conformity Report (NCR) target.
Invoice the Cost Of Non-Quality (CONQ S1) to the suppliers.
Ensure management of Supplier’s waiver requests for assigned scope and Suppliers
Organize the retrofit to be performed by the supplier and decide quality wall if necessary.
Secure in a timely manner strong and complete supplier containment actions plan to secure the Manufacturing line
Challenge our suppliers to enforce relevant corrective and preventive action plan, challenge reactivity.
Check the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive action plan of the Supplier, ask for evidences, challenge them and perform supplier’s visit. Ensure control plan sustainability (regular follow-up on main suppliers).
Set up and manage Supplier improvement roadmap for non-performing Suppliers according to Supplier Quality escalation process (Green / Yellow / Red status)
Organize reviews with suppliers and visit suppliers’ premises as necessary.
Ensure performance of inspection for low critical parts (parts non-included Supplier Part List)
Check the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive action plan of the supplier (ask for evidences, challenge them, and perform supplier’s visit do supplier’ visit). Ensure control plan sustainability (regular follow-up on main suppliers).
For ‘trusted’ suppliers: to take part of the Return Of experience (REX) analysis.
Prepare and monitor supplier Quality review at unit level to tackle the Top issues.

All about you

We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:

Master degree in Engineering (electromechanical, electrical, material, mechanical…) or equivalent
Experience in managing Quality tools and problem-solving tools.
Knowledge of the railway or automotive industry (norms, certifications…)
Experience of collaboration with suppliers
Fluent English, and Swedish would be an asset

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with new security standards for rail signalling
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Teknisk projektledare

Req ID: 449671 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bila... Visa mer
Req ID: 449671
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Letar du efter ett arbete där du får användning för dina tekniska kunskaper så väl som din förmåga att projektleda?

Då kan du vara vår tekniska projektledare i Västerås som vi letar efter.

Du kommer att rapportera till Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, belägen i Västerås) och arbeta tillsammans med smarta och ödmjuka kollegor. ALM står för Asset Life Management, vilket kort uttryckt innebär livstidsförlängning av järnvägsfordon. Livstidsförlängningen kan innebära tekniska förbättringar där tekniska system uppgraderas eller byts ut, men även förbättringar av kundupplevelsen där interiören i järnvägsfordonet moderniseras.
Du kommer att bidra genom att leda projekt för majoriteten av järnvägsfordonen som körs i Norden. I det dagliga arbetet kommer du att samarbeta med team inom hela verksamheten (från anbudsarbete till produktion och verifiering av tekniska system på järnvägsfordonen), tekniska utredningar samt mycket mer.

Du kommer specifikt att ta hand om att leda ingenjörsdesign och integration i kundprojekt, men också växa inom områden som intresserar dig och passar företagets behov.

Du har stor erfarenhet av teknisk projektledning och vi ser det som starkt meriterande om du har erfarenhet från järnväg eller liknande industrier. Du är van vid att självständigt driva stora projekt som sträcker sig över längre tid, där du både har den tekniska kunskapen och det affärsmässiga tänket i alla led. Ett starkt säkerhets- och kvalitetstänk och god förståelse för tungt och tekniskt underhåll krävs för att lyckas i tjänsten.

Du kommer att:
Ansvara för ingenjörsdelen i anbud och kundkontrakt med fokus på effektivitet och kvalitet.
Genomföra budget- och prognosuppföljning samt planera ingenjörsaktiviteter, inklusive statusrapportering och designgranskningar.
Se till att alla arbetsuppgifter följer de tillämpliga processerna.
Vara en aktiv representant i interaktioner med kunder och leverantörer.
Leda arbetet med den tekniska och projektspecifika dokumentation, såsom planer, specifikationer, och testrapporter.
Proaktivt föreslå och implementera effektivitetsförbättringar, riskminimering och identifiera affärsmöjligheter inom ditt ansvarsområde.

· Universitetsexamen inom ett ingenjörsområde, t.ex. inom maskinteknik eller elektroteknik.
· Strukturerat arbetssätt.
· Kommunikativ.
· Ledarskapserfarenhet.
· Certifiering i projektledning (IPMA eller PMI) är meriterande
· Bred teknisk kunskap.
· Erfarenhet av design och utveckling, projektplanering, genomförande av projekt.
· Flytande i engelska.
· Svenska på nivå B2 enligt Folkuniversitetet (se vidare nedan).
De flesta av våra kunder är svenskar, och en del av ingenjörsarbetet är att både kommunicera med kunder och olika funktioner inom Alstom. Att kunna kommunicera på svenska kommer att krävas för att vara fullt operativ i rollen. Din svenska behöver dock inte vara flytande idag, men för att klara av rollen måste du ha kommit en lång väg. Du behöver vara villig att fortsätta utveckla din svenska. Se mer information på www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Utvecklas inom företaget
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Visa mindre

Engineering Quality Manager - 456538

Ansök    Okt 3    Alstom Transport AB    Kvalitetschef
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Engineering Qua... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Engineering Quality Manager in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?

Your future role

Take on a new challenge and apply your production expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You will directly report to Peter Andersson (Site Quality Director) you will be to support the Engineering Team to ensure that the deliveries from the site is the right quality level.

We’ll look to you for:
Making sure that Engineering standards are well known and applied:
Alert in case of deviation,
Manage corrective actions when necessary,
Propose improvements when relevant,
Manage Engineering Quality audits.

Improving Quality Engineering standards with the return of experience:
Manage no recurrent list top issue and check recurrence in project execution,
Lead REX committee and integrated return of experience in Engineering standards and golden rules.

Ensuring that Tender Design Review and Tender Gate Review are implemented, monitored, and maintained.
Optimize DFQ checklist for Engineering deliverables and Design Review,
Implement REX in the DFQ checklist for Engineering deliverables and the Design Review checklist.
Attend and prepare Tender Gate Review and product development

Managing the assurance of the quality of Metier Engineering deliverables:
To check the quality status of Engineering deliverables including REX
Support GR preparation regarding Engineering scope,
To assure the quality of Engineering Supplier (engineering sub-contractors).
To link engineering and manufacturing engineering (design for manufacturing).
Deploy process/product FMEA: critical Characteristics

Making sure that Design Reviews are efficiently held:
Challenge and check the consistency of the Design Review vs Project Risks,
Make sure that DR are well prepared and fueled GR process,
Follow the action plan and update the Design Review status.

Managing Engineering Quality issues:
Make sure that the problem-solving process is properly applied and meets the objectives,
Make sure that the Engineering team is included in the Customer issues solving process (if needed).
To Update Quality Engineering KPIs, and propose action plans for improvement when necessary.
Propose and follow up action plans for improvement

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:

Master degree in Engineering (electromechanical, electrical, material, mechanical…) or equivalent
Experience in managing Quality tools and problem-solving tools.
Knowledge of the railway industry (norms, certifications…) would be an asset
Fluent English, and Swedish would be an asset

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with new security standards for rail signalling
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Traction Electrical Design Engineer - 465207

Ansök    Sep 23    Alstom Transport AB    Fordonselektriker
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signaling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Traction Electric... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signaling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Traction Electrical Design Engineer focused on circuit diagram design in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Viveka Isberg-Fredriksson, (Head of Converter Electrical Engineering), and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates.

As a Traction Electrical Design Engineer, you will drive and support technical investigations and collaborate with many different functions within engineering, manufacturing and suppliers to deliver smart, innovative propulsion products to customers all over the world. In this role you will be responsible for design circuit diagrams and create Routine test documentation, define interfaces, analyze costumer requirements, support routine test activities related to this area. Plan and coordinate the work related to circuit diagram design and routine test documentation. industrialization. As a converter electrical design engineer, you must have a passion for bringing both people and all the technical details together. In this role you will have the opportunity to be part of all phases in the product life cycle from design to final validation, and field support once our products are delivered to customers.

We’ll look to you to:
Design circuit diagrams and create routine test documentation for our traction products. Plan and lead the work of a small project team of engineers both onsite and offsite related to circuit design and routine test documentation.
Drive and support technical investigations and design activities related to the circuit design and routine test scope for products in development and in the field.
Define electrical interfaces.
Collaborate with and support system engineering, manufacturing engineers and test engineers.
Analyze customer requirements
As part of the development team, perform one or more of the following development activities, design circuit diagrams, create test documentation, support routine test activities, support prototype and pre-series in production.
Support product lead with bid support, analyzing requirements from customers or system architects and translate them into requirements related to the circuit diagram design routine test for the converter product.
Support other functions, colleagues with reviews.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Degree in Electrical Engineering, Higher Vocational Education specialized in Electric Power or equivalent education
Some experience in relevant field of electrical engineering (Tracion engineering, Circuit diagram design)
Knowledge of E3 (circuit diagram tools) is desirable.
Experience of planning, coordination or leading a smaller team onsite/offsite is an advantage.
English, business fluent, is mandatory for this role and Swedish is an advantage

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre


Req ID: 467287 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bila... Visa mer
Req ID: 467287
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är det dags för ett nytt steg i karriären? Har du erfarenhet av en ledande befattning? Då har du chansen att söka till dig oss som produktionsledare.

Din framtida roll
Anta en ny utmaning och tillämpa din ledarskapsexpertis i på Alstoms servicecenter i Västerås.
Där är vi specialiserade på tungt underhåll, renovering och modernisering av järnvägsfordon och komponenter.
Du rapporterar till Agneta Hallerström (Production Manager, Västerås) och arbeta tillsammans med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt.

I den här spännande rollen som produktionsledare kommer du få möjligheten att tillsammans med dina medarbetare och Teamleaders - leda och säkerställa kontinuerlig utveckling av produktion utifrån företagets övergripande mål. Du kommer att ha personalansvar över ett 20- tal personer som arbetar dagtid och där ditt coachande ledarskap bidrar till att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare.

I rollen kommer du även:

Styra och följa upp det dagliga arbetet samt ansvara över att arbetet utförs enligt gällande säkerhetskrav
Arbeta med målsättning och resultatuppföljning och vi förväntar oss att du aktiv arbetar för att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare.
Löpande arbeta med ständiga förbättringar och effektivisering av våra processer och vi ser gärna att du tar initiativ till den utvecklingen vi befinner oss i.
Utföra personalplanering för produktionsområdet i samråd med Projektledare och Produktionsplanerare
Tillsammans med projektledare/produktionschef ta operativa beslut som främjar leverans av fordon på utsatt tid
Ansvara för hälsa, miljö och säkerhetsarbetet

Allt om dig
Vi värderar passion och attityd över erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har varje enskild färdighet.
Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer att hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Dokumenterad erfarenhet av ledande befattning
Du är van att jobba med hälsa, miljö och säkerhet
Erfarenhet av verksamhetsutveckling/förändringsledning
Vi ser gärna att du har erfarenhet från produktion/tillverkning
Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
Flytande i engelska och svenska

Dina personliga egenskaper:

För att lyckas i rollen behöver du vara trygg i ditt ledarskap. Samarbetet med många olika funktioner, både inom bolaget och med våra kunder stället krav på din kommunikationsförmåga och tydlighet och att du trivs med att samverka med andra. Du är en stabil person som behåller lugnet och fokus i stunder när det är högt tempo.
Vidare ser vi att du är nyfiken, gillar och har förmågan att förändra saker till det bättre och att tänka nytt
Du ansvarar för din och gruppens prestation och driver självständigt dina arbetsuppgifter i mål på ett effektivt sätt. Som ledare är du tillitsfull och ger dina medarbetare frihet till självständigt arbete. Du är en coachande ledare, van att få med dig andra genom ditt engagemang och delaktighet och du tycker om att se andra växa.

Är du rätt person att anta denna utmaning och vill vara med att bidra till vår fortsatta utveckling?

Då är du varmt välkommen med din ansökan snarast möjligt. Vi tar enbart emot ansökningar via vår hemsida. Intervjuer sker löpande.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär. Du kommer också att:
Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med vårt mångsidiga team
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Styr din karriär i vilken riktning du än väljer i olika funktioner och länder
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj, kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig! Visa mindre

Teknisk skribent med ledande ansvar - 458266

Ansök    Sep 4    Alstom Transport AB    Dokumentalist
Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80 000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetslevera... Visa mer
Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80 000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetsleverantör bidra till stora samordningsvinster genom att kunden får en enda leverantör med kontroll över alla delar i kedjan.

Är du vår nya Documentation Engineering Lead, med placering i Västerås?

Om arbetet
Syftet med denna tjänst är att samordna leveranser av teknisk dokumentation från interna och externa leverantörer och leverera till kund enligt projektplan och kundkrav. Arbetsansvaret inkluderar planering, utförande och uppföljning av användardokumentation. Detta innebär att man utvärderar dokumentation, granskar och översätter arbetet inom teamet samt allokerar arbetspaket offshore. Personen kommer att ansvara för att följa korrekt projekt-tidplan.

Dina ansvarsområden innefattar:
Samordning: Skapa en resursplan, fördela arbetsbelastning mellan teammedlemmar och följa upp resursutgifter
Samling av teknisk data från: systemutveckling, underleverantörer, kunder, fältingenjörer och kundsupport
Bearbeta och strukturera teknisk data
Planera, utföra och följa upp produktionen av avancerad teknisk användarinformation
Kontinuerligt förbättra underhållsanvändarinformation med ett tvärfunktionellt tillvägagångssätt
Förbättra dokumentationens användbarhet hos slutanvändaren
Anpassa input till befintligt innehåll och struktur
Ändringshantering: Ansvarig för att följa korrekt tidsplan och följa upp konstruktionsändringar som påverkar användarinformation
Följa befintliga revisionsprocesser; interngranskning, teknisk granskning, slutlig granskning

Krav för tjänsten:
Kandidatexamen i informationsdesign eller el-mekanisk ingenjörsvetenskap eller motsvarande masterexamen
Relevant arbetslivserfarenhet med kandidatexamen eller doktorsexamen
Bevisad planeringsförmåga
Erfarenhet av modulariserad information och Content Management System (CMS)
Kunskaper inom järnvägsindustrin och helst inom eftermarknadsverksamhet
Flytande svenska och engelska

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.
Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Utvecklas inom företaget
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna att du ansöker så snart som möjligt

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt.

Alstom strävar efter mångfald där våra medarbetares bakgrund, erfarenheter, kunskaper och personligheter berikar verksamheten. Visa mindre

Ledare till ALM Engineering - 452222

Ansök    Sep 11    Alstom Transport AB    Gruppchef, teknik
Req ID: 452222 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Anta en ny utmaning och tillämp... Visa mer
Req ID: 452222
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Anta en ny utmaning och tillämpa din ledarskapsexpertis som vår nya ledare inom ALM Engineering

Din framtida roll

Du kommer att rapportera till Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics,i Västerås) och arbeta tillsammans med trevliga kollegor. ALM står för Asset Life Management, vilket kortfattat innebär livsförlängning av järnvägsfordon. Livsförlängningen kan avse tekniska egenskaper där tekniska system uppgraderas eller byts ut, men också kundupplevelsen, där interiören i järnvägsfordonet moderniseras.

Som ledare för ett mångsidigt ingenjörsteam kommer du att ha en direkt påverkan på vår produktutveckling. Du kommer att ansvara för att coacha teamet, stödja anbud och kundkontrakt samt säkerställa högsta kvalitet i uppgradering och renovering av våra järnvägsfordon. Varje dag bjuder på nya utmaningar, där du samarbetar med kollegor från anbudshantering till produktion och tekniska utredningar.

Du kommer särskilt att ansvara för att leda ALM System & Integration Engineering-organisationen, men också växa inom områden som intresserar dig och passar företagets behov. Vi söker någon med erfarenhet av att leda tekniska anbud.

Vi ser gärna att du kan:
Leda en organisation inom system- och integrationsingenjörskap
Övervaka framsteg och stödja ingenjörerna i anbud och projekt
Upprätthålla och utveckla organisationens ingenjörskompetenser och färdigheter
Säkerställa att aktiviteter processer
Föreslå innovativa lösningar, utveckla och implementera forsknings- och utvecklingsprogram samt nya teknologier i anbud och projekt
Representera Alstom i kund- och leverantörskontakt

Om dig
Vi värderar passion och attityd högre än erfarenhet. Därför förväntar vi oss inte att du har varje enskild färdighet. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer att hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i denna roll:

Universitetsexamen inom ett tekniskt ingenjörsområde
Strukturerat tankesätt
Erfarenhet av design och utveckling av tekniska system
Engelska och svenska i tal och skrift

De flesta av våra kunder är svenska, och en del av arbetet innebär att samtala med kunder och olika funktioner inom Alstom. Att kunna kommunicera på svenska kommer att krävas för att lyckas i rollen.

Detta kommer du att uppskatta
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa – järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär. Du kommer också att:
Njuta av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär, fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma och ödmjuka kollegor
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Styra din karriär i vilken riktning du väljer, över funktioner och länder
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande
Få en rättvis och dynamisk belöningspaket som erkänner din prestation och potential, samt omfattande och konkurrenskraftigt socialt skydd (liv, medicinsk, pension)

Intervjuer sker löpande så välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.

Apply now Visa mindre

Traction Design Lead - 465102

Ansök    Sep 17    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signaling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Traction Design... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signaling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Traction Design Lead in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Tomas Landström (Manager Traction Design Product ), and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates. Within the Traction Design Center, you will manage and coordinate the Traction Design team and their activities on a dedicated projects. You will be responsible for all electrical and mechanical engineering deliverables impacting Traction Converter Cubicles.

We’ll look to you for:
Continuous improvement of the Traction Design team performance
Respect of QCD (Quality, Cost and Delivery) for the product design
Lead workload, budget and planning on the Traction Design part of the project
Design reviews performed on time and documented
Compliance to Alstom processes & instruction and International norms and standards
Contribution to Metier network.
Interface with Traction Electrical and Traction Mechanical and other engineering activities as Structural design, Thermal simulation, EMC, Reliability, Maintenance, Development to Cost, Obsolescence etc.
Regular reporting to the management and alert in case of issue affecting the performance of the team
Manage bid activity
Support Manufacturing internal and external
Manage the requirements management for Traction Design
Participate to Change Management team and ensure consistency of Configuration
Ensure Return of Experience and support continuous improvement with Metier

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University Engineer or Business Degree in a relevant engineering field
Highly recommended experience in projects
Experience or understanding of Railway Industry
Experience in Power Semi-Conductor Technology
Experience in Mechanical and/or Electrical Engineering
Fluency in English and Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre


Ansök    Aug 26    Alstom Transport AB    HR-chef
Req: 462559 På Alstom förstår vi transportsystem och vad som får människor att röra sig. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar till kompletta system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen när vi kopplar samman städer och minskar koldioxidutsläpp och ersätt... Visa mer
Req: 462559
På Alstom förstår vi transportsystem och vad som får människor att röra sig. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar till kompletta system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen när vi kopplar samman städer och minskar koldioxidutsläpp och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya HRBP/ HR-MANAGAER i Västerås?
Är du en erfaren HRBP/ HR-Manager som har erfarenhet av att driva strategiskt arbete, coacha ledare, driva och leda olika processer?
Har du förmåga att bygga positiva relationer på alla nivåer av organisationen och vill bli en del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!
Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till HR Director Sverige och kommer tillsammans med dina kollegor i HR Nordics-teamet supportera Service organisationen som består av cirka 700 medarbetare, både tjänstemän och kollektivare. Du kommer även vara med i ledningsgruppen för Service.
Du kommer att bidra med din HR-expertis genom att bland annat leda/koordinera vårt strategiska arbete och utveckla HR-processer som tillgodoser både våra nuvarande och framtida behov.
Ditt uppdrag handlar till stor del om att säkerställa att våra ledare och medarbetare har rätt förutsättningar att utföra sitt jobb; att de har rätt kompetens; rätt verktyg och resurser och möjlighet till utveckling så att vi alltid ligger i framkant.

Ett axplock av arbetsuppgifter som HRPB/HR-MANAGER
Operativt och strategiskt HR-stöd till våra chefer
Chefsstöd i samtliga HR processer, allt från arbetsrätt till kompetensutveckling, lönerevision och ledarskap
Vara involverad i centrala HR-projekt samt utveckla processer och rutiner tillsammans med hela HR-teamet
Driva HR-frågor i ledningsgruppen
Följa upp efterlevnad av policys
Hålla utbildningar, workshops och presentationer

Allt om dig
För att vi ska kunna ge dig rätt förutsättningar för att lyckas och trivas i rollen vill vi att du har flera års erfarenhet av brett, självständigt och professionellt HR-arbete på både strategisk och operativ nivå. Du har stor erfarenhet att jobba både affärs- och verksamhetsnära.
Som person är du en lagspelare som bidrar med energi och delar med dig av dina idéer och erfarenheter. Du behöver ha förmågan att ta ägarskap för ditt ansvarsområde eller din avdelning och arbeta självständigt i korrelation med att driva HR’sgemensamma agenda.
På ett personligt plan har du förmågan att leverera i tid med hög kvalitet. Du får saker gjorda och gillar att arbeta i en snabb, operativ miljö med högt tempo. Du kan planera och prioritera med en flexibel inställning.
Du har lätt för att skapa nya relationer och kommunicera. Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i rollen:
· Vi söker dig som har en akademisk examen inom HR eller motsvarande
· Mångårig erfarenhet av att självständigt driva strategisk och operativt HR-arbete
· Kunskap om att leda, driva, genomföra och kommunicera processer
· Kännedom om att strukturera och effektivisera en organisation
· Flytande i tal och skrift i engelska och svenska
Du kommer utgå från vårat kontor på Finnslätten i Västerås. I tjänsten ingår även regelbundna resor till våra depåer och siter runt om i Sverige.

Intervjuer sker löpande så skicka in din ansökan redan idag.
Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

· Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
· Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
· Bidra till innovativa projekt
· Utvecklas inom företaget
· Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att lyckas med oss. Vi garanterar att när du stiger på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj, kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen, skulle vi gärna vilja höra från dig!
Viktigt att notera
Som ett globalt företag är vi en arbetsgivare som främjar mångfald i de 70+ länder där vi verkar. Vi är engagerade i att skapa en inkluderande arbetsplats för alla. Visa mindre

Industrialization Engineer - 460748

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Industria... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Industrialization Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrialization expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager in Västerås) and work alongside teammates.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business you’ll work closely with teams across the business such as production team, engineering, quality and operator to make sure we perform our work in most effective ways and with a clear instructions. Make sure that uprunning projects runs according to serial production proceses.

We’ll look to you for:
Preparation of upcoming work in terms of instructions, materials, tools, contractors, and such.
Provide up to date information on fleet status to internal and external customers.
Plan and lead maintenance validation activities.
Defining and pushing for a standard way of working.
Owning the tool calibration process.
Writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN Industralization Engineering
Experience or understanding of railway industry
Knowledge of technical experience of methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.
Familiarity with ERP-systems and master data crunching (such as SAP, Maximo)
Fluent in English and Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Production Manager - 460068

Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80.000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetslevera... Visa mer
Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80.000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetsleverantör bidra till stora samordningsvinster genom att kunden får en enda leverantör med kontroll över alla delar i kedjan.

Är du vår nya Production Manager i Västerås?

Är du en inspirerande ledare som har erfarenhet av att driva produktionsarbete, coacha team och uppnå resultat genom dina anställda? Har du förmåga att bygga positiva relationer på alla nivåer av organisationen och vill bli en del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!

Din framtida roll

Anta en ny utmaning och tillämpa din ledarskapsexpertis på Alstoms ombyggda depå i Västerås. Här är vi specialiserade på förebyggande underhåll av ER1 Dosto och Regina. Du rapporterar till Niclas Petterson (Operations Manager) och arbetar tillsammans med tvärfunktionella team med kollegor från bl.a. industralization, supply chain, quality och engineering i det dagliga arbetet i både Västerås (placeringsort)

I rollen som Production Manager kommer du leda det operativa och strategiska arbetet utifrån företagets övergripande mål, med fokus på leverans, trafiksäkerhet , kvalitet och kundnöjdhet. I rollen driver du och utvecklar arbetet framåt. Din del av verksamheten omfattar 5-6 personer som arbetar skift och som är direktrapporterande tågtekniker. Ditt coachande ledarskap bidrar till att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare.

Du arbetar med Lean, målstyrning och kontinuerliga förbättringar och använder kunskapen och engagemanget hos alla medarbetare för att utveckla och leverera mot en kundupplevelse i världsklass.Med din enastående ledarskapskompetens kan du inspirera, motivera och leda och styra vår depå för att uppnå stora framgångar.

I tjänsten ingår även att:

Ansvara för driften och kundleverans på depån.
Arbeta med målsättning och resultatuppföljning.
Leda, involvera, engagera och utveckla personalen.
Driva ett systematiskt förbättringsarbete som syftar till ökad säkerhet, kvalitet och effektivitet.
Driva utveckling av produktionsverksamheten och genomföra aktiviteter i linje med företagets högt ställda mål.
Ha fullt arbetsmiljöansvar/trafiksäkerhetsansvar.
Ta fram och följa upp KPI:er för verksamheten och vid behov initiera och genomföra åtgärder.
Ansvara för budget och följa upp kostnader.
Samverka med de fackliga organisationerna.
Verka för god och transparent kommunikation och koordinering mellan företagets avdelningar samt med externa parter.
Vara delaktig i relevanta strategiska/affärsmässiga frågeställningar.

Vem är du?

Vi söker dig som är en trygg ledare med förmåga att coacha, engagera och skapa förutsättningar för dina medarbetare. Som person är du kommunikativ och har lätt för att samarbeta Du har ett mycket starkt driv. Du är genuint intresserad av att interagera med team och förstå deras behov för att framgångsrikt nå verksamhetsmål.

Du är en coachande ledare, van att få med dig andra genom ditt engagemang och delaktighet och du tycker om att se andra växa. Du är en god lyssnare.

För att lyckas i rollen:

Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Dokumenterad erfarenhet av ledande befattning samt ledarskap
Du är van att jobba med hälsa, miljö och säkerhet
Erfarenhet av verksamhetsutveckling/förändringsledning
Vi ser gärna att du har erfarenhet från produktion/tillverkning
Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
Flytande i engelska och svenska

Har vi väckt ditt intresse för att jobba hos oss? Då vill vi höra från dig! Varmt välkommen med din ansökan.

Vi vill inte ha något personligt brev till den här rekryteringen. Utan du kommer få svara på några urvalsfrågor och bifoga ditt CV.Urval och intervjuer kommer att ske löpande vilket innebär att tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag. Så sök redan idag!

Sånt du kommer att gilla

Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Utvecklas inom företaget
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!

Alstom strävar efter mångfald där våra medarbetares bakgrund, erfarenheter, kunskaper och personligheter berikar verksamheten. Visa mindre

Supply Chain Engineer - 459606

Ansök    Aug 14    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Supply Chain Engi... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Supply Chain Engineer based in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role

Get onboard and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Karin Baureus (Site Supply Chain Manager), and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates.

We’ll look to you to:

Implement, manage standard packaging solutions (purchase, design, prototype, validation, …) and monitor the budget follow-up.
Apply solutions to protect parts during all logistic operations (transport, unloading, storage, line feeding, …).
Save money & cash (calculate Return On Investment (ROI), design standard packaging, reduce transport costs, …) and make business case to justify any investment (returnable packaging, …).
Contribute with Regional Logistic Engineering to identify potential improvements in the whole value chain and capture the added value.
Reduce work labor time in the warehouse (picking, kitting hours, …) & in production.
Collaborate with technical services to improve ergonomics at workstation (internal kitting trolley) and reduce waste packaging (zero unpacking).
Manage the Project Supply Chain specifications and negotiate with the suppliers at site and project level.
Design internal logistic processes and ensure that the parameters in the Enterprise Resource Planning are correct (stock strategy, activity-based costing (ABC) classification, …).
Put in place actions to align physical flow and system flow and to improve the stock accuracy in compliance with the standard process.

Operational activities:
Design packaging solutions
Manage packaging at all levels from business award to maintenance including purchase order and budget monitoring.
Define warehouse layouts, its internal/external flows and storage policy
Participate to ABC classification and contribute to C-Class activity according to the standard rules in place.
Participate with Project Supply Chain Leader (PrSCL) to the different Procurement Gates review by negotiating terms of Project Supply Chain Specification.
Contribute to the implementation of Environment Health Safety (EHS) requirements for logistic: packaging solutions / warehouse process optimization / waste reduction & management.
Work closely with Operations, material planning, warehouse, Procurement, manufacturing teams and ERP team.

All about you

Above all we value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:

Degree in engineering or equivalent experience
Fluent English
Fluent Swedish is desirable and much appreciated
Experience in an industrial environment
Knowledge of the railway industry is desirable

All internal employees must inform their Line Manager about applying for this job.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
• Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
• Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
• Contribute to innovative projects
• Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
• Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
• Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)
You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Project Engineering Manager - 462777

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Project Engineeri... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Project Engineering Manager we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Head of Project Engineering Management in Västerås, and work alongside passionate, motivated and dedicated teammates.

As Project Engineering Manager, you will lead a skilled project team of Engineers in the creative process to transfer the customer's specification into a verified solution in a wide set of areas and skills.
In addition to the pure technical work the team has important deliverables for Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Safety and Customer Documentation. The work is supported by Requirements, Configuration and Change Management.

The size of the team is typically between 10-30 Engineers in addition to interfaces with non-engineering roles such as Sourcing, Industrial, Customer Introduction. The result of the effort of the team is validated product design, fulfilling all requirements within the budget and schedule.

We’ll look to you for:
To lead all aspects of design, implementation, testing and commissioning required to deliver the scope of the engineering project.
Establish and maintain interfaces with other engineering departments and with all relevant functions.
Continuous optimization of project engineering processes, tools and behaviour by taking the business requirements, customer needs, technical innovations and the new market conditions into account.
Monitor, control and report monthly for all product related financial aspects
Ensuring that relevant skills are made available by the engineering function in order to fulfill project requirements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Engineering degree in automatics, electronics or electricity
Experience in electro-mechanical engineering
Rigor, autonomy and team working
Fluent in English, Swedish is an advantage but not a requirement
Well-developed skills and abilities of managing team members and stake holders

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our activity-based working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Mechanical CAD Designer - 460184

Ansök    Aug 20    Alstom Transport AB    Designer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80.000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Mechanical CAD... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80.000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Mechanical CAD Designer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Erik Skåhl(Head of Traction Design, Mechanical), and work alongside collaborative team mates.
Are you interested to work in an international company that deliver traction equipment to trains throughout the world? Your contribution in this role will be mechanical design and integration of traction equipment placed in a variety of different train applications.
You will be a part of international projects with team members from different countries and have a global network. You will work closely in teams across the business in both order- and development projects as well as being part of technical investigations. You will be involved in the whole development process from bid work and conceptual design, detailed design and production support in later stages of the product life cycle.

We’ll look to you to:
Perform mechanical design of traction equipment including sheet metal, riveted assemblies and welded design.
Integration of components within our products to achieve the most space efficient design and with respect to FEA and cooling performance.
Mechanical- and electrical interface to internal and external equipment
Cable routing in 3D
Participate in or lead design reviews
Technical investigation and analyses
Perform 3D design (Digital Mock Up), 2D drawings, Bill of Material and technical and project specific documentation related to mechanical design
Support industrialisation during prototype and pre-series build
Involved in standardisation to gain the most cost efficient solutions and to reduce the development time in projects.
Handling and understanding of internal and external requirement
Handle change request and doing updates on already existing products

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
MSc in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent
All applications with relevant background will be considered.
Knowledge in sheet metal design
Knowledge in material properties
Knowledge in welded designs
Experience in 3D CAD, preferably in Catia
Experience in mechanical integration
Experience in change management
Knowledge in electrical schematics and harness is merited
Ability to work independently and make own decisions
Take initiative and request information
Fluent in English and preferably in Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Software Development Engineer - 461968

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. We are currently looking for a Softw... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

We are currently looking for a Software Development Engineer for our location in Västeras, Sweden.

You will appliy the principles of software engineering to the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of software and systems to fulfil the stakeholder requirements.
You will be part of the TCMS (Train Control Management Systems) Software Engineering team and you will perform software design assignments requiring initiative, resourcefulness and design experience and provide advice and guidance to other engineers or designers.

We'll look to you for:
To transform specified designs into a well working physical realization.
To analyse and transform specified requirements into detailed design solutions which have the required safety integrity level.
Assemble software and/or hardware items through all levels up to form a complete subsystem (e.g. TCMS Platform Architecture or TCMS user application software), according to the architectural and design specifications
Examine and judge whether the output of a specific development phase fulfils respective requirements, mostly by component/integration testing and delivery of required documentation.

All about you:
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or Engineering.
Experience in software development preferably in IEC 61131. Familiar with EN50657 standard (or similar standard from other industry than Railway).
Experience in Safety Classified Software (SIL) is an advantage.
Experience within TCMS (Train Control Management Systems) and with MITRAC tools is an advantage.
Desired competencies communication, customer orientation, problem solving, drive to results, innovation, flexibility, and teamwork skills.
Advanced/business fluent level of English.
Swedish language knowledge would be an advantage.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our agile working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone Visa mindre

Industrialization Engineer - 460746

Ansök    Jul 17    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Industria... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Industrialization Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrialization expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager in Västerås) and work alongside teammates.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business you’ll work closely with teams across the business such as production team, engineering, quality and operator to make sure we perform our work in most effective ways and with a clear instructions. Make sure that uprunning projects runs according to serial production proceses.

We’ll look to you for:
Preparation of upcoming work in terms of instructions, materials, tools, contractors, and such.
Provide up to date information on fleet status to internal and external customers.
Plan and lead maintenance validation activities.
Defining and pushing for a standard way of working.
Owning the tool calibration process.
Writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN Industralization Engineering
Experience or understanding of railway industry
Knowledge of technical experience of methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.
Familiarity with ERP-systems and master data crunching (such as SAP, Maximo)
Fluent in English and Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Industrialization Engineer - 459775

Ansök    Jul 17    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Industria... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Industrialization Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrialization expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager in Västerås) and work alongside teammates.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business you’ll work closely with teams across the business such as production team, engineering, quality and operator to make sure we perform our work in most effective ways and with a clear instructions. Make sure that uprunning projects runs according to serial production proceses.

We’ll look to you for:
Preparation of upcoming work in terms of instructions, materials, tools, contractors, and such.
Provide up to date information on fleet status to internal and external customers.
Plan and lead maintenance validation activities.
Defining and pushing for a standard way of working.
Owning the tool calibration process.
Writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN Industralization Engineering
Experience or understanding of railway industry
Knowledge of technical experience of methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.
Familiarity with ERP-systems and master data crunching (such as SAP, Maximo)
Fluent in English and Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Configuration and Change Engineer

Ref: 454786 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Confi... Visa mer
Ref: 454786
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Configuration and Change Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your configuration and change engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of the customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by managing and monitoring the changes in ALM projects in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of configuration and change in projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We’ll look to you for:
Leading the Configuration and Change Management (CCM) activities in bids and projects
Create, implement, update, and maintain the Configuration Management Plan and corresponding documents in collaboration with project team members
Organize and lead change control boards (CCB)
Contribute to return of experience and suggests improvements of the CCM activities
Ensure that applicable tools for configuration and change management are used and manage access rights for them
Ensure all functional representatives involved in your project are trained
Ensure that the CCM deliverables for the project model is executed and managed according project model’s quality gates

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Degree in Engineering field and/or understanding of system design including electronics and hardware in the rail industry or similar complex industry (e.g. aerospace, automotive, medical)
Hands on experience in configuration and change management
Knowledge of configuration and change processes and tools
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.
Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.

Apply now Visa mindre

Tekniks projektledare - 449671

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Technical Project... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Technical Project Manager in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your leadership expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of the customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by leading the Engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the Engineering design and integration in customer projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We are looking for someone with strong technical knowledge and experience in leadership of design and integration teams.

We’ll look to you for:
Lead the scope of work for Engineering in bids and customer contracts
The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, budget and forecast follow-up, planning of engineering activities, status reporting, design reviews, safety reviews, concept designs, requirements management, technical investigations, Verification & Validation activities
Secure that the Engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
Represent Engineering in customer and supplier interaction
Lead and write technical and project specific documentation i.e., Engineering plan, Specifications, Test programs, and Test reports
Technical investigations and analysis on the rail vehicles
Propose and drive efficiency improvements, risk reduction and business opportunities within the responsibility for the Engineering engagements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the a technical engineering field, preferably in mechanical or electrical engineering
Structured mindset
Leadership experience
Certification in project management (IPMA or PMI) is valued
Broad technical knowledge
Experience of design and development, project planning, execution of projects
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

Req ID: 449671
You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.
Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Program Manager - 461492

Ansök    Jul 10    Alstom Transport AB    Kvalitetschef
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Program Manager in Vasteras we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your program management expertise in a new cutting-edge field work alongside passionate, motivated, and dedicated teammates.
You'll be the person in charge of the overall Quality Cost Delivery (QCD) of the Program: Quality, Costs (both recurrent and not recurrent), development lead time and System/Product performances (with safety demonstration, if needed).
You’ll specifically take care of operationally manage the Metier resources allocated to the program, provide leadership, and ensure that the program teams fulfil efficiently its duties, including Projects technical support.

We’ll look to you for:
Leading and coordinating program activities
Contribute to the roadmap definition
Defining objectives, managing resources, and aligning stakeholders
Maximising cash and margin without compromising on program management and execution processes.
Managing customer and external stakeholder relationships
QCDP and ensuring safety, critical issues and quality

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Passion for program management
Ability to gain and apply insight from every project
Flair for leading and influencing others
An entrepreneurial mindset
A proactive and resourceful approach
Desire to work collaboratively
Strong communication and negotiation skills
Adaptability and effective time management
Experience or understanding of conflict and crisis management.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Mechanical Design Engineer Crash-Repair

Req ID: 457827 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Mech... Visa mer
Req ID: 457827
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Mechanical Design Engineer (focused on crash-repair of rail vehicles) in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Mechanical Engineer expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the Mechanical Engineering design in crash-repair of rail vehicles, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We’ll look to you for
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
Requirements management, compliance solution and verification & validation of crash activities
Technical investigations
Create railway vehicle mechanical design according to EN 15085-3 and technical descriptions in bids and projects to crash repair
Creating Engineering Bill of Materials (EBOM)
Technical and project specific documentation related to mechanical design
Lead mechanical design reviews to crash repair methods, FEA and related documentation
Customer interaction
Verification of the rail vehicle crash-repair proposals
Design assessment of the products according to the relevant standards, including multiple structural analyses, fatigue assessment, joint evaluation etc.
Technical support to the crash repair team

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in relevant mechanical engineering field (e.g. Master of science) and experience of welding design
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Knowledge about welding technology
Knowledge about material properties
Knowledge of EN 15085-3: Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components - Part 3: Design requirements
Knowledge of ISO 3834: Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
Knowledge of EN 12663 (including Eurocodes): Railway applications - Structural requirements of railway vehicle bodies
Both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience of welding of rail vehicles
Knowledge of valid European and Swedish’s norms, standards and legislation for railway vehicles
Knowledge of Finite Element Analyses (FEA)
Fluent in English
Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Welding Coordinator (IWE)

Ansök    Jul 9    Alstom Transport AB    Svetsingenjör
Req ID: 456503 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time We... Visa mer
Req ID: 456503
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Welding Coordinator (IWE) in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your IWE expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by coordinating the welding work in our business area crash-repairs in the majority of the rail vehicle types running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of repaired rail vehicles), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the welding coordination in crash-repairs of rail vehicles, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.

We’ll look to you for
Review the needed requirements in welding projects, such as, check the product standard to be used, together with any supplementary requirements
Perform technical reviews, based on materials specifications, welded joint properties and location, define quality and acceptance requirements for welds, analyze accessibility of the welds’ location and sequence for inspection and non-destructive testing
Check the suitability, identification, safety, handling, verification, validation and maintenance of welding and associated equipment
Check the compatibility, delivery conditions, supplementary requirements, storage and handling of welding consumables
Inspect the validity of welders’ and welding operators’ qualifications, suitability of welding procedure specifications, identity of the parent material and welding consumables, joint preparations and suitability of working conditions before welding
Inspect the essential welding parameters, preheating/interpass temperature, correct use of welding consumables, control of distortion and perform intermediary examinations
Check validity of welders’ and welding operators’ qualifications, suitability of welding procedure specifications, identity of the parent material and welding consumables, joint preparations and suitability of working conditions before welding
Perform visual inspection, usage of non-destructive and destructing tests, inspect the form, shape, tolerance and dimensions of the construction as well as the results of post operations

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Degree in International Welding Engineer (IWE)
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience of welding of rail vehicles or other automotive vehicles
Knowledge of valid European and Swedish’s norms, standards and legislation for rail vehicles and railway
Fluent in English
Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Mechanical Design Engineer Crash-Repair

Ansök    Jul 9    Alstom Transport AB    Svetsingenjör
Req ID: 457827 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Mech... Visa mer
Req ID: 457827
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Mechanical Design Engineer (focused on crash-repair of rail vehicles) in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Mechanical Engineer expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the Mechanical Engineering design in crash-repair of rail vehicles, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We’ll look to you for
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
Requirements management, compliance solution and verification & validation of crash activities
Technical investigations
Create railway vehicle mechanical design according to EN 15085-3 and technical descriptions in bids and projects to crash repair
Creating Engineering Bill of Materials (EBOM)
Technical and project specific documentation related to mechanical design
Lead mechanical design reviews to crash repair methods, FEA and related documentation
Customer interaction
Verification of the rail vehicle crash-repair proposals
Design assessment of the products according to the relevant standards, including multiple structural analyses, fatigue assessment, joint evaluation etc.
Technical support to the crash repair team

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in relevant mechanical engineering field (e.g. Master of science) and experience of welding design
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Knowledge about welding technology
Knowledge about material properties
Knowledge of EN 15085-3: Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components - Part 3: Design requirements
Knowledge of ISO 3834: Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
Knowledge of EN 12663 (including Eurocodes): Railway applications - Structural requirements of railway vehicle bodies
Both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience of welding of rail vehicles
Knowledge of valid European and Swedish’s norms, standards and legislation for railway vehicles
Knowledge of Finite Element Analyses (FEA)
Fluent in English
Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Mechanical Design Engineer

Req ID: 457700 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time ... Visa mer
Req ID: 457700
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Mechanical Design Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Mechanical Engineer expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the Mechanical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We’ll look to you for
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
Design technical systems to be integrated on rail vehicles
Sample of tasks to be performed; mechanical drawings, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, Risk assessments, and Verification & Validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the mechanical engineering field or equivalent experience/education
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Tågtekniker - 457970

Req ID:457970 På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bil... Visa mer
Req ID:457970

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 80 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya Tågtekniker i Västerås?

Har du en teknisk bakgrund gärna erfarenhet inom el och vill bli del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Har du viljan att utvecklas, uppskattar lagarbete och gillar att lösa tekniska utmaningar? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!

Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till Production Manager och arbetar tillsammans i en grupp med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt

Beroende på din kompetens och intresse så kommer arbetet bestå av allt från att byta glödlampor till stora tunga mekaniska montage av boggies och hjulaxlar. I rollen ingår det att utföra underhåll av fordonen och bedöma det trafiksäkerhetsmässiga tillståndet. Du ska kunna följa instruktioner och genomföra underhåll och driftsättning enligt dem.

I tjänsten ingår även att:

Utföra underhåll, felavhjälpning?samt modifieringar på fordon.
Arbetet utförs enligt instruktioner i befintliga system.
Registrera och dokumentera information i våra aktuella system gällande t.ex. åtgärdstext, åtgånget material etc.
Med stöd av felsökare emellanåt felsöka och genomföra korrektion av elektriska fel på fordonen.
Säkerställa efterlevnad enligt kraven i policyn för miljö, hälsa, säkerhet och kvalitet.
Arbeta enligt ISO 9001, ISO 14001 och Alstom Railway Safety Policy.

För att bli auktoriserad som tågtekniker behöver våra medarbetare genomgå Alstoms interna utbildningsprogram med godkänt resultat. Denna utbildning genomförs under ordinarie arbetstid och utan kostnad.

Vem är du?
För att lyckas som tågtekniker behöver du ha en stark teknisk kompetens och ett öga för detaljer.
Du behöver vara strukturerad och tycka om att arbeta efter tydliga processer. Vi tror även att du tycker om att jobba mot deadlines för att få ut tågen i tid. Du är bra på att organisera och planera ditt arbete väl.
Vi tror också du är analytisk och tycker om att utföra tekniska felsökningar och hitta lösningar på problem. Vidare är det viktigt du är noggrann och har en hög ansvarskänsla, eftersom arbete som tågtekniker har en direkt påverkan för alla passagerares säkerhet och hälsa. God kommunikationsförmåga och samarbetsförmåga är också viktigt eftersom du arbetar tillsammans med andra tekniker och annan personal på vår depå.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

Utbildning/erfarenhet eller en stor passion för el, teknik och felsökning
Erfarenhet eller förståelse för tekniskt arbete inom flyg-, industri- eller fordonbranschen eller likande där reparation och felsökning av mekaniska, elektriska, pneumatiska samt digitala styrsystem tillhört din vardag
Vi ser gärna att du är van att montera elektriska och mekaniska komponenter efter ritningar och instruktioner.
Har du goda kunskaper inom el så är det ett stort plus.
Kunskap av felsökning och förmåga att lösa komplexa problem är meriterande
Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Då arbetsuppgifterna är av betydelse för trafiksäkerheten krävs godkänd medicinsk hälsoundersökning innan eventuell anställning kan påbörjas, detta ombesörjer Alstom
Arbetet innebär dagtid. Välkommen in med din ansökan redan idag. Intervjuer sker löpande.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Utvecklas inom företaget
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!
Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Visa mindre

Electrical Design Engineer

Req ID: 457696 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time El... Visa mer
Req ID: 457696
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Electrical Design Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Electrical Engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by making electrical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the Electrical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.

We’ll look to you for
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform electrical engineering design (from concept to finalized design) to be manufactured or bought and integrated on rail vehicles
Sample of tasks to be performed; design train electrical architecture, cubical layout, wiring routing, design concept, technical descriptions, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, risk assessments, and verification & validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the electrical engineering field or equivalent experience/education
Knowledge and experience of Electrical CAD programs such as Auto Cad, E3 or Visio
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Product Safety Engineer - 446836

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Produ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Product Safety Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your product safety engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (Acting Head of Service Engineering Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.
You'll contribute by leading the product safety work in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the product safety in bids and projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We are looking for someone with experience in product safety.

We’ll look to you for:
Coordinate safety assurance activities in bids and projects.
Lead and implement the safety activities in bids and projects, e.g., safety plan, safety case and CSM-RA activities.
Performing product safety analyses.
Interacting with customers and independent parties such as ISA, NoBo, Debo.
Follow European and Alstom’s norms, standard and processes for safety activities.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in relevant engineering field
Knowledge of valid European and Swedish’s norms, standards and legislation for product safety in the rail industry
Train system knowledge
Structured mindset
Fluent in English and Swedish or any of the Scandinavian languages

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Documentation Engineering Lead

Req ID:[[id]] Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80 000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi so... Visa mer
Req ID:[[id]]
Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 80 000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetsleverantör bidra till stora samordningsvinster genom att kunden får en enda leverantör med kontroll över alla delar i kedjan.

Är du vår nya Documentation Engineering Lead, med placering i Västerås?
Om arbetet
Syftet med denna tjänst är att samordna leveranser av teknisk dokumentation från interna och externa leverantörer och leverera till kund enligt projektplan och kundkrav. Arbetsansvaret inkluderar planering, utförande och uppföljning av användardokumentation. Detta innebär att man utvärderar dokumentation, granskar och översätter arbetet inom teamet samt allokerar arbetspaket offshore. Personen kommer att ansvara för att följa korrekt projekt-tidplan.
Dina ansvarsområden innefattar:
· Samordning: Skapa en resursplan, fördela arbetsbelastning mellan teammedlemmar och följa upp resursutgifter
· Samling av teknisk data från: systemutveckling, underleverantörer, kunder, fältingenjörer och kundsupport
· Bearbeta och strukturera teknisk data
· Planera, utföra och följa upp produktionen av avancerad teknisk användarinformation
· Kontinuerligt förbättra underhållsanvändarinformation med ett tvärfunktionellt tillvägagångssätt
· Förbättra dokumentationens användbarhet hos slutanvändaren
· Anpassa input till befintligt innehåll och struktur
· Ändringshantering: Ansvarig för att följa korrekt tidsplan och följa upp konstruktionsändringar som påverkar användarinformation
· Följa befintliga revisionsprocesser; interngranskning, teknisk granskning, slutlig granskning
Krav för tjänsten:
· Kandidatexamen i informationsdesign eller el-mekanisk ingenjörsvetenskap eller motsvarande masterexamen
· Relevant arbetslivserfarenhet med kandidatexamen eller doktorsexamen
· Bevisad planeringsförmåga
· Erfarenhet av modulariserad information och Content Management System (CMS)
· Kunskaper inom järnvägsindustrin och helst inom eftermarknadsverksamhet
· Flytande svenska och engelska
Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.
· Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
· Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
· Bidra till innovativa projekt
· Utvecklas inom företaget
· Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande
Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna att du ansöker så snart som möjligt
Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt.
Alstom strävar efter mångfald där våra medarbetares bakgrund, erfarenheter, kunskaper och personligheter berikar verksamheten. Visa mindre

Engineering Manager

Req ID: 452222 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time En... Visa mer
Req ID: 452222
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Engineering Manager in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of the customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by leading a versatile engineering team. The tasks involves, leading the team, coaching the resources, providing resources to the Engineering scope in bids and customer contracts in upgrade and refurbishment of rail vehicles. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the ALM System & Integration Engineering organization, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs. We are looking for someone with experience in leading technical bids.
We’ll look to you for
Lead an organization within system & integration engineering
Monitor progress and provide support to engineering in bids and projects
Maintain and develop the organization’s engineering skills and competencies
Secure that the engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
Propose innovative solutions, develop and implement research and development programs and new technologies in bids and projects
Represent engineering in customer and supplier interaction

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in a technical engineering field
Structured mindset
Leadership experience
Experience of design and development of technical systems
English and Swedish speaking and writing

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Please note that during the holiday period we are reviewing all applications for this role as they come we will get in touch with you in the last week of August. That is also when we will start taking further steps in the recruitment process.
You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Electrical Design Engineering

Req ID: 457696 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time El... Visa mer
Req ID: 457696
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Electrical Design Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Electrical Engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by making electrical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the Electrical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.

We’ll look to you for
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform electrical engineering design (from concept to finalized design) to be manufactured or bought and integrated on rail vehicles
Sample of tasks to be performed; design train electrical architecture, cubical layout, wiring routing, design concept, technical descriptions, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, risk assessments, and verification & validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the electrical engineering field or equivalent experience/education
Knowledge and experience of Electrical CAD programs such as Auto Cad, E3 or Visio
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Project Cost Controller

Ansök    Jun 20    Alstom Transport AB    Finansekonom
Req ID:449260 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the ... Visa mer
Req ID:449260

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Project Cost Controller in Vasteras we’re looking for?

Your future role:
As a Project Cost Controller you'll lead finances for projects in order to improve the project overall performance.
You will participate in overall Project Management process jointly with Project Manager. As a key member of the project, you will provide financial analysis, advice/guidance to support the project team in making the best business decisions for the project. You will be the main partner for the Financial Strategy success of the project, contributing in negotiation processes to secure project success. The Project Controller supports Project Manager in risks and opportunities process and sign-off contingencies/committed savings. The position is part of the Finance organization and covers the entire project lifecycle, i.e. acquisition, bidding, execution and warranty.

Main Responsibilities:
Participate in overall Project Management process jointly with Project Manager.
Main partner for the Financial Strategy success of the project.
Optimize financial aspects on the project Org. Tax, Hedging, Financing
Business Partnering:
provide finance advise and tutoring to the project team.
set up technical expertise within the real and current concerns of the business to create value.
enrich integration within the organization (functional intermediation).
ensure compliance of finance rules in project review preparation and throughout project execution.
contribute on business agility and awareness.
Supervision, analysis and support for overall finance topics of the project.
Control the financial performance of the project and propose action plans to improve contract margin and cash profile as well as corrective action plans to mitigate identified risks.
Raised "Early Warnings" when necessary to increase management attention.
Add insight and accuracy to project financial information (Improve accuracy on forecasts, revenue, cash, cost, etc.).
Challenge and approve Project Financials (cash, competitiveness) as per DoA.
Provide confirmation of Internal Transfer Pricing policies to procurement for the issuance of internal purchase orders.
Control the interflows of Internal purchased orders.
Ensure compliance with local regulations, especially for tax and statutory accounts purposes.
Liaise with other finance expert functions (e.g. Tax and Customs, Treasury and Financing, Internal Audit & Risk Management, Accounting and Finance efficiency, etc.).
Cooperate with other expert functions (e.g. legal, platforms, Operational Excellence, etc.).
Establish strategic network with external financial players involved in the project.
Contribute in negotiation processes to secure project success (customer and / or partner).

All about you:
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Bachelor or Master’s degree in finance or equivalent
Min 3-5 years of work experience in Project Controlling or Business Controlling
Strong analytical skills
Excellent knowledge in MS Excel.
Strong written and oral communication skills
Fluency in Swedish and English

Things you’ll enjoy:
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our flexible working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.
Apply now Visa mindre

Configuration and Change Engineer

Ref: 454786 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Configur... Visa mer
Ref: 454786
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.
Could you be the full-time Configuration and Change Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your configuration and change engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of the customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by managing and monitoring the changes in ALM projects in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of configuration and change in projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We’ll look to you for:
· Leading the Configuration and Change Management (CCM) activities in bids and projects
· Create, implement, update, and maintain the Configuration Management Plan and corresponding documents in collaboration with project team members
· Organize and lead change control boards (CCB)
· Contribute to return of experience and suggests improvements of the CCM activities
· Ensure that applicable tools for configuration and change management are used and manage access rights for them
· Ensure all functional representatives involved in your project are trained
· Ensure that the CCM deliverables for the project model is executed and managed according project model’s quality gates

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
· Degree in Engineering field and/or understanding of system design including electronics and hardware in the rail industry or similar complex industry (e.g. aerospace, automotive, medical)
· Hands on experience in configuration and change management
· Knowledge of configuration and change processes and tools
· Structured mindset
· Communicative
· Fluent in English
· Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
· Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
· Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
· Contribute to innovative projects
· Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
· Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
· Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Cluster Supplier Quality Manager - 454241

Ansök    Jun 3    Alstom Transport AB    Kvalitetschef
Req ID:[[id]] At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Clus... Visa mer
Req ID:[[id]]

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.
Could you be the full-time Cluster Supplier Quality Manager in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?
Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Sara Lindqvist (Quality Director Nordics), and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates.
We’ll look to you to:
· Support the whole Region or Country/Cluster to reach the “Best in Class” quality level with our suppliers for all product lines (Rolling Stock, Services, Digital & Information Systems).
· Ensure the delivery of on-cycle Supplier quality activities (from selection of suppliers till end of the contract) for the projects delivered by the Region
· Deliver / organize the delivery of the Supplier Quality activities during the development phases of the projects
· Develop teams and improve efficiency of the organization
· Develop and deploy Supplier Quality Processes and Sharing of good practices
· Strengthen Suppliers performance within the Region
· Support the Region to meet Supplier Quality Excellence
· Drive continuous improvement in accordance with APSYS (Alstom Performance System)
· Promoting towards other functions the right quality mindset, culture and trainings
All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
· Strong leadership with communication and influencing skills
Ø 10 years
· International and multi-cultural mindset
· Fluent in English; Swedish is desirable
· Ability to deal with complex matrix organization and multiple interfaces
· Autonomous & Rigorous
· Continuous improvement mindset and customer oriented

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and driven colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Ledare till Tågindustrin

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time ISR M... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time ISR Manager Service Engineering Nordics Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your leader expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Forsén (Services Engineering Director, Nordics) and work alongside highly engaged, experienced and skilled teammates.

Our product line Services offers a complete range of solutions to maximise the value of customer assets. Our offerings cover the entire lifecycle of the asset, from design and build, to operation, to end of life
In this role, you will lead and manage the development and delivery of the Integrated Service Readiness (ISR) activities and deliverables for our product portfolio, ensuring that they are easy maintained, well documented etc. You will work closely with other teams leaders and collaborate with various teams to ensure the successful implementation of ISR plans, support strategies, and solutions. Your responsibilities will include managing ISR staff, influencing product design for enhanced supportability, and ensuring program delivery within budget and timescales.
You’ll specifically take care of the preparation of the ISR Elements (Engineering (e.g. Maintainability), Maintenance documentation, Training, Special tools and test benches, Spare parts) during both tender and project phase, but also the planning, cost and quality of the ISR.

We’ll look to you for being responsible for:
Building a new team integrated in the Service Engineering organization.
Actively contributing in the Service Engineering Management Tream
People management building team with a balanced setup from capability v.s. capacity point of view.
Implementing global processes and adjust to local needs where applicable.
Actively following the teams involvement in projects ensuring conditions for QCD adherence (Quality, Cost, Delivery) are provided.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN a technical engineering field
Experience in maintainability aspects of complex systems/products
Broad technical knowledge
Extensive knowledge within the Life cost cycle and corresponding considerations
Fluent in English. Swedish is preferred

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work in complex project set ups on both supplier and customer side where Safety aspects are essential.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our agile leadership in a complex working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards more senior Engineering Management positions or Project Management
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.
Apply now Visa mindre

Mechanical Design Engineer

Req ID: 457700 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Me... Visa mer
Req ID: 457700
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Mechanical Design Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Mechanical Engineer expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the Mechanical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We’ll look to you for
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
Design technical systems to be integrated on rail vehicles
Sample of tasks to be performed; mechanical drawings, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, Risk assessments, and Verification & Validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the mechanical engineering field or equivalent experience/education
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Project Quality and Safety Manager - 452344

Ansök    Maj 29    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Project Quality a... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Project Quality and Safety Manager based in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Peter Andersson (Site Quality Director), and be a part of the Project Core Teams that reports to the Project Manager.

We’ll look to you to:
ensure the project Quality and safety assurance on the project and coordinate all quality and safety activities throughout the project.
ensure consistency between the project QCD, Quality, Cost & Delivery, objectives and the customer's satisfaction
be the interface with the customer quality and safety teams. You will also define and monitor correct execution of the project quality management plan.
be located in Västerås with some business trips within the country and to Europe.

You will also be responsible for:

Customer Quality, be an interface with the customer’s quality and safety team
Project Quality, Establish and ensure proper application of Project Quality Plans.
Project Execution Controls, Manage quality and safety issues, Verify project deliverables are in compliance through inspection and Audits, Proper return of experience management in the projects.
Supplier Quality, challenge and ensure proper application of supplier quality activities.
Measure and improve project quality and safety performance, with support of Alstom lean tools

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Educational Requirements
Master degree in Engineering, Management or adequate.
Fluent in Swedish and English

Technical Knowledge / Experience
Experience of Quality, such as Quality management and Quality methods and tools.
Experience of Safety management, preferable Railway Safety (incl. Norms and standards)
Experience of Project Management

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)
You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
All internal employees must inform their Line Manager about applying for this job.

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Research & Development Program Manager - 455721

Ansök    Maj 29    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Research & Devel... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Research & Development Program Manager for its Brake System division located in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to the Brakes Product Family Director, and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates.

This newly created division aims to capitalize Alstom know-how on brakes and to define brake products for its rolling stock applications. The Brakes System Department innovates and defines the brakes of the future, foster cooperation between customers, suppliers, and academics. Its scope includes product & industrial strategy, offer & contract execution, product safety, reliability improvement, and return of experience.

As R&D Program Manager, you are responsible for management and successful completion of cross-functional activities leading to the development of new brake products for the European and international market.

We’ll look to you to:
Ensure the respect the Quality, Cost and Delivery targets of your R&D program
Plan, monitor, control and manage the R&D program (deliverables, schedule, resources, cost, risks, savings) for the brake scope
Manage functionally a multidisciplinary team
Coordinate all departments (engineering, quality, industrialization, sourcing, supply chain, manufacturing) contributing to your R&D program
Report to the management about the progress of the R&D program
Ensure the proper deployment of brake products on first applications

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Background in project management or R&D program management, preferably in the railway industry
Decision-minded and result-oriented
Team spirit approach, communication skills
Fluent in English
Swedish is an advantage but not a requirement
Regular travels in Europe and abroad

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Product Safety Engineer - 446836

Ansök    Maj 29    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Produ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Product Safety Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your product safety engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (Acting Head of Service Engineering Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.
You'll contribute by leading the product safety work in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the product safety in bids and projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We are looking for someone with experience in product safety.

We’ll look to you for:
Coordinate safety assurance activities in bids and projects.
Lead and implement the safety activities in bids and projects, e.g., safety plan, safety case and CSM-RA activities.
Performing product safety analyses.
Interacting with customers and independent parties such as ISA, NoBo, Debo.
Follow European and Alstom’s norms, standard and processes for safety activities.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in relevant engineering field
Knowledge of valid European and Swedish’s norms, standards and legislation for product safety in the rail industry
Train system knowledge
Structured mindset
Fluent in English and Swedish or any of the Scandinavian languages

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Traction System Engineer - 456644

Ansök    Maj 29    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Traction System Eng... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Traction System Engineer in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?

Your future role

Get on-board and apply your education in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Petri Syvänen (Traction Sub-system team manager) and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates.

We’ll look to you for to:
be technically responsible for the traction system solution.
the scope ranges from tenders/bids, concepts and requirements to testing and performance in service, including interfaces such as mechanical, electrical and functional.
the role includes frequent international contacts and cooperation as most our traction systems are delivered to customers globally.
be able to dive in to technical topics and issues, with the support of subject matter experts.
be able to communicate with different layers in the organization.
be able to include new solutions and improve our design, while reusing proven standardized solutions.
drive and support a standardized product portfolio.

All about you

We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:

MSc in Electrical Engineering or equivalent
3-5 years experience in the field
Fluent in English and preferably in Swedish.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with new security standards for rail business
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Supplier Delivery Performance Manager (SWE) - 453927

Ansök    Maj 29    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Supplier Delivery P... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Supplier Delivery Performance Manager in Västerås, SWE we’re looking for?

Your future role

Take on a new challenge and apply your supply chain and lean management expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll work alongside collaborative, dedicated, and innovative teammates. You'll ensure the excellence of our supplier delivery performance and contribute significantly to our supply chain maturity. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (Procurement, Quality Assurance, Material Planning), performing full supply chain audits and driving continuous improvement initiatives and much more.

We’ll look to you for:

Performing a Capacity Assessment each quarter to ensure suppliers meet Alstom’s global demand,
Driving improvement actions stemming from audits and assessments,
Contributing to Supplier Delivery risks assessment & Management before any Business Award,
Being the Single point of contact for all Supply Chain Inputs for Business Awards,
Supporting "Crisis Suppliers" in Capacity de-bottlenecking and Capability improvement actions,
Training and developing new SDPMs at sites to qualify as FSCA Auditor and CA Auditor,
Providing inputs for continuous improvement of assessment procedures and tools & testing all new tools and change requests,
Upholding Alstom EHS policy and targets achievement,
Adhering to Alstom Ethics & Compliance codes

All about you

We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:

Degree in Technical and/or Supply Chain Engineering degree. Master’s degree level or equivalent,
Experience or understanding of Lean Management projects in an industrial site,
Knowledge of audit procedures and compliance standards,
Familiarity with international and multi-cultural work environments,
Certification in Supply Chain or Lean Management
Leadership and communication skills with an ability to influence and drive change,
Industrial scheduling and Materials Requirements Planning expertise,
Proven track record in Supplier Delivery Performance Management,
Autonomous & rigorous work ethic with a continuous improvement mindset,
Agile & responsible approach to complex problem-solving,
knowledge of English min. B2+

Things you’ll enjoy

Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:

Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note

As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.
Apply now Visa mindre

Customer Service Leader - 455685

Ansök    Maj 29    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Customer Servi... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Customer Service Leader in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lena Boqvist (Head of RSC Customer Service), and work alongside collaborative and driven teammates. Products related to the role are electronic products and traction parts.
You’ll specifically take care of managing customer requests to assure responsiveness and to be proactive to develop and improve our processes.

We’ll look to you to:
Support to AT Tenders related to Alstom electronics
Manage QCD commitment, obsolescence check, material availability and critical stock reservation
Responsible for the site Product Catalogue; pricelist that cover all products within the scope of responsibility including financial follow up and pricing structure
Main customer and tender interface
Manage customer inquiries and project orders and demand
Follow up of quotations and coordinate orders and deliveries
Proactively work with forecasting towards customers and follow up on demands
Maintain positive relationship and network with customers and internal stakeholders
Organize and ensure on time delivery to customers
Development / improvement of supply chain processes

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Relevant qualification or experience from a similar role
Analytical skills and very good Excel knowledge
Strong communication skills and fluent in Swedish and English
Understanding of supply chain and material planning
Teamplayer with a positive attitude and enjoy working with process improvements
You deliver high customer service and are a problem solver
SAP knowledge

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Manager ALM System & Integration Engineering

Could you be the full-time Manager ALM System & Integration Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for? Your future role Take on a new challenge and apply your Manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life ex... Visa mer
Could you be the full-time Manager ALM System & Integration Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of the customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by leading a versatile engineering team. The tasks involves, leading the team, coaching the resources, providing resources to the Engineering scope in bids and customer contracts in upgrade and refurbishment of rail vehicles. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the ALM System & Integration Engineering organization, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs. We are looking for someone with experience in leading technical bids.
We’ll look to you for
Lead an organization within system & integration engineering
Monitor progress and provide support to engineering in bids and projects
Maintain and develop the organization’s engineering skills and competencies
Secure that the engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
Improve configuration, design, change and engineering management processes
Propose innovative solutions, develop and implement research and development programs and new technologies in bids and projects
Support the product safety management by ensuring safety risks are mitigated in a timely manner
Capture and ensure ownership of regulations and standards to be applied
Represent engineering in customer and supplier interaction
Propose and drive efficiency improvements, risk reduction and business opportunities within the responsibility for the engineering engagement

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in a technical engineering field, preferably mechanical or electrical engineering
Structured mindset
Leadership experience
Broad technical knowledge
Experience of design and development, project planning, execution and delivery process
English and Swedish speaking and writing

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
All internal employees must inform their Line Manager about applying for this job.

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

ISR Manager Service Engineering Nordics

Ansök    Maj 14    Alstom Transport AB    Organisationschef
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time ISR M... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time ISR Manager Service Engineering Nordics Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your leader expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Forsén (Services Engineering Director, Nordics) and work alongside highly engaged, experienced and skilled teammates.

Our product line Services offers a complete range of solutions to maximise the value of customer assets. Our offerings cover the entire lifecycle of the asset, from design and build, to operation, to end of life
In this role, you will lead and manage the development and delivery of the Integrated Service Readiness (ISR) activities and deliverables for our product portfolio, ensuring that they are easy maintained, well documented etc. You will work closely with other teams leaders and collaborate with various teams to ensure the successful implementation of ISR plans, support strategies, and solutions. Your responsibilities will include managing ISR staff, influencing product design for enhanced supportability, and ensuring program delivery within budget and timescales.
You’ll specifically take care of the preparation of the ISR Elements (Engineering (e.g. Maintainability), Maintenance documentation, Training, Special tools and test benches, Spare parts) during both tender and project phase, but also the planning, cost and quality of the ISR.

We’ll look to you for being responsible for:
Building a new team integrated in the Service Engineering organization.
Actively contributing in the Service Engineering Management Tream
People management building team with a balanced setup from capability v.s. capacity point of view.
Implementing global processes and adjust to local needs where applicable.
Actively following the teams involvement in projects ensuring conditions for QCD adherence (Quality, Cost, Delivery) are provided.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN a technical engineering field
Experience in maintainability aspects of complex systems/products
Broad technical knowledge
Extensive knowledge within the Life cost cycle and corresponding considerations
Fluent in English. Swedish is preferred

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work in complex project set ups on both supplier and customer side where Safety aspects are essential.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our agile leadership in a complex working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards more senior Engineering Management positions or Project Management
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.
Apply now Visa mindre

Leader of our engineering organization

Ansök    Apr 16    Alstom Transport AB    Organisationschef
Could you be the full-time Manager ALM System & Integration Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for? Your future role Take on a new challenge and apply your Manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life ex... Visa mer
Could you be the full-time Manager ALM System & Integration Engineering in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of the customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by leading a versatile engineering team. The tasks involves, leading the team, coaching the resources, providing resources to the Engineering scope in bids and customer contracts in upgrade and refurbishment of rail vehicles. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the ALM System & Integration Engineering organization, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs. We are looking for someone with experience in leading technical bids.
We’ll look to you for
Lead an organization within system & integration engineering
Monitor progress and provide support to engineering in bids and projects
Maintain and develop the organization’s engineering skills and competencies
Secure that the engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
Improve configuration, design, change and engineering management processes
Propose innovative solutions, develop and implement research and development programs and new technologies in bids and projects
Support the product safety management by ensuring safety risks are mitigated in a timely manner
Capture and ensure ownership of regulations and standards to be applied
Represent engineering in customer and supplier interaction
Propose and drive efficiency improvements, risk reduction and business opportunities within the responsibility for the engineering engagement

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in a technical engineering field, preferably mechanical or electrical engineering
Structured mindset
Leadership experience
Broad technical knowledge
Experience of design and development, project planning, execution and delivery process
English and Swedish speaking and writing

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
All internal employees must inform their Line Manager about applying for this job.

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Technical Project Manager

Ref: 449671 Alstom Job Listing Template At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could yo... Visa mer
Ref: 449671
Alstom Job Listing Template
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.
Could you be the full-time Project Engineering Manager (PrEM) in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. ALM is an abbreviation of Asset Life Management, which in short mean life extension of rail vehicles. The life extension can be of technical characteristics where technical systems are upgraded or exchanged, it can also be of the customer experience characteristics, where the interior of the rail vehicle is modernized.
You'll contribute by leading the Engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the Engineering design and integration in customer projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We are looking for someone with strong technical knowledge and experience in leadership of design and integration teams.
We’ll look to you for:
· Lead the scope of work for Engineering in bids and customer contracts
· The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, budget and forecast follow-up, planning of engineering activities, status reporting, design reviews, safety reviews, concept designs, requirements management, technical investigations, Verification & Validation activities
· Secure that the Engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
· Represent Engineering in customer and supplier interaction
· Lead and write technical and project specific documentation i.e., Engineering plan, Specifications, Test programs, and Test reports
· Technical investigations and analysis on the rail vehicles
· Propose and drive efficiency improvements, risk reduction and business opportunities within the responsibility for the Engineering engagements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
· University degree in the a technical engineering field, preferably in mechanical or electrical engineering
· Structured mindset
· Communicative
· Leadership experience
· Certification in project management (IPMA or PMI) is valued
· Broad technical knowledge
· Experience of design and development, project planning, execution of projects
· Fluent in English
· Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.
Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
· Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
· Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
· Contribute to innovative projects
· Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
· Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
· Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Projects and Bids Engineer - Digital Solutions Nordic

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Projects and Bids E... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Projects and Bids Engineer - Digital Solutions Nordics
in Oslo, Gothenburg/ Västerås or Stockholm we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your IT- expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Khaled Mansour (Head of Business Development - Digital Solutions Nordics).
You'll lead, manage and coordinate the main Digital Solutions tenders & projects activities. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business.
You’ll specifically take care of lead, manage and coordinate the main Digital Solutions tenders and projects activities , but also deliver on requirements, budget and schedule.

We’ll look to you for:
Perform a coordination role for all internal and external suppliers delivering and supporting applications for the Digital Solutions tenders and projects under their responsibility.
Supports the Sales team and manages the engineering services technical scope of bids ensuring the delivery of an accurate and competitive proposal in line with the standard solution and commercial strategy.
Support with technical documentation.
Being an ambassador for the Digital Solution portfolio;
Lead regular Digital Solution project meetings with internal stakeholders;
Provide to the Bid Manager the estimate of engineering services effort needed for the bid preparation.
Negotiate with the Project Engineering Director the allocation of the technical team in line with the bid needs (expertise and timing)
Analyze, with the support of System Application Architect(s), the potential gaps between the customer's specification and standard solutions and products and support Bid Manager and Tender Leader in defining the most suitable compliance strategy

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN IT Engineering or Network & Communication or equivalent
Experience of IT systems architecture and software long-term support services
Great experience in project management
Familiarity with IT service management (ITSM) and IT information library (ITIL).
Familiarity with technical writing and documentation.
Fluent in English. Swedish or Norwegian is an advantage.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with multiple stakeholders in customer-facing projects
Explore the digital evolution in railways with its new standards, technical solutions with focus on SaaS and IT service management and new business models.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our modern and hybrid working environment.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards Managing a portfolio of opportunities potentially supporting other regions and not only Nordics.
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

We are looking for someone who can work from one of our offices in either Oslo, Västerås, Gothenburg or Stockholm. Interviews take place continuously, so submit your application today. The role may also involve traveling within the Nordic region at times.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Site Engineering Director - 445888

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Site Engineering ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Site Engineering Director in Västerås, we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to the Fredrik Owman, Site Managing Director, and work alongside passionate, motivated and dedicated teammates.
As Site Engineering Director, you are responsible for:
Manage and organise Engineering Team according to business and region needs in-line with central engineering guidelines
Execute engineering RSC project, sustaining and R&D activities according QCD commitments
Perform engineering RSC activities for tenders
Manage workforce according workload (firm projects, forecast projects, tender, sustaining and R&D) and ensure efficient offshoring of engineering work packages
Drive co-engineering specially with process engineering and co-development with supplier via Procurement
Push improvement programs based on central recommendations (methodologies/tools and APSYS engineering) and local initiatives
Develop on-site engineering staff including succession plan and competency matrix deployment
Apply common processes, methods and tools and capture RoE for continuous improvement
Supervise products, key technical decisions and safety critical issues and capitalise RoE
Monitor project to cost programs in engineering
Manage cost center, budget preparation and monitoring SOH including recovery during the year
Support and promote innovations
Ethics and Compliance
EHS in engineering
People and resource management
KPI targets from SED dashboard
Supervision of key technical decisions and safety critical issues
People management cycle management on-time and quality of data with associated Training and development plans to reach target competence level

We’ll look to you for:
Management and organization of engineering department
Manage interfaces with other stakeholders on-site and off-site for co-engineering specially with process engineering and co-development with sourcing/supplier
Contribute to site strategy
Engineering improvement on projects including cooperation and change management
Appoint Tender/Project Engineering teams
Monitor site engineering activity and inform Site MD,RED and Global Engineering about major events
Communication to engineering team

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Project management incl. work package, risk and opportunity management> 5 years experience
Complex Train Systems > 10 years experience
Strong Leadership and people management experience
Cooperation and Change management
Fluency in English, willingness to learn basic Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our activity-based working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
All internal employees must inform their Line Manager about applying for this job.

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Industrial Development Manager - Västerås

Req ID:450751 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Indus... Visa mer
Req ID:450751

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.
Could you be the full-time Industrial Development Manager in we’re looking for in Stockholm, Motala or Västerås?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrial expertise in the sustainable mobility field of railway transportation!

You’ll report to the Daniel Grönqvist (Head of Industrial) and work alongside a team of industrial engineers and technicians to ensure the best possible footprint development and industrial capability.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with the various functions at Alstom’s repair centers in Västerås and Motala, as well as coordinating with central and regional functions.

We’ll look to you for:
Driving the Make or Buy business cases to improve cost performance
Support bids and tenders by being responsible for the industrial scope
Identify and drive industrial CAPEX linked to “buy to make” and other strategic footprint perspectives
Plan and lead industrial development activities
Defining and pushing for a standard way of working and continuous improvement.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree industrial or Mechanical Engineering (or related fields) or equivalent technical qualification or high level of industry experiences in similar roles.
Knowledge of technical experience of industrial engineering: writing, and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, tooling management, work sequencing, and value stream management
Experience or understanding of the railway industry or other transportation/travel industries is a plus.
Strong initiative-taking and drive to get people to collaborate to achieve a common goal
Ability to prioritize and identify primary and secondary priorities
Excellent analytical skills and understanding how changing input affects output
Excellent communication, listening, presentation and writing skills
Fluent in English and Swedish.

We are looking for someone who can work from one of our offices in either Stockholm, Västerås, or Motala. Interviews take place continuously, so submit your application today.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues.
Contribute to innovative projects.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries.
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension). Visa mindre

PI Industrial engineering leader

Req: 435497 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. At Alstom, we understand transport n... Visa mer
Req: 435497
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time PI Industrial engineering leader in Stockholm, Västerås or Göteborg we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Florian Grouset (Product Introduction Manager Nordics), and work alongside depot managers and warranty teams, industrial central team and teammates from services industrial network.

You'll deploy the industrialization processes and standards within PI sites. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business, give support to tenders and depots across the nordics.
You’ll specifically take care of participate in industrializing the execution of the field modifications on all the Alstom to optimise the project costs. , but also identify internal training needs and perform MoB (Make or Buy) analysis. Help developing & implementing training.

We’ll look to you for:
Manage Tools, Industrialisation & Industrial data management for PI implementation team
Manage and improve the industrial performance of the projects by deploying lean tools and culture.
Supervise the teams to address all project needs in terms of industrial engineering
Ensure proper execution of industrial strategy in the operation
Give technical support to operations.
Share & implement best practices with industrial network.
Develop industrial population skills to fulfill project industrial requirements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN engineering or a technical background
Experience or understanding of leadership in either a maintenance or production environment
Technical experience of Methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, Lean Manufacturing
Knowledge of quality and health & safety standards and systems and working with an ERP (such as SAP) for Bill of Materials, Routings, Configuration follow-up
Familiarity with the railway industry
Ability to read and understand schematics and drawings
Fluent in English and preferably in Swedish

As a person, we believe you:
Can work under pressure, you deal with stress in a constructive way. We think you maintain your good humour despite pressure and setbacks.
Are cooperation -orientated, adapts and finds win-win solutions by being a teamplayer and focusing on common goals.
Are structured, works according to a clear process, oganises and plans you work well. You finishes what has been started and keeps to deadlines.
Have strong communication skills

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with industrial performance of the projects by deploying lean tools and culture
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Experience our Agile and Responsible working values
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards industrialisation management or higher management role within PI organisation (customer site manager, project product introduction manager)
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineering Engineer - 452132

Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail, and trams to integrated systems, customized services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where more than 70,000 people lead the wa... Visa mer
Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail, and trams to integrated systems, customized services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where more than 70,000 people lead the way to greener and smarter mobility, worldwide

Could you be our new Manufacturing Engineering Engineer based in Västerås, Sweden?

Your future role
Get onboard and apply your application expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Niclas Andersson (Manufacturing Engineering Manager) and work alongside passionate, motivated and dedicated teammates.
You'll be responsible for improving the product manufacturability and achieve QCD target.

We’ll look to you:
Lead activities related to Industrialization
Lead Transfer projects
Bring ideas to the team to guide product definition
Participate to the product design reviews when required.
Estimate Method Time.
Participate and lead FMEA (Failure Mode of Effect Analysis).
Participate to validation of prototypes.
Request equipment when needed and write requirement specifications to suppliers.
Perform ERP routings and work / test instructions
Participate in the network for Special Processes

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Engineering degree or equivalent experience
3-5 years of experience in the domain. Experience of Project Management is desirable.
Knowledge of fundamental theories, principles and concepts related to mechanical or electrical manufacturing and assembly
Fluent in English and Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our activity-based working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.
Apply now Visa mindre

Projects and Bids Engineer - Digital Solutions Nordic

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Projects and Bids E... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Projects and Bids Engineer - Digital Solutions Nordics
in Oslo, Gothenburg/ Västerås or Stockholm we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your IT- expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Khaled Mansour (Head of Business Development - Digital Solutions Nordics).
You'll lead, manage and coordinate the main Digital Solutions tenders & projects activities. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business.
You’ll specifically take care of lead, manage and coordinate the main Digital Solutions tenders and projects activities , but also deliver on requirements, budget and schedule.

We’ll look to you for:
Perform a coordination role for all internal and external suppliers delivering and supporting applications for the Digital Solutions tenders and projects under their responsibility.
Supports the Sales team and manages the engineering services technical scope of bids ensuring the delivery of an accurate and competitive proposal in line with the standard solution and commercial strategy.
Support with technical documentation.
Being an ambassador for the Digital Solution portfolio;
Lead regular Digital Solution project meetings with internal stakeholders;
Provide to the Bid Manager the estimate of engineering services effort needed for the bid preparation.
Negotiate with the Project Engineering Director the allocation of the technical team in line with the bid needs (expertise and timing)
Analyze, with the support of System Application Architect(s), the potential gaps between the customer's specification and standard solutions and products and support Bid Manager and Tender Leader in defining the most suitable compliance strategy

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN IT Engineering or Network & Communication or equivalent
Experience of IT systems architecture and software long-term support services
Great experience in project management
Familiarity with IT service management (ITSM) and IT information library (ITIL).
Familiarity with technical writing and documentation.
Fluent in English. Swedish or Norwegian is an advantage.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with multiple stakeholders in customer-facing projects
Explore the digital evolution in railways with its new standards, technical solutions with focus on SaaS and IT service management and new business models.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our modern and hybrid working environment.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards Managing a portfolio of opportunities potentially supporting other regions and not only Nordics.
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

We are looking for someone who can work from one of our offices in either Oslo, Västerås, Gothenburg or Stockholm. Interviews take place continuously, so submit your application today. The role may also involve traveling within the Nordic region at times.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Train System Engineer

Ref 448705 Could you be the full-time Train System Engineer within the electrical engineering field in Västerås we’re looking for? Your future role Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates. You'll contribute by making electrical engineering design and integrati... Visa mer
Ref 448705
Could you be the full-time Train System Engineer within the electrical engineering field in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.

You'll contribute by making electrical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.

You’ll specifically take care of the electrical Engineering design and hands-on investigations on rail vehicles, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.

We are looking for someone with both hands-on and theoretical experience in electrical engineering.

We’ll look to you for:
· Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
· Perform electrical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
· Perform hands-on investigations on the rail vehicle, e.g., searching for root causes on non-functional rail vehicles
· Design and integration of technical systems
· Sample of tasks to be performed; electrical drawings, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, Risk assessments, Verification & Validation activities and fault searching
All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
· University degree in the electrical engineering field or equivalent education and experience
· Experience or understanding of electrical CAD programs such as Auto Cad, E3 or Visio
· Capability to do both hands-on work on rail vehicles (or other automotives), and electrical design in IT tools
· Structured mindset
· Communicative
· Fluent in English
· Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
· Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
· Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
· Contribute to innovative projects
· Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
· Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
· Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you! Visa mindre

Bid Engineer

Ansök    Feb 27    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Bid Engineer in ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Bid Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Get on-board and apply your Bid Engineer expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.
You'll contribute by leading the engineering (i.e. the technical part) bid work for the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics in the service domain (i.e. refurbishments and upgrades on rail vehicles). Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.

You’ll specifically take care of the engineering scope in Bids, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs. We are looking for someone with experience in leading technical bids.

We’ll look to you for
Leading the engineering bid work, from understanding customer requirements, to having these interpreted, packaged and quality assured for customer bids
Understand customer and supplier relationships
To provide added value to Alstom’s customers by proposing outstanding technical solutions
Having external contacts with customers and suppliers
Planning resource needs for a the engineering bids
Lead and create the budget in bids for the engineering workload including time and cost estimation

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in relevant engineering field or equivalent experience from work
Thorough understanding of requirements management
Knowledge and experience of systems and function integration, requirement management, preferable within the rail industry
Structured mindset
Ability to explain engineering activities for non-engineering stakeholders
Fluent in English
Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Projects and Bids Engineer - Digital Solutions Nordic

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Projects and Bids E... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 80,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Projects and Bids Engineer - Digital Solutions Nordics
in Oslo, Gothenburg/ Västerås or Stockholm we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your IT- expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Khaled Mansour (Head of Business Development - Digital Solutions Nordics).
You'll lead, manage and coordinate the main Digital Solutions tenders & projects activities. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business.
You’ll specifically take care of lead, manage and coordinate the main Digital Solutions tenders and projects activities , but also deliver on requirements, budget and schedule.

We’ll look to you for:
Perform a coordination role for all internal and external suppliers delivering and supporting applications for the Digital Solutions tenders and projects under their responsibility.
Supports the Sales team and manages the engineering services technical scope of bids ensuring the delivery of an accurate and competitive proposal in line with the standard solution and commercial strategy.
Support with technical documentation.
Being an ambassador for the Digital Solution portfolio;
Lead regular Digital Solution project meetings with internal stakeholders;
Provide to the Bid Manager the estimate of engineering services effort needed for the bid preparation.
Negotiate with the Project Engineering Director the allocation of the technical team in line with the bid needs (expertise and timing)
Analyze, with the support of System Application Architect(s), the potential gaps between the customer's specification and standard solutions and products and support Bid Manager and Tender Leader in defining the most suitable compliance strategy

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN IT Engineering or Network & Communication or equivalent
Experience of IT systems architecture and software long-term support services
Great experience in project management
Familiarity with IT service management (ITSM) and IT information library (ITIL).
Familiarity with technical writing and documentation.
Fluent in English. Swedish or Norwegian is an advantage.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with multiple stakeholders in customer-facing projects
Explore the digital evolution in railways with its new standards, technical solutions with focus on SaaS and IT service management and new business models.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our modern and hybrid working environment.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards Managing a portfolio of opportunities potentially supporting other regions and not only Nordics.
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

We are looking for someone who can work from one of our offices in either Oslo, Västerås, Gothenburg or Stockholm. Interviews take place continuously, so submit your application today. The role may also involve traveling within the Nordic region at times.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Industrialization Engineer

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Req: 446127 Could you be the full-tim... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.
Req: 446127
Could you be the full-time Industrialization Engineer in Västerås? we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrialization expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager in Västerås) and work alongside teammates.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business you’ll work closely with teams across the business such as production team, engineering, quality and operator to make sure we perform our work in most effective ways and with a clear instructions. Make sure that uprunning projects runs according to serial production proceses.
We’ll look to you for:
Preparation of upcoming work in terms of instructions, materials, tools, contractors, and such.
Provide up to date information on fleet status to internal and external customers.
Plan and lead maintenance validation activities.
Defining and pushing for a standard way of working.
Owning the tool calibration process.
Writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN Industralization Engineering
Experience or understanding of railway industry
Knowledge of technical experience of methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.
Familiarity with ERP-systems and master data crunching (such as SAP, Maximo)
Fluent in English and Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Industrialization Engineer

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Indust... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Industrialization Engineer in Västerås? we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrialization expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager in Västerås) and work alongside teammates.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business you’ll work closely with teams across the business such as production team, engineering, quality and operator to make sure we perform our work in most effective ways and with a clear instructions. Make sure that uprunning projects runs according to serial production proceses.

We’ll look to you for:
· Preparation of upcoming work in terms of instructions, materials, tools, contractors, and such.
· Provide up to date information on fleet status to internal and external customers.
· Plan and lead maintenance validation activities.
· Defining and pushing for a standard way of working.
· Owning the tool calibration process.
· Writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
· DEGREE OR PASSION IN Industralization Engineering
· Experience or understanding of railway industry
· Knowledge of technical experience of methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and VSM.
· Familiarity with ERP-systems and master data crunching (such as SAP, Maximo)
· Fluent in English and Swedish

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
· Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
· Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
· Contribute to innovative projects
· Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
· Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
· Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre


Req ID: 445465 Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 74 000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi ... Visa mer
Req ID: 445465

Alstom är en global koncern, med cirka 74 000 medarbetare i 70 länder. Här i Norden arbetar ca 2000 personer. Vi har kontor och depåer bl.a. i Stockholm, Köpenhamn, Oslo, Hässleholm, Göteborg och Helsingborg. Alstom erbjuder allt inom spårtrafik – från själva tågen till underhåll, räls, tåg, signalsystem och annan infrastruktur. Det gör att våra kunder kan välja oss som leverantör av en eller flera tjänster och produkter. Samtidigt kan vi som helhetsleverantör bidra till stora samordningsvinster genom att kunden får en enda leverantör med kontroll över alla delar i kedjan.

Är det dags för ett nytt steg i karriären? Har du erfarenhet av en ledande befattning? Då har du chansen att söka till dig oss som produktionsledare.

Din framtida roll
Anta en ny utmaning och tillämpa din ledarskapsexpertis i på Alstoms servicecenter i Västerås.
Där är vi specialiserade på tungt underhåll, renovering och modernisering av järnvägsfordon och komponenter.
Du rapporterar till Glenn Holmström (Production Manager, Västerås) och arbeta tillsammans med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt.

I den här spännande rollen som produktionsledare kommer du få möjligheten att tillsammans med dina medarbetare och Teamleaders - leda och säkerställa kontinuerlig utveckling av produktion utifrån företagets övergripande mål. Du kommer att ha personalansvar över ett 15- tal personer som arbetar dagtid där ditt coachande ledarskap bidrar till att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare.

I rollen kommer du även:

Styra och följa upp det dagliga arbetet samt ansvara över att arbetet utförs enligt gällande säkerhetskrav
Arbeta med målsättning och resultatuppföljning och vi förväntar oss att du aktiv arbetar för att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare.
Löpande arbeta med ständiga förbättringar och effektivisering av våra processer och vi ser gärna att du tar initiativ till den utvecklingen vi befinner oss i.
Utföra personalplanering för produktionsområdet i samråd med Projektledare och Produktionsplanerare
Tillsammans med projektledare/produktionschef ta operativa beslut som främjar leverans av fordon på utsatt tid
Ansvara för hälsa, miljö och säkerhetsarbetet

Allt om dig
Vi värderar passion och attityd över erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har varje enskild färdighet.
Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer att hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av ledande befattning
Du är van att jobba med hälsa, miljö och säkerhet
Erfarenhet av verksamhetsutveckling/förändringsledning
Vi ser gärna att du har erfarenhet från produktion/tillverkning
Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
Flytande i engelska och svenska

Dina personliga egenskaper:
För att lyckas i rollen behöver du vara trygg i ditt ledarskap. Samarbetet med många olika funktioner, både inom bolaget och med våra kunder stället krav på din kommunikationsförmåga och tydlighet och att du trivs med att samverka med andra. Du är en stabil person som behåller lugnet och fokus i stunder när det är högt tempo.
Vidare ser vi att du är nyfiken, gillar och har förmågan att förändra saker till det bättre och att tänka nytt
Du ansvarar för din och gruppens prestation och driver självständigt dina arbetsuppgifter i mål på ett effektivt sätt. Som ledare är du tillitsfull och ger dina medarbetare frihet till självständigt arbete. Du är en coachande ledare, van att få med dig andra genom ditt engagemang och delaktighet och du tycker om att se andra växa.

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär. Du kommer också att:
Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
Samarbeta med vårt mångsidiga team
Bidra till innovativa projekt
Styr din karriär i vilken riktning du än väljer i olika funktioner och länder
Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj, kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!
Intervjuer sker löpande så skicka in din ansökan redan idag.
Här blir du en del av ett kvalificerat lokalt och internationellt team där vi utvecklas, driver och växer tillsammans. Vår nordiska organisation expanderar snabbt och vår arbetsmiljö är dynamisk och positiv. Vi erbjuder en innovationsorienterad kultur med internationella karriärmöjligheter. Alstom har åtagit sig att skapa en mångsidig arbetsmiljö som speglar framtiden för vår industri, våra kunder och slutanvändare. Som anställd får du en unik möjlighet att fortsätta bygga din karriär och direkt bidra till den växande globala transportbranschen och en grönare hållbar framtid.
Mer info: www.alstom.com Visa mindre

Embedded Software Developer - 441940

Ansök    Jan 15    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Embedde... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Embedded Software Developer in Vasteras we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your software development expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You will work in a team together with other developers to design software components and implement them, ensuring quality, cost, and delivery management on software development activities. Main area of work will be within handling design, implementation and verification of additions and adaptions to Linux Distributions used.
You will be part of our team with special responsibilities with regards to handling the adaptions of the Linux environment. Repacking of already existing distributions, adding on product specific parts and configurations will be on your list of responsibilities. This to establish a platform from the Alstom standard Linux distribution. Background from Linux distribution development is important. Most important is to be able to see the system from a high level to understand what parts of the Linux based platform that is affected and needs adaptions or additions. This based on the product requirements as well as architecture and design. Development of features on a low-level Understanding of overlay filesystem in comparison to the root filesystem. Transaction based operation reset will be needed. As several of our features are within the cyber security domain it is requested to manage certificates and such to enable secure communication channels.

We’ll look to you for:
• Contribute to the elaboration of the software specification and architecture, in collaboration with the software architect
• Develop and sustain software components
• Contribute to the software development toolchain and work with the build environment
• Keep informed of the evolution of technologies through techno watch
• Apply processes and standards
• Contribute to continuous improvement

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Degree in Computer science
Experience in software development or industrial control systems
Experience of Linux distribution development is required
Understanding of C/C++ and scripting language like Python/Bash
Some knowledge of Iptables/Netfilte
Experience of working with real-time operating systems is beneficial
Experience with agile software development
Knowledge of cyber-security related development
Railway knowledge/ experience is a plus
As a person you are an excellent team member with good problem-solving skills, with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills
English and Swedish language required

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilize our hybrid working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards Software Architect or managerial roles
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 63 countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Hardware Lead Engineer - 444006

Ansök    Jan 18    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, mote then 80.000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Hardware ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, mote then 80.000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Hardware Lead Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your hardware engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field and work alongside passionate, motivated, and dedicated teammates.
You'll take care of leading HW related activities and projects within the area of responsibility. Day-to-day, you’ll to plan and execute HW projects which range from new development projects and maintenance activities to minor release changes, write technical documentation and support within the assigned area of responsibility. You’ll interact and communicate with customers, projects, suppliers, and the product organisation on a global basis.

We’ll look to you for:
Lead HW related activities and projects
Write technical documentation
On-site installation support
On-site issue resolution

We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Degree in electronics or equivalent
Experience in industrial/automotive electronics (HW) design
Knowledge of of working with HW project management
Enjoy teamwork, you share your knowledge, and you are motivated by problem solving
You Have experience of working with
Requirement management tool (e.g. DOORS)
HW design tools (e.g. Altium)
Project management and documentation tools (e.g. Microsoft tools)
Strong communication and negotiation skills
Positivity and problem-solving skills
Desire to work collaboratively
Fluent English and Swedish is desirable

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with new security standards for rail signalling
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our hybrid working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards and explore multiple career paths including a managerial position or systems engineer.
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Mekaniker till tågindustrin

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 74 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar. Är du vår ... Visa mer
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 74 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya servicetekniker i Västerås?
Har du en teknisk bakgrund gärna erfarenhet inom el och vill bli del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Har du viljan att utvecklas, uppskattar lagarbete och gillar att lösa tekniska utmaningar? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!
Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till Niclas Bålefalk (Production leader) och arbetar tillsammans i en liten grupp med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt

Alstom är ett välkänt företag i transportbranschen där säkerheten alltid kommer först. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande och innefattar avhjälpande och förebyggande underhåll, felsökning, upparbetning och montering.

Som servicetekniker kommer du arbeta med fordonstypen X50-54 Regina där du från ritningar och instruktioner kommer utföra ombyggnader och underhåll av mekaniska och elektriska komponenter av spårburna fordon.

I tjänsten ingår även att:

· Utföra alla förekommande arbeten enligt instruktioner, arbetsorder och gällande generella tekniska bestämmelser.
· Återföra upptäckta fel i ritningsunderlag, konstruktionslösningar och underhållsdokumentation till produktionsledningen.
· Meddela om fysiska brister och felaktiga artiklar till Produktionsledare eller ansvarig för material.
· Medverka vid utformandet av arbetsplats och vid framtagning av produktionsutrustningar och hjälpmedel.
· Hålla sig uppdaterad angående förändringar i instruktioner och föreskrifter underhållsdokumentationen, generella tekniska bestämmelser( GBT) och ledningssystem.
För att bli auktoriserad som servicetekniker behöver våra medarbetare genomgå Alstoms interna utbildningsprogram med godkänt resultat. Denna utbildning genomförs under ordinarie arbetstid och utan kostnad.

Vem är du?
För att lyckas som servicetekniker behöver du ha en stark teknisk kompetens och ett öga för detaljer.
Du behöver vara strukturerad och tycka om att arbeta efter tydliga processer. Vi tror även att du tycker om att jobba mot deadlines för att få ut tågen i tid. Du är bra på att organisera och planera ditt arbete väl.
Vi tror också du är analytisk och tycker om att utföra tekniska felsökningar och hitta lösningar på problem. Vidare är det viktigt du är noggrann och har en hög ansvarskänsla, eftersom arbete som servicetekniker har en direkt påverkan för alla passagerares säkerhet och hälsa. God kommunikationsförmåga och samarbetsförmåga är också viktigt eftersom du arbetar tillsammans med andra tekniker och annan personal på vår depå.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

· Utbildning/erfarenhet eller en stor passion för el, teknik och felsökning
· Erfarenhet eller förståelse för tekniskt arbete inom flyg-, industri- eller fordonbranschen eller likande där reparation och felsökning av mekaniska, elektriska, pneumatiska samt digitala styrsystem tillhört din vardag
· Kunskap av felsökning och förmåga att lösa komplexa problem
· Vi ser gärna att du är van att montera elektriska och mekaniska komponenter efter ritningar och instruktioner.
· Har du goda kunskaper inom el så är det ett stort plus.
· Utbildning i kontaktpressning, momentdragning är meriterande.
· Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
· Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Vi kommer att starta med löpande intervjuer i början av januari 2024. Skicka in din ansökan redan idag. Tjänsten är på dagtid.
Då arbetsuppgifterna är av betydelse för trafiksäkerheten krävs godkänd medicinsk hälsoundersökning innan eventuell anställning kan påbörjas, detta ombesörjer Alstom

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

· Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
· Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
· Bidra till innovativa projekt
· Utvecklas inom företaget
· Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!

Här blir du en del av ett kvalificerat lokalt och internationellt team där vi utvecklas, driver och växer tillsammans. Vår nordiska organisation expanderar snabbt och vår arbetsmiljö är dynamisk och positiv. Vi erbjuder en innovationsorienterad kultur med internationella karriärmöjligheter. Alstom har åtagit sig att skapa en mångsidig arbetsmiljö som speglar framtiden för vår industri, våra kunder och slutanvändare. Som anställd får du en unik möjlighet att fortsätta bygga din karriär och direkt bidra till den växande globala transportbranschen och en grönare hållbar framtid.
Mer info: www.alstom.com Visa mindre

Technical Project Manager

Req ID: 440844 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Proj... Visa mer
Req ID: 440844
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Project Engineering Manager (PrEM) in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.

You'll contribute by leading the Engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the Engineering design in customer projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.

We’ll look to you for:
Lead the scope of work for Engineering in bids and customer contracts
The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, budget and forecast follow-up, planning of engineering activities, status reporting, design reviews, safety reviews, concept designs, requirements management, technical investigations, Verification & Validation activities
Secure that the Engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
Represent Engineering in customer and supplier interaction
Lead and write technical and project specific documentation i.e., Engineering plan, Specifications, Test programs, and Test reports
Propose and drive efficiency improvements, risk reduction and business opportunities within the responsibility for the Engineering engagements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the technical engineering field
Structured mindset
Leadership experience
Certification in project management (IPMA or PMI) is valued
Broad technical knowledge
Experience of design and development, project planning, execution of projects
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet or equivalent (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Elektriker som vill jobba med tåg

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 74 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar. Är du vår ... Visa mer
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 74 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya servicetekniker i Västerås?
Har du en teknisk bakgrund gärna erfarenhet inom el och vill bli del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Har du viljan att utvecklas, uppskattar lagarbete och gillar att lösa tekniska utmaningar? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!
Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till Niclas Bålefalk (Production leader) och arbetar tillsammans i en liten grupp med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt

Alstom är ett välkänt företag i transportbranschen där säkerheten alltid kommer först. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande och innefattar avhjälpande och förebyggande underhåll, felsökning, upparbetning och montering.

Som servicetekniker kommer du arbeta med fordonstypen X50-54 Regina där du från ritningar och instruktioner kommer utföra ombyggnader och underhåll av mekaniska och elektriska komponenter av spårburna fordon.

I tjänsten ingår även att:

· Utföra alla förekommande arbeten enligt instruktioner, arbetsorder och gällande generella tekniska bestämmelser.
· Återföra upptäckta fel i ritningsunderlag, konstruktionslösningar och underhållsdokumentation till produktionsledningen.
· Meddela om fysiska brister och felaktiga artiklar till Produktionsledare eller ansvarig för material.
· Medverka vid utformandet av arbetsplats och vid framtagning av produktionsutrustningar och hjälpmedel.
· Hålla sig uppdaterad angående förändringar i instruktioner och föreskrifter underhållsdokumentationen, generella tekniska bestämmelser( GBT) och ledningssystem.
För att bli auktoriserad som servicetekniker behöver våra medarbetare genomgå Alstoms interna utbildningsprogram med godkänt resultat. Denna utbildning genomförs under ordinarie arbetstid och utan kostnad.

Vem är du?
För att lyckas som servicetekniker behöver du ha en stark teknisk kompetens och ett öga för detaljer.
Du behöver vara strukturerad och tycka om att arbeta efter tydliga processer. Vi tror även att du tycker om att jobba mot deadlines för att få ut tågen i tid. Du är bra på att organisera och planera ditt arbete väl.
Vi tror också du är analytisk och tycker om att utföra tekniska felsökningar och hitta lösningar på problem. Vidare är det viktigt du är noggrann och har en hög ansvarskänsla, eftersom arbete som servicetekniker har en direkt påverkan för alla passagerares säkerhet och hälsa. God kommunikationsförmåga och samarbetsförmåga är också viktigt eftersom du arbetar tillsammans med andra tekniker och annan personal på vår depå.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

· Utbildning/erfarenhet eller en stor passion för el, teknik och felsökning
· Erfarenhet eller förståelse för tekniskt arbete inom flyg-, industri- eller fordonbranschen eller likande där reparation och felsökning av mekaniska, elektriska, pneumatiska samt digitala styrsystem tillhört din vardag
· Kunskap av felsökning och förmåga att lösa komplexa problem
· Vi ser gärna att du är van att montera elektriska och mekaniska komponenter efter ritningar och instruktioner.
· Har du goda kunskaper inom el så är det ett stort plus.
· Utbildning i kontaktpressning, momentdragning är meriterande.
· Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
· Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Vi kommer att starta med löpande intervjuer i början av januari 2024. Skicka in din ansökan redan idag. Tjänsten är på dagtid.
Då arbetsuppgifterna är av betydelse för trafiksäkerheten krävs godkänd medicinsk hälsoundersökning innan eventuell anställning kan påbörjas, detta ombesörjer Alstom

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

· Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
· Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
· Bidra till innovativa projekt
· Utvecklas inom företaget
· Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!

Här blir du en del av ett kvalificerat lokalt och internationellt team där vi utvecklas, driver och växer tillsammans. Vår nordiska organisation expanderar snabbt och vår arbetsmiljö är dynamisk och positiv. Vi erbjuder en innovationsorienterad kultur med internationella karriärmöjligheter. Alstom har åtagit sig att skapa en mångsidig arbetsmiljö som speglar framtiden för vår industri, våra kunder och slutanvändare. Som anställd får du en unik möjlighet att fortsätta bygga din karriär och direkt bidra till den växande globala transportbranschen och en grönare hållbar framtid.
Mer info: www.alstom.com Visa mindre

Train system engineer

Alstom Job Listing Template At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the fu... Visa mer
Alstom Job Listing Template
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.
Could you be the full-time Train System Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the mechanical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We are looking for someone with extensive experience in mechanical engineering.

We’ll look to you for:
· Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
· Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
· Design and integration of technical systems
· Sample of tasks to be performed; mechanical drawings, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, Risk assessments, and Verification & Validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
· University degree in the mechanical or mechatronics engineering field
· Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
· Structured mindset
· Communicative
· Fluent in English
· Swedish level C2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
· Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
· Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
· Contribute to innovative projects
· Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
· Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
· Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Embedded System Test Lead - 417766

Ansök    Nov 30    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the Embedded Software Test Lead ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the
Embedded Software Test Lead
in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role: Take on a new challenge and apply your Embedded Software Lead expertise in a new cutting-edge field.

Verification ensures that “you build the product correctly”.

You will take part in building the foundations of Alstom Train Control and Communication platform by leading, organizing, and performing the verification, integration and test activities of developments ranging from software to product and system. Define and lead activities related with Verification, Integration and Testing. Cooperate with the program to complement V&V activities with end-user integration scenarios. Share with Product Architect the V&V strategy defined to deliver a verified and validated product.

We will look to you for:
Define plans and strategies for Verification and Testing
Ensure the application and adherence to the reference processes, methods & tools, requesting deviations whenever appropriate.
Define and agree V&V activity schedule.
Organize and lead documental verification and reviews within the V&V domain.
Manage full Verification of the equipment under test.
Monitor and follow-up execution and reporting of activities delegated to experts in other departments.
Define needs, architecture, and follow-up implementation of testbenches and analysis tools.
Manage the Verification & Test Team to ensure deliverables for the projects.
Ensure independence of verification from design

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Master’s degree in engineering or scientific topics
At least 5 years of experience within Verification, Validation, or Testing of embedded systems.
Foreign language: English, full proficient use
Test scripting and test application using Python and C/C++
Good analytical skill and previous experience in test & integration are required.
Knowledge of at least one of the domains hardware, software, product, or system V&V methodology
Engineering and system background
Experience in a highly complex and normative environment (railway, aerospace, defence, nuclear) would be a major asset.
Structured and organized.
Team player

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges, and a long-term career free from boring daily routines.
Work with newest train control systems
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues.
Contribute to innovative projects.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries.
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Teknikintresserad till tågindustrin

På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 74 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar. Är du vår ... Visa mer
På Alstom förstår vi transportnätverk och vad som rör människor. Från höghastighetståg, tunnelbanor, monorails och spårvagnar, till nyckelfärdiga system, tjänster, infrastruktur, signalering och digital mobilitet, erbjuder vi våra olika kunder den bredaste portföljen i branschen. Varje dag leder 74 000 kollegor vägen till grönare och smartare mobilitet över hela världen och förbinder städer när vi minskar koldioxidutsläppen och ersätter bilar.

Är du vår nya servicetekniker i Västerås?
Har du en teknisk bakgrund gärna erfarenhet inom el och vill bli del av ett globalt världsledande företag? Har du viljan att utvecklas, uppskattar lagarbete och gillar att lösa tekniska utmaningar? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!
Din framtida roll
Du rapporterar till Niclas Bålefalk (Production leader) och arbetar tillsammans i en liten grupp med kompetenta och engagerade kollegor som hjälper dig att komma in i arbetet och teamet på bästa sätt

Alstom är ett välkänt företag i transportbranschen där säkerheten alltid kommer först. Arbetsuppgifterna är varierande och innefattar avhjälpande och förebyggande underhåll, felsökning, upparbetning och montering.

Som servicetekniker kommer du arbeta med fordonstypen X50-54 Regina där du från ritningar och instruktioner kommer utföra ombyggnader och underhåll av mekaniska och elektriska komponenter av spårburna fordon.

I tjänsten ingår även att:

· Utföra alla förekommande arbeten enligt instruktioner, arbetsorder och gällande generella tekniska bestämmelser.
· Återföra upptäckta fel i ritningsunderlag, konstruktionslösningar och underhållsdokumentation till produktionsledningen.
· Meddela om fysiska brister och felaktiga artiklar till Produktionsledare eller ansvarig för material.
· Medverka vid utformandet av arbetsplats och vid framtagning av produktionsutrustningar och hjälpmedel.
· Hålla sig uppdaterad angående förändringar i instruktioner och föreskrifter underhållsdokumentationen, generella tekniska bestämmelser( GBT) och ledningssystem.
För att bli auktoriserad som servicetekniker behöver våra medarbetare genomgå Alstoms interna utbildningsprogram med godkänt resultat. Denna utbildning genomförs under ordinarie arbetstid och utan kostnad.

Vem är du?
För att lyckas som servicetekniker behöver du ha en stark teknisk kompetens och ett öga för detaljer.
Du behöver vara strukturerad och tycka om att arbeta efter tydliga processer. Vi tror även att du tycker om att jobba mot deadlines för att få ut tågen i tid. Du är bra på att organisera och planera ditt arbete väl.
Vi tror också du är analytisk och tycker om att utföra tekniska felsökningar och hitta lösningar på problem. Vidare är det viktigt du är noggrann och har en hög ansvarskänsla, eftersom arbete som servicetekniker har en direkt påverkan för alla passagerares säkerhet och hälsa. God kommunikationsförmåga och samarbetsförmåga är också viktigt eftersom du arbetar tillsammans med andra tekniker och annan personal på vår depå.

För att lyckas i rollen:
Vi värdesätter passion och attityd framför erfarenhet. Det är därför vi inte förväntar oss att du har alla färdigheter. Istället har vi listat några som vi tror kommer hjälpa dig att lyckas och växa i den här rollen:

· Utbildning/erfarenhet eller en stor passion för el, teknik och felsökning
· Erfarenhet eller förståelse för tekniskt arbete inom flyg-, industri- eller fordonbranschen eller likande där reparation och felsökning av mekaniska, elektriska, pneumatiska samt digitala styrsystem tillhört din vardag
· Kunskap av felsökning och förmåga att lösa komplexa problem
· Vi ser gärna att du är van att montera elektriska och mekaniska komponenter efter ritningar och instruktioner.
· Har du goda kunskaper inom el så är det ett stort plus.
· Utbildning i kontaktpressning, momentdragning är meriterande.
· Kännedom om tågbranschen är meriterande
· Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Vi kommer att starta med löpande intervjuer i början av januari 2024. Skicka in din ansökan redan idag. Tjänsten är på dagtid.
Då arbetsuppgifterna är av betydelse för trafiksäkerheten krävs godkänd medicinsk hälsoundersökning innan eventuell anställning kan påbörjas, detta ombesörjer Alstom

Sånt du kommer att gilla
Följ med oss på en livslång transformativ resa - järnvägsindustrin är här för att stanna, så att du kan växa och utveckla nya färdigheter och erfarenheter under hela din karriär.

· Njut av stabilitet, utmaningar och en långsiktig karriär fri från tråkiga dagliga rutiner
· Samarbeta med tvärgående team och hjälpsamma kollegor
· Bidra till innovativa projekt
· Utvecklas inom företaget
· Dra nytta av vår investering i din utveckling genom prisbelönt lärande

Du behöver inte vara en tågentusiast för att trivas hos oss. Vi garanterar att när du kliver på ett av våra tåg med dina vänner eller familj kommer du att vara stolt. Om du är redo för utmaningen vill vi gärna höra från dig!

Här blir du en del av ett kvalificerat lokalt och internationellt team där vi utvecklas, driver och växer tillsammans. Vår nordiska organisation expanderar snabbt och vår arbetsmiljö är dynamisk och positiv. Vi erbjuder en innovationsorienterad kultur med internationella karriärmöjligheter. Alstom har åtagit sig att skapa en mångsidig arbetsmiljö som speglar framtiden för vår industri, våra kunder och slutanvändare. Som anställd får du en unik möjlighet att fortsätta bygga din karriär och direkt bidra till den växande globala transportbranschen och en grönare hållbar framtid.
Mer info: www.alstom.com Visa mindre

Validation Engineer for Embedded Systems - 415374

Ansök    Nov 30    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the Validation Engineer for Embe... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the
Validation Engineer for Embedded systems
in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Validation engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field.

Our Definition of Validation and your Mission:
Validation ensures that “you built the correct product”.

Validation is a process of analysis followed by a judgment based on evidence to determine whether a work product, e.g., product, software, hardware, or application, fulfils its requirements and is fit for the intended operation in accordance with its purpose and its intended environment.

We will look to you for:
Define the Program Verification and Validation strategy in the V&V Plan, to ensure proper coverage and demonstration that design requirements and intended use cases are met. Collect the contributions of all involved stakeholders.
Ensure the application and adherence to the reference processes, methods & tools, requesting deviations whenever appropriate.
Define and agree V&V activity schedule.
Organize and lead documental verification and reviews within the V&V domain.
Manage full validation of the equipment under test.
Manage functionally the Program Verification & Validation Team and ensure/control their deliverables for the project.
Ensure independence of verification and validation from design

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Master’s degree in engineering or scientific topics
At least 5 years in relevant positions
Foreign language: English, full proficient use
Good analytical skill and previous experience in test & integration are required. In alternative, you will have an experience in system. engineering or Safety Assurance
Knowledge of at least one Alstoms domain (hardware, software, product, system) V&V methodology
Engineering and system background
Experience in a highly complex and normative environment (railway, aerospace, defence, nuclear) would be a major asset.
Structured and organized.
Team player

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges, and a long-term career free from boring daily routines.
Work with newest train control systems
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues.
Contribute to innovative projects.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries.
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Industrialization Engineer

Ansök    Nov 24    Alstom Transport AB    Skadetekniker
Req ID: 438212 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the ... Visa mer
Req ID: 438212

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Industrialization Engineer in Västerås? we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrialization expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager in Västerås) and work alongside teammates.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business such as production team, engineering, quality and operator to make sure we perform our work in most effective ways and with a clear instruction.
You will be part of a dedicated team that restores vehicles to their original condition. You will work closely together with the International Welding Specialist and the main focus will be on repairing collision damage and warranty damage with precision and skill. Perform accurate and detailed damage calculations.
We look for you who has an engineering background and use to plan and lead validation activities. Or we think you have experience from crash repairs and a background in the production industry.
Independently on where you are in your career, we are flexible and can find a place for both inexperienced and experienced resources.

We’ll look to you for:
Leading the planning and industrialization responsibilities at site.
Preparation of upcoming work in terms of instructions, materials, tools, contractors, and such.
Provide up to date information on fleet status to internal and external customers.
Plan and lead maintenance validation activities.
Defining and pushing for a standard way of working.
Owning the tool calibration process.
Support the BID process for new crash repairs
Good knowledge in reading drawings

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN Engineering or a technical background from the production industry. Or experience that the employer deems to be equivalent
Experience or understanding of railway industry
Knowledge of technical experience of methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
Familiarity with ERP-systems and master data crunching (such as SAP, Maximo, Baan, Trainmate)
Fluent in English and Swedish.

It is advantageous if you :
Have experience of independent work as a damage repairer
Have experience in damage inspections to assess the extent of the damage and repair work
Have worked with sheet metal and welding
Have experience from trains or heavy vehicles, which is then an advantage.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you! Visa mindre

Technical Project Manager

Req ID: 440844 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Proj... Visa mer
Req ID: 440844
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Project Engineering Manager (PrEM) in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.

You'll contribute by leading the Engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the Engineering design in customer projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.

We’ll look to you for:
Lead the scope of work for Engineering in bids and customer contracts
The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, budget and forecast follow-up, planning of engineering activities, status reporting, design reviews, safety reviews, concept designs, requirements management, technical investigations, Verification & Validation activities
Secure that the Engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
Represent Engineering in customer and supplier interaction
Lead and write technical and project specific documentation i.e., Engineering plan, Specifications, Test programs, and Test reports
Propose and drive efficiency improvements, risk reduction and business opportunities within the responsibility for the Engineering engagements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the technical engineering field
Structured mindset
Leadership experience
Certification in project management (IPMA or PMI) is valued
Broad technical knowledge
Experience of design and development, project planning, execution of projects
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet or equivalent (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Technical Project Manager

Req ID: 440844 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Proj... Visa mer
Req ID: 440844
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Project Engineering Manager (PrEM) in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.

You'll contribute by leading the Engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of leading the Engineering design in customer projects, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.

We’ll look to you for:
Lead the scope of work for Engineering in bids and customer contracts
The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, budget and forecast follow-up, planning of engineering activities, status reporting, design reviews, safety reviews, concept designs, requirements management, technical investigations, Verification & Validation activities
Secure that the Engineering activities follows applicable Engineering processes
Represent Engineering in customer and supplier interaction
Lead and write technical and project specific documentation i.e., Engineering plan, Specifications, Test programs, and Test reports
Propose and drive efficiency improvements, risk reduction and business opportunities within the responsibility for the Engineering engagements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the technical engineering field
Structured mindset
Leadership experience
Certification in project management (IPMA or PMI) is valued
Broad technical knowledge
Experience of design and development, project planning, execution of projects
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet or equivalent (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Industrialization Engineer

Req ID: 438212 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the ... Visa mer
Req ID: 438212

At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, more than 80 000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Industrialization Engineer in Västerås? we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your industrialization expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Magnus Backlund (Industrialization Manager in Västerås) and work alongside teammates.
Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business such as production team, engineering, quality and operator to make sure we perform our work in most effective ways and with a clear instruction.
You will be part of a dedicated team that restores vehicles to their original condition. You will work closely together with the International Welding Specialist and the main focus will be on repairing collision damage and warranty damage with precision and skill. Perform accurate and detailed damage calculations.
We look for you who has an engineering background and use to plan and lead validation activities. Or we think you have experience from crash repairs and a background in the production industry.
Independently on where you are in your career, we are flexible and can find a place for both inexperienced and experienced resources.

We’ll look to you for:
Leading the planning and industrialization responsibilities at site.
Preparation of upcoming work in terms of instructions, materials, tools, contractors, and such.
Provide up to date information on fleet status to internal and external customers.
Plan and lead maintenance validation activities.
Defining and pushing for a standard way of working.
Owning the tool calibration process.
Support the BID process for new crash repairs
Good knowledge in reading drawings

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN Engineering or a technical background from the production industry. Or experience that the employer deems to be equivalent
Experience or understanding of railway industry
Knowledge of technical experience of methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, line balancing, Lean Manufacturing, Tooling design, Poke-Yoke methodology and Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
Familiarity with ERP-systems and master data crunching (such as SAP, Maximo, Baan, Trainmate)
Fluent in English and Swedish.

It is advantageous if you :
Have experience of independent work as a damage repairer
Have experience in damage inspections to assess the extent of the damage and repair work
Have worked with sheet metal and welding
Have experience from trains or heavy vehicles, which is then an advantage.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you! Visa mindre

Manufacturing Engineering Engineer - 440264

Ansök    Nov 22    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail, and trams to integrated systems, customized services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where more than 70,000 people lead the wa... Visa mer
Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail, and trams to integrated systems, customized services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where more than 70,000 people lead the way to greener and smarter mobility, worldwide .

Could you be our new Manufacturing Engineering Engineer based in Västerås, Sweden?

Your future role
Get onboard and apply your application expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Niclas Andersson (Manufacturing Engineering Manager) and work alongside passionate, motivated and dedicated teammates.
You'll be responsible for improving the product manufacturability and achieve QCD target.

We’ll look to you:
Lead activities related to Industrialization
Lead Transfer projects
Bring ideas to the team to guide product definition
Participate to the product design reviews when required.
Estimate Method Time.
Participate and lead FMEA (Failure Mode of Effect Analysis).
Participate to validation of prototypes.
Request equipment when needed and write requirement specifications to suppliers.
Perform ERP routings and work / test instructions
Participate in the network for Special Processes

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Engineering degree or similar
3-5 years of experience in the domain. Experience of Project Management is desirable.
Knowledge of fundamental theories, principles and concepts related to mechanical or electrical manufacturing and assembly
Fluent in English. Knowledge in Swedish is a desirable.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our activity-based working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Traction Sub-System Skill Leader - 439315

Ansök    Nov 10    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail, and trams to integrated systems, customized services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where more than 70,000 people lead the wa... Visa mer
Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail, and trams to integrated systems, customized services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where more than 70,000 people lead the way to greener and smarter mobility, worldwide

Could you be our new Traction Sub-System Skill Leader based in Västerås, Sweden?

Your future role
Get onboard and apply your application expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Natalie Åsbrink (Traction Sub-System Team Manager) and work alongside passionate, motivated and dedicated teammates.
You'll be responsible for the methodology and the technical development of engineering community. The skill leader is ensuring the respect of the application of the best practice and the training/support to be at the requested level of competencies

We’ll look to you:
To define best practices in his domain and to spread them in the engineering community
To create, update and deploy the knowledge guidelines, the tools and the templates of deliverables
To create and update the template of the design review check-list
To chair the design reviews in his domain
To approve the technical solutions by participating to the system design review
To define and monitor the evolution of standards and regulation impacting his domain
To insure the technical quality of the deliverables produced by the engineers of the domain by reviewing and signing those deliverables

Part of the job also includes validation activities:
Check that requirements (safety related as well as non-safety related) has been satisfied, validating traceability between requirement and respective evidence, in order to demonstrate that the system meet the specific requirements for which it was designed. This includes participation in performing lab and/or field testing. Validator could add any test or analysis if he/she considers is necessary.
Check that Safety evidences are consistent with required safety integrity level and correctly identified & controlled.
Participate in Hazard analysis and risk evaluation.
Check Verification Process has produced all outputs explained in the Verification Plan
Generate the Validation Report compiling all the evidences found and concluding the validity of the project for the intended use.

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Engineering degree
5-10 years of experience in the domain
Experience in railway signaling and RAMS&Validation;.
Specialized or cross-functional knowledge / relevant experience - Company main procedures (or similar from other companies).
Fluent in English

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our activity-based working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognizes your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Train System Engineer - 420493

420493 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Train System... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Train System Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role

Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the mechanical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We look for you who is in the beginning of your career, or you who have many years of experience. independently on where you are in your career, we are flexible and can find a place for both inexperienced and experienced resources.
We’ll look to you for:
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
Design and integration of technical systems
Sample of tasks to be performed; mechanical drawings, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, Risk assessments, and Verification & Validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the mechanical or mechatronics engineering field
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

PI Industrial engineering leader in Västerås

Req: 435497 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. At Alstom, we understand transport n... Visa mer
Req: 435497
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time PI Industrial engineering leader in Stockholm, Västerås or Göteborg we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Florian Grouset (Product Introduction Manager Nordics), and work alongside depot managers and warranty teams, industrial central team and teammates from services industrial network.

You'll deploy the industrialization processes and standards within PI sites. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business, give support to tenders and depots across the nordics.
You’ll specifically take care of participate in industrializing the execution of the field modifications on all the Alstom to optimise the project costs. , but also identify internal training needs and perform MoB (Make or Buy) analysis. Help developing & implementing training.

We’ll look to you for:
Manage Tools, Industrialisation & Industrial data management for PI implementation team
Manage and improve the industrial performance of the projects by deploying lean tools and culture.
Supervise the teams to address all project needs in terms of industrial engineering
Ensure proper execution of industrial strategy in the operation
Give technical support to operations.
Share & implement best practices with industrial network.
Develop industrial population skills to fulfill project industrial requirements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN engineering or a technical background
Experience or understanding of leadership in either a maintenance or production environment
Technical experience of Methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, Lean Manufacturing
Knowledge of quality and health & safety standards and systems and working with an ERP (such as SAP) for Bill of Materials, Routings, Configuration follow-up
Familiarity with the railway industry
Ability to read and understand schematics and drawings
Fluent in English and preferably in Swedish

As a person, we believe you:
Can work under pressure, you deal with stress in a constructive way. We think you maintain your good humour despite pressure and setbacks.
Are cooperation -orientated, adapts and finds win-win solutions by being a teamplayer and focusing on common goals.
Are structured, works according to a clear process, oganises and plans you work well. You finishes what has been started and keeps to deadlines.
Have strong communication skills

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with industrial performance of the projects by deploying lean tools and culture
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Experience our Agile and Responsible working values
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards industrialisation management or higher management role within PI organisation (customer site manager, project product introduction manager)
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Train System Engineer - 420493

420493 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Train System... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Train System Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role

Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the mechanical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We look for you who is in the beginning of your career, or you who have many years of experience. independently on where you are in your career, we are flexible and can find a place for both inexperienced and experienced resources.
We’ll look to you for:
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
Design and integration of technical systems
Sample of tasks to be performed; mechanical drawings, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, Risk assessments, and Verification & Validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the mechanical or mechatronics engineering field
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Program Development Manager - 427143

Ansök    Okt 30    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the Program Development Manager ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the
Program Development Manager
in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Program Development expertise in a new cutting-edge field.

The Train Control & Communication Platform team is part of Alstom internal development and supplier organization for control and communication system products for railway vehicle control. The organization is global with sites in Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, France, and India. The team in Västerås is responsible for computers legacy control and communication products as well as new, input and output products, and human machine interface products. We are now investing in new products with increased performance, cyber security protection and increased functionality.

As Program Development Manager you shall mange the work packages within the Program. You will coordinate high level planning, stakeholders, and resources. You will also lead the Program development activities as well as sprint planning. You will support the Program Manager and the team with agile methodology.

We will look to you for:
Apply process, standards, methods, and tools
Organize the program development process and its continuous improvement
Lead the program development activities
To be the program’s interface on technical matters
Management of the program baseline and its configuration items
Support the Program Manager for cost and planning management
Validate material selection and procurement activities together with the Program Manager
Promote the Alstom Code of Ethics and adherence to the highest standards of ethical conduct
Performance measurements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Master’s Degree in System Engineering or similar
Previous working experience in planning agile product development process
Certified in Agile or Scrum Master is appreciated
Experience in development of embedded software and hardware
Proven experience with Linux for embedded systems
It would be highly appreciated if you have knowledge and or experience of industrial or railway safety standards (IEC61508/EN50128/EN60567/EN50129)
Knowledge about cyber security standards is a plus
Desired competencies: planning, communication, team leadership, teamwork, problem solving, initiative
Fluent in English

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges, and a long-term career free from boring daily routines.
Work with newest train control systems
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Train System Engineer - 420493

420493 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Train System... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Train System Engineer in Västerås we’re looking for?
Your future role

Take on a new challenge and apply your system engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Lars Devero (ALM Engineering Manager Nordics, located in Västerås), and work alongside collaborative and humble teammates.
You'll contribute by making mechanical engineering design and integration in the majority of the rail vehicles running in the Nordics. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business (all the way from bid management to production and verification of technical systems on the rail vehicle), technical investigations and much more.
You’ll specifically take care of the mechanical Engineering design and integration of technical systems, but also grow in areas which you are interested in and suit the company needs.
We look for you who is in the beginning of your career, or you who have many years of experience. independently on where you are in your career, we are flexible and can find a place for both inexperienced and experienced resources.
We’ll look to you for:
Work in Bids and projects in the area of rail vehicles
Perform mechanical engineering design (from concept to finalized design)
Design and integration of technical systems
Sample of tasks to be performed; mechanical drawings, integration design, BOM (bill of material), technical investigations, requirements management, Risk assessments, and Verification & Validation activities

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
University degree in the mechanical or mechatronics engineering field
Experience or understanding of 3D CAD design (Solidworks, Catia V5 or equivalent)
Structured mindset
Fluent in English
Swedish level B2 according to Folkuniversitetet (see further below)

Most of our customers are Swedish and part of the engineering work is to both talk to customers and different functions within Altom. Being able to communicate in Swedish will be required to be fully operational in the role, thus. However, Your Swedish does not need to be fluent today, but to cope with the role you need to have come a long way. You need to be willing to continue developing your Swedish. See further information at www.folkuniversitetet.se/mer-om-sprak/vilken-niva-ska-jag-valja/.

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career, free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful and humble colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Project Manager

Ansök    Okt 23    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Project Manager in Vä... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.
Could you be the full-time Project Manager in Västerås, Sweden we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Anders Viring (Site Tenders & Projects Director), and work alongside passionate, motivated and dedicated teammates.

We’ll look to you for:
Contribute to successful project execution on allocated sub-system scope of work
Apply project strategy according to defined contractual and project commitments and targets
Lead and coordinate sub-system activities and stakeholders from requirement analysis to the end of project contractual obligations
Achieve QCDP objectives of its sub-system
Coordinate and synchronize sub-system activities with other sub-Systems and project teams
Actively contribute to the resolution of overarching optimizations or issues
Manage interface with project-level team members & project office
Manage interface with train-level teams (in charge or architecture and integration)

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:

5 years’ experience as manager of an operational scope
Engineering Master’s degree and/or Business School
Experience of working in and with multi-national companies and in different business cultures
Knowledge of Project management processes
Capacity to coordinate and ensure collaboration of multi-site teams
English and Swedish business fluent

You have experience in the field of railway
IPMA level C (or equivalent)

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with products that after being developed are used by other Alstom teams around the world and generate major cost savings in customer projects.
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our hybrid working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone.
Apply now Visa mindre

Validation Engineer for Embedded Systems - 415374

Ansök    Okt 30    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the Validation Engineer for Embe... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the
Validation Engineer for Embedded systems
in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your Validation engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field.

Our Definition of Validation and your Mission:
Validation ensures that “you built the correct product”.

Validation is a process of analysis followed by a judgment based on evidence to determine whether a work product, e.g., product, software, hardware, or application, fulfils its requirements and is fit for the intended operation in accordance with its purpose and its intended environment.

We will look to you for:
Define the Program Verification and Validation strategy in the V&V Plan, to ensure proper coverage and demonstration that design requirements and intended use cases are met. Collect the contributions of all involved stakeholders.
Ensure the application and adherence to the reference processes, methods & tools, requesting deviations whenever appropriate.
Define and agree V&V activity schedule.
Organize and lead documental verification and reviews within the V&V domain.
Manage full validation of the equipment under test.
Manage functionally the Program Verification & Validation Team and ensure/control their deliverables for the project.
Ensure independence of verification and validation from design

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Master’s degree in engineering or scientific topics
At least 5 years in relevant positions
Foreign language: English, full proficient use
Good analytical skill and previous experience in test & integration are required. In alternative, you will have an experience in system. engineering or Safety Assurance
Knowledge of at least one Alstoms domain (hardware, software, product, system) V&V methodology
Engineering and system background
Experience in a highly complex and normative environment (railway, aerospace, defence, nuclear) would be a major asset.
Structured and organized.
Team player

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges, and a long-term career free from boring daily routines.
Work with newest train control systems
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues.
Contribute to innovative projects.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries.
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Embedded System Test Lead - 417766

Ansök    Okt 30    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the Embedded Software Test Lead ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 75,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the
Embedded Software Test Lead
in Västerås we’re looking for?

Your future role: Take on a new challenge and apply your Embedded Software Lead expertise in a new cutting-edge field.

Verification ensures that “you build the product correctly”.

You will take part in building the foundations of Alstom Train Control and Communication platform by leading, organizing, and performing the verification, integration and test activities of developments ranging from software to product and system. Define and lead activities related with Verification, Integration and Testing. Cooperate with the program to complement V&V activities with end-user integration scenarios. Share with Product Architect the V&V strategy defined to deliver a verified and validated product.

We will look to you for:
Define plans and strategies for Verification and Testing
Ensure the application and adherence to the reference processes, methods & tools, requesting deviations whenever appropriate.
Define and agree V&V activity schedule.
Organize and lead documental verification and reviews within the V&V domain.
Manage full Verification of the equipment under test.
Monitor and follow-up execution and reporting of activities delegated to experts in other departments.
Define needs, architecture, and follow-up implementation of testbenches and analysis tools.
Manage the Verification & Test Team to ensure deliverables for the projects.
Ensure independence of verification from design

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Master’s degree in engineering or scientific topics
At least 5 years of experience within Verification, Validation, or Testing of embedded systems.
Foreign language: English, full proficient use
Test scripting and test application using Python and C/C++
Good analytical skill and previous experience in test & integration are required.
Knowledge of at least one of the domains hardware, software, product, or system V&V methodology
Engineering and system background
Experience in a highly complex and normative environment (railway, aerospace, defence, nuclear) would be a major asset.
Structured and organized.
Team player

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges, and a long-term career free from boring daily routines.
Work with newest train control systems
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues.
Contribute to innovative projects.
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries.
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential.

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

Pneumatic Engineer - 422728

Ansök    Okt 19    Alstom Transport AB    Transportingenjör
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. Could you be the full-time Pneumatic Engineer ... Visa mer
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time Pneumatic Engineer we’re looking for?

Your future role

Take on a new challenge and apply your engineering expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Stefan Sandin (Director Brakes in Västerås), and work alongside passionate, motivated and dedicated teammates.

As Pneumatic Engineer, you will be part of the team managing the whole pneumatic scope of the Brake System division located in Västerås, Sweden. This newly created division aims to capitalize Alstom know-how on brakes and to define brake products for its rolling stock applications. The Brakes System Department innovates and defines the brakes of the future, foster cooperation between customers, suppliers, and academics. Its scope includes product & industrial strategy, offer & contract execution, product safety, reliability improvement, and return of experience.

We’ll look to you for:

Calculate the constraints related to the pneumatic components of the brake system to fulfil all customer and normative requirements
Specify or select the pneumatic components of the brake system
Follow-up technically the suppliers of pneumatic components up to technical qualification
Define the constraints related to pneumatic components to be taken into account by the brake control electronics (reaction time, etc.)
Contribute to the validation of the brake system

All about you

We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
Engineering degree in mechanics
5-year experience in pneumatics for the railway industry
Rigor, autonomy and team working
Fluent in English
Swedish is an advantage but not a requirement
Regular travels in Europe and abroad

Things you’ll enjoy

Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Utilise our activity-based working environment
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension).

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre

PI Industrial engineering leader in Västerås

Req: 435497 At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. At Alstom, we understand transport n... Visa mer
Req: 435497
At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars. At Alstom, we understand transport networks and what moves people. From high-speed trains, metros, monorails, and trams, to turnkey systems, services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility, we offer our diverse customers the broadest portfolio in the industry. Every day, 74,000 colleagues lead the way to greener and smarter mobility worldwide, connecting cities as we reduce carbon and replace cars.

Could you be the full-time PI Industrial engineering leader in Stockholm, Västerås or Göteborg we’re looking for?

Your future role
Take on a new challenge and apply your manager expertise in a new cutting-edge field. You’ll report to Florian Grouset (Product Introduction Manager Nordics), and work alongside depot managers and warranty teams, industrial central team and teammates from services industrial network.

You'll deploy the industrialization processes and standards within PI sites. Day-to-day, you’ll work closely with teams across the business, give support to tenders and depots across the nordics.
You’ll specifically take care of participate in industrializing the execution of the field modifications on all the Alstom to optimise the project costs. , but also identify internal training needs and perform MoB (Make or Buy) analysis. Help developing & implementing training.

We’ll look to you for:
Manage Tools, Industrialisation & Industrial data management for PI implementation team
Manage and improve the industrial performance of the projects by deploying lean tools and culture.
Supervise the teams to address all project needs in terms of industrial engineering
Ensure proper execution of industrial strategy in the operation
Give technical support to operations.
Share & implement best practices with industrial network.
Develop industrial population skills to fulfill project industrial requirements

All about you
We value passion and attitude over experience. That’s why we don’t expect you to have every single skill. Instead, we’ve listed some that we think will help you succeed and grow in this role:
DEGREE OR PASSION IN engineering or a technical background
Experience or understanding of leadership in either a maintenance or production environment
Technical experience of Methods Engineering, writing and improving manufacturing and/or maintenance work instructions, Lean Manufacturing
Knowledge of quality and health & safety standards and systems and working with an ERP (such as SAP) for Bill of Materials, Routings, Configuration follow-up
Familiarity with the railway industry
Ability to read and understand schematics and drawings
Fluent in English and preferably in Swedish

As a person, we believe you:
Can work under pressure, you deal with stress in a constructive way. We think you maintain your good humour despite pressure and setbacks.
Are cooperation -orientated, adapts and finds win-win solutions by being a teamplayer and focusing on common goals.
Are structured, works according to a clear process, oganises and plans you work well. You finishes what has been started and keeps to deadlines.
Have strong communication skills

Things you’ll enjoy
Join us on a life-long transformative journey – the rail industry is here to stay, so you can grow and develop new skills and experiences throughout your career. You’ll also:
Enjoy stability, challenges and a long-term career free from boring daily routines
Work with industrial performance of the projects by deploying lean tools and culture
Collaborate with transverse teams and helpful colleagues
Contribute to innovative projects
Experience our Agile and Responsible working values
Steer your career in whatever direction you choose across functions and countries
Benefit from our investment in your development, through award-winning learning
Progress towards industrialisation management or higher management role within PI organisation (customer site manager, project product introduction manager)
Benefit from a fair and dynamic reward package that recognises your performance and potential, plus comprehensive and competitive social coverage (life, medical, pension)

You don’t need to be a train enthusiast to thrive with us. We guarantee that when you step onto one of our trains with your friends or family, you’ll be proud. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d love to hear from you!

Important to note
As a global business, we’re an equal-opportunity employer that celebrates diversity across the 70+ countries we operate in. We’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. Visa mindre